
Analysis & Rapid Fire Ratings

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Good morning?

It’s a funny state of affairs that some believe it’s not ‘right’ to consider replacing Arry Resdschnapps when he himself has announced he’s considering replacing us. 

Another loss then. Another week of our advantages gained being slowly eroded and we need to explore why. The obvious answer is that we played two top top teams. But the game against Arsenal was joke shop of a game. Had the incredible fortune to score 2 iffy goals in swift succession then conceded 5.

Against Manchester United we actually played well for a long time. Lots of possession. Lots of looking every bit like a home side. We couldn’t get past their midfield, but we were doing a good impression of a mob that were in control.

But possession doesn’t win prizes. 

In both games our manager was found to be tactically out of his depth. Arsenal were greater than the sum of their parts quite simply because the disciplined manner that they played. Van Persie is one of their best players and so they fed him. Bale is one of our best players and we let him go AWOL, living’ his agent’s wet dream.

Ans then against United we replaced Bale with …wait for it, Modric. Our most creative player, most likely to supply the front men player and we stuck him on the wing. 

You know, I would have played Krankie on the wing yesterday or even Rose. The latter’s pretty gormless, but he could have done a job without having to greater a negative impact on our overall shape.

Up front, Adebayor and Saha couldn’t score. Frequently outnumbered and with Modric out wide their supply routes were limited. Defoe should have come on far far sooner.

Defensively we were laughable. Two naff games in a row for a Ledley King who is looking increasing shot to pieces. The last 180 minutes have hurt him and it’s killing us. The Midas touch he had is now working in reverse and where once his presence was infectious, now his vulnerability is seeping into the entire back line.

So what is the answer? Well if Arry isn’t being distracted by his showbiz career then I’m a monkey’s uncle. His Court case naturally overshadowed his managerial efforts. He could well have gone to prison, you know. But who’s fault was that? I didn’t open an account in Monaco and move money about in his name. Nor did any of you. If he conducted his financial affairs like a normal human being opposed to some cartoon character on the run from the mafia this wouldn’t have happened.

Then this England business. Not only do we get lucky that Arry announces he’d like the job but we hit the jackpot as Fabio gets the bullet not a week afterwards.

Since then, the FA have lived up to their reputation and done sod all in slow motion. The press have asked Arry on the hour about the position and on the hour he’s provided blushing quote after blushing quote. He’d play Theo Walnutt, he’d bring Scholesy in.

Of course, it would be vicious and vile of me to ask him what his strategy is for Tottenham against Stevenage. He’s the best manager since Burkinshaw, you know.

We’ve a cracking squad but the man in charge isn’t entirely focused on the job and it’s showing.

5.089 Immobile? 

5. 090 Weak. 

5.777 Knackered.

6.567 Not awful.

6. 566 Not dreadful.

7.802 Possibly his best game in the shirt to date.

7.454 Took the sting out of Scholes.

7.454 Could have been so important, but was stuck on the wing.

7.563 Inspiring stuff.

6.997 Looked damn hungry, then faded.

6.893 Woeful first touch.

8.001 Deployed far too late.

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  • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

    Yes all good points LosLorenzo. So in this new “half full” spirit perhaps we should make more of the performance of Livermore. It was not just his ususal combativeness but his passing was so crisp and incisive (unlike Sandro, who did ok but kept passing it backwards). He was below par against Stevenage but yesterday he looked the real deal and was our MoM by a long way.

  • LLL says:

    Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m looking forward to our bad luck against Stoke, Chelsea, Wolves etc evening itself out over the next few games. Unless we already spent it all on the Bale pen against Le Goons?

    • LosLorenzo says:

      I’m afraid I don’t really believe luck works that way. Sure, it will even itself out at some point. But no guarantee that it happens this season.

      I’m still waiting for the Mendes goal to be “evened out”.

  • Stu Barney says:

    Agree with most of the ratings except Lennon. I must be the only fan who does not see what he brings to the team. Yes he can run fast and dribble, but he frequently loses the ball and hardly ever crosses, I thought that is what a winger does? Next manager would be wise to add a right winger with more body strength and who is not afraid to cross.

    I’ll probably receive pelters for saying this but just my opinion.

  • TMWNN says:

    “rational thought and intelligent, considered analysis”


    That’s not what I come here for. Some people should not take every word so bloody seriously if they’re going to get themselves all worked up over it.

    Have they ever considered that some things are written to stimulate debate rather than just show how sensible and rational (zzzz) they are?

    • Deano says:

      Shouldnt a decent Blog have both?

    • LosLorenzo says:

      I’m sorry, TMWNN. Are you now saying that you don’t actually, rationally, believe the things you write on here. You’re just writing them to stir up a debate? I believe the word, then, is “trolling”. Excellent! Now I don’t have to read your posts anymore :whistle:

      Insofar as what I wrote (“zzzz”) was in fact “just to show how sensible and rational” I am, it’s still managed to “stimulate debate” from you, right here. Has it not?

      Don’t take this the wrong way. I do read what you write. And I agree with you more often than you think. Even when I don’t it’s interesting to see a different perspective. But I think you’re far out on a thin limb in trying to criticize something for being too rational.

      It was an opinion. If I’ve understood this blog thing correctly, it’s all about sharing them. There are no “correct” opinions, but it is possible to discuss the facts and evidence supporting them. So why don’t you try doing that, in stead of just saying yaaaawn. That’s not a very mature way of “stimulating debate”, as you’re apparently so fond of.

      • TMWNN says:

        Don’t take it personally, Loz, but I just find too much rationality a tad dull, just as some find too much irrationality tiresome.

        That’s not to say I’m 100% anti-rationalist, before some bright spark calls me a rationality “hater” or something.

        Apart from a certain gnome, I read all the comments (I am gnomist), yours included. Some I like, some I don’t, but I won’t tell you to support another club, or call you a (unt because of what’s been written, like some do.

        I was thinking more along the lines of the blog entries themselves stimulating debate, but if you’d rather make it about me, that’s fine too.

        Trolling? More like a little bit of good old fashioned Devil’s advocate now and again.

    • LLL says:

      I suppose that’s why some people like reading the Sun and whatever, they like to read fatuous, sensationalist tittle tattle and get stirred up by tub-thumping / reactionary comment (and tits).

      Personally I think that’s rather dull (tits aside), I’d rather people wrote what they kind of really believe, based on what they see, in an intelligent way.

      • Billy Legit says:

        “I’d rather people wrote what they kind of really believe, based on what they see, in an intelligent way”.</em

        I like tits.

        Big, juicy, bouncy 'uns.

        • Phil McAvity says:

          “I like tits.

          Big, juicy, bouncy ‘uns.”


        • Hartley says:

          I do as well, but not too big, but definitely juicy……
          :face: :face:
          Juicier the better….two of my five a day if I’m honest………oops and before I forget, Arry Out!

        • Essexian76 says:

          Bloody Hell, you actually call one of them Harry!no wonder you keep on about getting Harry out, but does the other one feel neglected? although I fully understand as I’m partial to the left one myself- Ossie out-Ricky can wait! ;-)

        • Hartley says:

          I think tou’ll find that one is called ‘Arry’ and the other ‘Redschnapps’ and I’d like them both out my friend… :daumen:

        • Phil McAvity says:

          Harts, are you saying that you like to play with and suck Arry Redschnapps??

        • Phil McAvity says:

          No wonder he always twitching!!

        • Essexian76 says:

          I think you’ll find, Harts, that I shall never know what you really call them? But in any case, I’m all for getting them out, if it keeps the lads happy of course :winke:

  • Tom says:

    I just think that with the players we have we should be doing better against the “top 4” teams.
    Modric, Bale, VDV, Parker, Adeb, Walker, Sandro, Lennon. When will we ever have a better nucleus of players to move forward with?

    • TMWNN says:

      We have conceded 21 goals against the 3 other top 4 sides. This season has seen much improvement in despatching the cannon fodder, but we are still a way off the title.

      Somehow, Redknapp and Levy have cobbled together the best Tottenham side seen for many a year, are we going to see it broken up without ever realising its potential, or will we add to it?

      Friedel is coming to the end of his career, so too King. There’s a fair chance rat face will be off, and that VdV will never prove himself fully fit. Adebayor will probably want more than he actually deserves, so that counts him out too. Whoever replaces bobble head has his work cut out.

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