
Would You Have Jose At The Lane?

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Good morning.

Jose Mourinho then. Duncan Castles in the National is said to have a decent relationship with The Special One. Dunc believes that we’re in for Jose.

Well let’s look at this and try and weigh up the likely hood of it happening. First up the situation of both he and Arry as they stand.

Arry is obviously knee deep in a tax evasion case, but that ends very shortly. I say ends, if he lands a custodial sentence then his time at Spurs is over. Who will step in? Well ask yourself why David Pleat was recently brought back into the fold. 

Should he swerve bird, then the next hurdle is that of the England job of which Arry is known to bee keen upon accepting should it be offered to him. Overshadowing all of this is that Tottenham have a contract with Redschnapps with nearly 18 months left to run on it.

Jose seems to have been bleating about something or other for a hell of a long time. There’s always been an element in his confessions to the press of keeping his name in the hat. Making sure nobody forgets about him. But who would blame him? Football managers can go out of favour in what seems like a heartbeat; in such a volatile market you’d be a fool to ever stop working the brand.

So would you take Jose? The pros are obvious, his pedigree is insanely good. Crucially he knows the Premiership. And unlike characters like Sluralix,  he has traveled and achieved wave after wave of success wherever he went opposed to have ever really benefited from the ‘building’ process.

The negatives could therefore be potentially easy to gloss over. He needs money. And not just salary. He doesn’t do cruddy Steven Pienaar deals. He ships in nailed on talent that costs real money to not only augment the existing side but ensure that his strategies are implemented to their full effect. So where would this money come from?

Levy & Co, unlike too many fans won’t wet their pants and start signing off monster cheques just because Jose asks them too. There is a business model at the heart of the ENIC success and that will not be ‘expanded’ until we move into a new stadium.

Wee votey McVote 

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  • mr.james says:

    I reckon he would improve chances of Moderately-ri? and The Boy Bale staying for longer, so yes. Only if Harry doesn’t stay.

  • NN says:

    I should think all of the negatives mentioned would be carefully ironed out before he’d be installed – from both his and our perspective.

    I think he’ll be more interested in a longer term project where his family can settle. We’ll need to compete every year, like we are this year and on average a pot every other year or so will give him legendary status and we have the infrastructure to achieve that now in my view – let alone when we have the new stadium.

    Red nose is going nowhere soon, Mankini is doing fine, The Woolwich Wanderers will never sack Arse & Whinger, the Abramovich ego will prevent a return to Ch£l$ki and whilst King Kenny will step aside, we are head and shoulders the better prospect and are in London. Redders will get off what is evidently a bum rap (an off shore account – which is plainly necessary if the payment was personal as the defence say it was – and an off the record conversation with a scum bag Journo? If that is enough ‘evidence’ to bring a prosecution then God help us all) and he’ll be installed as the next England manager.

    Nailed on. Get him in.

  • davspurs'dealer says:

    We can park the bus again, he likes that as I seem to recall. Off out to make a snow-girlfriend.

  • Sid Trotter says:

    I would rather be the manager – then we’d see the blue cheese walk through the middle of the park, play a swerve ball to the can of soup, before knocking it past the small fish called brian for Jiffy to finish – sublime. Its all about the glory

    • Billy Legit says:

      C’mon Sid, blue cheese?!?!……..are you serious?

      Mini Babybell, surely?

      • Essexian76 says:

        I’ve been on the Sid Trotter diet courtesy of Aldi’s unmarked and dented can selection. I have to tell you, I’ve lost three time zones and my short term memory!

        • Billy Legit says:

          Aldi?…….far too pricey and upmarket for me.

          For the best selection of unmarked and dented cans on the market there’s only one place to go……..the mighty LIDL ;-)

        • Essexian76 says:

          Farmfoods surely, but I’m not quite that poor, however my ticket renewal isn’t due yet-so I’ll give Lidl’s a go, or there’s always Captain Scott’s 1910 selection, a bit rusty but the proof’s in the pudding, it’s finding the bloody pudding that’s the mystery! :whistle:

        • Sid Trotter says:

          You can always shop at: “My Shoes wear fur for Fun” and “I have a small bikini for your pleasure” admittedly both shops can only be found in cricklewood but well worth the petrol money

          They put in a dent in my cans

        • Essexian76 says:

          Surely there’s a gap in the market for small furry bikini’s in Essex, save’s fuel-just a thought? Sorry got to got go as I’m peeling off labels and denting tins as we speak, damn-this Winalots a tasty treat!

  • Bruxie says:

    Brian Clough always said he would have loved to have taken over at Hartlepool – then in the old fourth division – and to have taken them to european glory.

    I think there is something in everyone to do something similar. Jose may well want a challenge, too. But realistically he isn’t going to choose anyone outside of the PL.

    We are not top draw spenders but have a pretty good squad. With a few additions we could get to the next level and pay a bit more in wages to retain the best players. A bit of investment is so necessary…and I’d look to Joe Lewis and Enic for that.

    There was talk that AEG were interested in us. Is that true?

    Rather than transfers, I see wages as the big issue. Pay the going rate – ok not Citeh style – and Jose may see that as an opportunity.

    My sneeking suspicion is though that his next move will merely be a “holding pattern” until the Manure job is vacated.

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