
Finishing Top Ain’t A Must

Image for Finishing Top Ain’t A Must

Good afternoon.

Now the Stoke game is confirmed as on we can and indeed ought make a welcome  return to focusing on football.

I remember when I first discovered Woody Allen. A few live recordings of his stand up and then ‘Without Feathers’. Anyway there was a sketch about a ransom demand and his father’s very poor reading habits. 

Today …I discovered a London Evening Standard interview with Henry James Redknapp, footballing supremo of this parish published some 3 days ago. ”Harry Hotspur for the best reheated leftovers this side of Stone Henge.’

“Finishing top four is not a must [to keep those players],” said Redknapp. “If Arsenal don’t get in the top four, are their best players going to leave? If Chelsea don’t, will their best players walk away?

Is this clown out of his tiny cockle & whelk slurping mind?  I’m no expert in these matters but is he actually for real? Modric is a man overboard just waiting to happen. Bale who we all love is only human a footballer after all and if the right offer came in from someone else – in addition to Arry – who didn’t give a monkey’s about his dreadful license to roam vision, who’s to say that not being a Champions League side wouldn’t have a baring?

I find it staggering that our manager, in fact any decent Premiership manager would come out with such self serving twaddle. Ian Holloway, yes. But to the best of my knowledge Ian Holloway and Henry James Redknapp are two separate people.

I’d be fascinated to get Levy & Co’s view on this. The impact of Champions League football  on THFC’s revenue streams, the revenue streams that are pivotal to the new stadium don’t need spelling out.

Is this unfair criticism? Is he right? Is securing a top four finish a mere trifle? Is it a supermarket own brand trifle, all bovine gelatine, artificial flavourings and a some genetically modified custard substitute? Maybe he’s right.  Maybe upon considered reflection the notion that Champions League football is nothing to get too fussed about is a fair viewpoint. 

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  • Hartley says:

    Over the last few months of listening to what ‘our Arry’ has had to say about Spurs and Engerland and our players and other teams players and the price of fish etc. etc. etc…I have realised that it is all part of an incredibly cunning plan.
    He is going to confuse our competition to the point where they just can’t concentrate any more on the field of play whilst inspiring our players subconsciously and we will go on and win the league and the cup and then he can go on and lead Engerland to European glory, part time and be hailed as the greatest manager since time began…. :daumen:
    Either that or he’s talking complete bollocks and should F*CK right off before we end up a complete laughing stock…..

  • Razspur says:

    What do you mean, before we end up a complete laughing stock.
    Go down to the pub for a quick pint in your Spurs shirt, it`s never ending.
    Let mus give the team talk do the Media and pick the team and i guarantee he`d get the tactics right inc the subs.

    mus for manager……….Just Saying.

  • minionas says:

    Hold on to your clinkers everyone. I’ve a feeling the next post is gonna be in Latin. :hae:

  • Razspur says:

    Think the Anthology is a great idea, will send a few lines and Pics, hope the response is good.
    #3 John White

  • CptCaveman says:

    Oh what a difference a month makes in football. A short while ago we were cheering ‘please dont go’ from the stands as we thumped Newcastle 5-0 at the lane and everyone was saying what a genius Harry was in the football world…fastforward a few weeks and we have lost 3 on the trot and suddenly you all want him out!! He’s a chancer, brainless, hasn’t got a clue…CAN YOU ALL BE SERIOUS?? Are Spurs fans possibly the ficklist bunch in the world…probably not, but we aint far off!! Tell you what, if this is a sign of what the press will do to him if he takes the England job and fails…Harry is better off out of football!! Hows about we get behind our Manager and team and see how the season pans out…as we’ve always said, its a marathon not a sprint and we’ve played pretty well for most of it. COYS

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