
¶°?‰*ing Strongled

Image for ¶°?‰*ing  Strongled

Good evening and welcome the Half Tenner. 

No fun. A fun free experience. We’ve  gone 4th. Admission to The Lane was probably worth about a fiver. I will be fascinated to hear the Arry Redschnapps apologistas bravado and bluster their way out of this one. Bottom line is the ‘in Arry We Trust’ mob called it wrong.

The theme of the season and specifically since the Court case has been the absentee landlord approach adopted by our evidently clueless forward slash Yes Men forward slash coaches that infest our club’s payroll.

I take no pleasure in repeating myself – although my spoken word is an aural delight to be savoured – what’s the story with our set pieces? Look I know we crumple and buckle like a paper mache bicycle wheel when other people take them against us, but what about when we’re supposedly in the old driving seat?

Mind the gap? Easily done. Don’t shine that ear torch you palmed from your GP in Arry’s shell like. Redschnapps out, Ian Dowie in and let’s at least give our talented squad some instruction. 

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  • Clive says:

    Seriously. Kranks out right???? Keep hearing from the pro Harry for England about right players in right positions. When has anyone see kranks play well out right ffs. Let him go now!!!!

  • Razspur says:

    Total Shite,inept,sick as a parrot,Challengers for the Title,punching above our weight,un-fu**ing-believable. Bacardi & Coke will take a hammering tonight.

  • A_Felching says:

    Arsenal deserve 3rd, good luck to them. They wanted it more and have a manager who does not believe his own hype

  • STUBS says:

    The two combining factors for me have been the Harry to Engerland headlines and a complete shambles of a January window.

    Harry should have done the right thing and kept lips sealed until he was given a formal offer for the England job. The man is complete whore when it comes to the media, gushing over the adulation from his peers and journo buddies. A respectful coach would never have disrespected his employer like he has. This has had a massive impact on the players – whether this is an excuse or not is beside the point however we all know players are really sensitive children that need a comfort blanket if things are getting scary.

    The January window we should have strenghtened a weak defence and a limp strike force. They were two evident areas closing in on the Xmas period that needed strenghening. We got cast offs from Blackburn and Everton.

  • Smog says:

    Saha and Nelsen, free transfer’s from the PL equivalent of Primark.

    Act like a small club and then get your just desserts.

    The time to show ambition was the last 4 windows, we have blown it every time. We’d have had P. Neville as well if ‘arry had his way

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