
Analysis & Rapid Fire Ratings

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Good morning?

It’s a funny state of affairs that some believe it’s not ‘right’ to consider replacing Arry Resdschnapps when he himself has announced he’s considering replacing us. 

Another loss then. Another week of our advantages gained being slowly eroded and we need to explore why. The obvious answer is that we played two top top teams. But the game against Arsenal was joke shop of a game. Had the incredible fortune to score 2 iffy goals in swift succession then conceded 5.

Against Manchester United we actually played well for a long time. Lots of possession. Lots of looking every bit like a home side. We couldn’t get past their midfield, but we were doing a good impression of a mob that were in control.

But possession doesn’t win prizes. 

In both games our manager was found to be tactically out of his depth. Arsenal were greater than the sum of their parts quite simply because the disciplined manner that they played. Van Persie is one of their best players and so they fed him. Bale is one of our best players and we let him go AWOL, living’ his agent’s wet dream.

Ans then against United we replaced Bale with …wait for it, Modric. Our most creative player, most likely to supply the front men player and we stuck him on the wing. 

You know, I would have played Krankie on the wing yesterday or even Rose. The latter’s pretty gormless, but he could have done a job without having to greater a negative impact on our overall shape.

Up front, Adebayor and Saha couldn’t score. Frequently outnumbered and with Modric out wide their supply routes were limited. Defoe should have come on far far sooner.

Defensively we were laughable. Two naff games in a row for a Ledley King who is looking increasing shot to pieces. The last 180 minutes have hurt him and it’s killing us. The Midas touch he had is now working in reverse and where once his presence was infectious, now his vulnerability is seeping into the entire back line.

So what is the answer? Well if Arry isn’t being distracted by his showbiz career then I’m a monkey’s uncle. His Court case naturally overshadowed his managerial efforts. He could well have gone to prison, you know. But who’s fault was that? I didn’t open an account in Monaco and move money about in his name. Nor did any of you. If he conducted his financial affairs like a normal human being opposed to some cartoon character on the run from the mafia this wouldn’t have happened.

Then this England business. Not only do we get lucky that Arry announces he’d like the job but we hit the jackpot as Fabio gets the bullet not a week afterwards.

Since then, the FA have lived up to their reputation and done sod all in slow motion. The press have asked Arry on the hour about the position and on the hour he’s provided blushing quote after blushing quote. He’d play Theo Walnutt, he’d bring Scholesy in.

Of course, it would be vicious and vile of me to ask him what his strategy is for Tottenham against Stevenage. He’s the best manager since Burkinshaw, you know.

We’ve a cracking squad but the man in charge isn’t entirely focused on the job and it’s showing.

5.089 Immobile? 

5. 090 Weak. 

5.777 Knackered.

6.567 Not awful.

6. 566 Not dreadful.

7.802 Possibly his best game in the shirt to date.

7.454 Took the sting out of Scholes.

7.454 Could have been so important, but was stuck on the wing.

7.563 Inspiring stuff.

6.997 Looked damn hungry, then faded.

6.893 Woeful first touch.

8.001 Deployed far too late.

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  • jim says:

    think we need to keep some perspective.
    We are neither as good as people were saying 3 weeks ago, nor are we as bad as we make out now. We always knew these fixtures would be our toughest spell of the season and it has proved to be so. ( apart from the fantasy fans who really actually thought we were in the title race, will they never learn? )

    Yes the arsenal performance was terrible but it was one game. Yesterday we were much better considering our injuries but as people have pointed out we can play brilliantly against man u and we lose. Its just the law.

    Its also unfortunate that these two games have come in a period when arsenal have sold there soul for lucky last minute wins at Sunderland and Liverpool. So our lead is down to 4. But the one bit of good news is that Chelsea are in disarray so we are still 7 clear of them.

    Look we just need to get the injured players back and not dwell on these two games. We are a good side and we don’t need to take this hangover to Everton otherwise this blip could turn into an almighty fall.

    Just keep the faith, keep realistic and we’ll all be fine.

    • KevtheRev says:

      I refer the gentleman to my above comments. Chelsea are ONLY 7 points behind and are a team in disarray. Arsenal are ONLY 4 points behind and this is their worst team in years. Spurs are not punching above their weight and it could be argued they are not even punching at their weight. Best Spurs side in years 3rd in premiership atm. We are playing tactically like a team looking for Europa at best. Tit milk make

      • LLL says:

        Yes, we are punching above our weight. Our wage bill is about the 6th highest in the league. Our ground capacity is about the 10th or so. I know that simple facts can be tough to grasp and hold onto but these are the economic factors which drive success. Which is exactly why we are punching above our weight in 3rd, Chelsea and Liverpool below theirs. Arsenal, contrary to popular wisdom, are exactly where you would expect them to be.

  • LLL says:

    It isn’t that it isn’t ‘right’ to consider replacing Redknapp, it’s just that it is completely retarded.For these reasons:

    1. Whatever you think of him, the man is on course to achieve our best ever PL finish.

    2. Sacking the manager with 11 games left is very likely to disrupt the squad and could far more likely lead to a massive collapse as opposed to a short run of shite results.

    3. Who are you giving the job to, btw? They need to be a better choice capable of coming in and achieving more this season.

    You and others are using the England manager “uncertainty” (what uncertainty btw?) as an excuse to engage in some good old fashioned football fan fickleness / knee-jerk clamouring for a sacking after a couple of bad results. It’s pretty pathetic. And it makes us Spurs fans look bad. And it isn’t happening, not in a million years, because Levy is a lot more sensible than any of you lot, thank God.

    • KevtheRev says:

      If I may on your behalf Harold reply to this I would again say please refer to my previous comment. Tit milk make

      • LLL says:

        It is you and the other dimwits who need to toilet train yourself, where do you get the notion that we should be waltzing into the top 4 anyway?

        And once more, since NOBODY can answer this:

        Who are you hiring to do a better job this season btw?

        • LLL says:

          ps. Mourinho is not a sensible answer.

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          I would bring in Ian Dowie.

        • a+e shot my cat says:

          The reason Twitchy is still around is his 15 mil buyout clause s**t for brains

        • KevtheRev says:

          If your telling me what is and isn’t a sensible answer could you give me a list to chose from? Otherwise my answer is car tyres…

        • LLL says:

          Nothing sensible then? Just shit jokes?

          15m buy out clause? Shit for brains? Oh, I see. I’m thick because I didn’t know about the bullshit, made-up figure you just imagined.

        • Phil McAvity says:

          LLL – You will not get a sensible answer mate because there isn’t one! Getting rid of ‘Arry at this stage would be pure madness and Levy doesn’t do pure madness!!

        • LLL says:

          Phil – exactly. That’s why all this chatter is complete guff. And it makes us look like Gooners. Or twats, whichever is worse.

    • a+e shot my cat says:

      I see you do not like the s**t insults you dish out to others when they are directed at you.The ball not the man when you do not agree PAL.

      • LLL says:

        I wasn’t aware anyone had insulted me tbh. Perhaps I have thick skin. Either way, what 15m compensation for Redknapp? Where’d you get that one from?

  • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

    I am getting increasingly worried about Friedel. Any goal conceded in the six yard box from a cross rings alarm bells for me. At minimum he should have comes out (a couple of feet!)and punched that corner on the first goal. Not entirely blameless on the ball across the six yeard box that led to the second either.

    It is a fact of life that your bottle goes as you get older and last week he could have been braver on the third goal too (or was it the fourth, no maybe the fifth).

    He is still a great shot stopper but the only real difference between him and Gomes is that he is not maling out and out the howlers that Gomes made last season.

  • a+e shot my cat says:

    Arries Heroes,Defoe 16 mil,now bit player worth 5mil?Palacious 14 mil sold 7 mil,Chimbonda 3mil went on a free,PSB 12 mil sold 3 mil,2mp 9 mil sold 8 mill,Krancher 2mil worth 2mil? Bassong 8 mill worth 2 mill?Cudicini worth 0,Friedel worth o,Parker 5 mill worth 0(age),has a problem with Gio,Gomes,Daws,Bentley,VDV injury prone.NEED I GO ON.ARRY has cost us around 80 mill to date.Get as much as poss Daniel.

    • KevtheRev says:

      Although I don’t agree normally with the whole ‘arry out brigade I do agree that what is expected from any manager is an ability to take us a few percent higher year on year. I do not see Harry doing that. I thank him for what he has done and hope he can remain focused but as he himself said – and I paraphrase – when referring to rat face once your head is turned and your heads not in the right place then you play shit… same for Harry. Hope he can keep it together and go on to fulfil what spurs are very capable of for the last third of our season, but I doubt it…

      • a+e shot my cat says:

        When we played the barcodes arry was beside himself,what a good week,case won FA in bag,Saha scoring,yesterday sombre,looked every inch a man caught between two stools,hard to pas i venture.

      • LLL says:

        Every year a manager is expected to take us a few percent higher? Really? Is that what’s expected of Fergie too?

        Besides which, last year we finished 5th. Right now, we are 3rd and 4 points ahead. Pardon me for stating the obvious but if we should finish where we are now then that would meet your arbitrary criteria, would it not?

    • UnkleKev says:

      Anyone who thinks buying Palacios was a bad move is talking out of their arse. He lost his form towards the end of his stay here (and we all know the reasons for that), but when he first arrived he was instrumental in our extricating ourselves for the hole Ramos had dropped us in.

      Harry recognised exactly what was needed at the time and went for it. To criticise him over his buying of Palacios is bordering on the scandalous.

      • Phil McAvity says:

        Thank you!! It really pisses me off when someone tries to use Palacious as an example of a bad buy! Some fans on here have very short memories, as our ‘Arry is finding out!!

      • Frontwheel 2 says:

        Spot on mate

  • AntMoorwood says:

    Why is he not starting with Dawson? Why is Defoe not starting? Saha is a loan signing from Everton – Obviously surplus to their needs – what does that tell you? He’s been crap at Everton this season, why does Harry think he is a better goal scorer than Defoe??
    King has had it! I love him, but it time to move him into a coaching role and play Dawson, who is quality.
    Also tactically against the Goons – why not play Bale and Lennon both out wide, where we a CLEARLY better playing this system (look at CL run and result this season). The free role should be reserved for Modders, keep the welsh man out wide!!!
    Harry, please dont F*** it up now!!

    • LosLorenzo says:

      Saha is not on loan. They terminated his contract, so we “own” him, but only on a short term deal until the end of the season.

      Had nothing to do with them not wanting him. They couldn’t afford him was the problem.

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