
How Many Out Of 30 Then?

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Welcome to Double Maths & Soothsaying For Beginners. 

If we rake through what may or may not be going through the minds of our coaching staff for one more blog we’re more liable to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act than to find inner peace or enlightenment.

And so there are still 9 games to go.

Can that one sentence can offer restore the perspective that we’ve had systematically battered beaten out of us since Arry became England’s number one in waiting? 

Here are the fixtures and my take is based upon us playing good football, players in their correct positions. If Arry plays Friedel as a lone striker at any stage, all bets are off.

Stoke H Anti football has barely kept them in the top half of the table. Consistently mediocre all season. That said, they did us 2-1. 3 points

Chelsea A This ‘orrible lot are less reliable than us. With a bit of luck Mata will get hit by a bus driven by John Terry before we meet them.  1 point

Swansea H What a season. Premiership fresh meat has rarely been fresher and meatier. With a no frills, no nonsense typemanager  3 points

Sunderland A Rejuvenated under the reserved auspices of the man with the cheapest spectacles working in show business today. 1 point

Norwich H I’m glad this isn’t at Carrow Road, our little cherubs need to play sides who can ‘get messy’ indoors on a proper pitch 3 points

Bolton A Dire all season 3 points

QPR A By the time this game comes round Mark Hughes will have hit DefCon4. Expect a particularly ugly card fest 1 point

Blackburn H Whilst they sensationally beat Marnchesta Yanited they’ve achieved little else this term and if we screw this one up… 3 points

Aston Villa A If the our luxury coach can get past the burning effigies of McLiesh their lack of firepower should just about sink ’em 3 points

Fulham H If the Dutch Napolean’s Russian maintains his current form they will cause everyone problems including little ol’ us 1 point

So I say 22 points. What say you?

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  • spurlative says:

    Its squeaky bum time. Can’t wait for the new staidum too.

  • LosLorenzo says:

    Assuming we don’t have too many injuries to first teamers and, as you say, players play more in the vicinity of their preferred positions, I agree with most of this. It’s optimistic, but far from insane.

    I’d like to think that we’ll be able to roll over Fulham at home, at least if we’re in a position where we need the points. Not least because by then they’ll most likely be stranded mid-table with nothing much to play for. Of course, if (with a bit of luck) we have a cup final on the horizon there’s a good chance we might be a bit distracted, in which case 1 point would be par for the course. Still, I’ll go balls out and tip 3 points at home against Mr. Soprano & Co.

    And we also have Bolton away at some point. They’re so bad that you’d expect your local pub team to give them a rollocking. So we’ll get 1 point there.

    So I’m going to tip, with rose tinted shades on, that well get 22 points out of the 30 on offer. That would put us on 75 points. If that doesn’t get us CL qualification then we’ll have been very hard done by indeed.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      For anyone else who likes numbers, my guess (22 out of 30 points) would have us taking 73% of the points still on offer. That is compared to the 63% of the points on offer that we’ve managed so far this season. Considering we’ve played all the “difficult” games (yeah, yeah. There are noe easy games in the PL an’ all that. I know). Doesn’t sound crazy to me.

      A side note. We have taken 23 points from the games we have already played against the 10 sides who remain in our PL fixture list.

      • LosLorenzo says:

        Those 23 points came though 7 wins, 2 draws (Chelsea & Swansea) and one loss (Stoke + referee).

        Interestingly then, in all of our last 7 PL games we will be playing for a season double over our opponents.

  • yiddo4ever says:

    looking at those fixtures i cant see us losing any of them with the exception of Chelsea. But can we score the goals to turn these games into wins? We can play good attacking possession football all day long but when you have Defoe blasting the ball straight at goalkeeper or standing offide or ade simply going through the motions then the opposition will just sit back and let us play with 11 men behind the ball. up until now our midfield has seen us through but now we need strikers to stand up and be counted….which is why every spurs fan has been cryign out for a top class striker since we lost out on champions league last year because of the same facking lack of firepower!!! Levy please speculate to accumulate….if you had of spashed out on a Remy or Tevez this investment would have paid itself back. now we face missign out again and then losing the team we have built up over last few years because of it. COYS!

  • jim says:

    still not being very realistic there H with your scores.

    Chelsea away – certain loss
    Sunderland away – certain loss
    Bolton away – probable loss
    Villa away – probable loss

    I agree with the home wins, but we have to be realsitic here, we may be better than these teams but we cant win away from home.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      We have won 6 games away from home this season. The games we have lost away from home were:
      Stoke (plus referee)
      Le Arse

      Agreed, Chelsea might punish us, but have you seen them this season? I think they’ll be looking forward to the game just as little as us.

      I’m confident of 6-7 points from the four remaining away ties. Assuming we don’t play like we did against the gooners (read: like complete amateurs), which I don’t think we will.

      • LosLorenzo says:

        *we have lost 5 games away….

        …was what I was trying to write. Sorry ’bout that.

      • UnkleKev says:

        Chelsea will be looking forward to their game with us exactly as little as Arsenal did. They are a rank-poor outfit this year but I still think they’ll do us ’cause that’s the natural order of things.

        Fortunately we should be able to pick up the points we need elsewhere.

    • Heath Spur says:

      Chelski away – draw/loss
      Sund away – draw/win
      Bolton away – draw/win
      Villa away – draw/win
      QPR away – draw/win

      I expect QPR away to be tougher than Bolton and Villa. After Chelski that’s perhaps themost loseable game IMO.

  • jim says:

    HH what have you done with the picture logo thingymajigs? I’ve spent bloody ages learning everyone’s personalities and you’ve gone and changed them. Now I have absolutely no idea who’s who. Its like having a family who all go and get face transplants behind your back. How do you customise them BTW?

    Yours Sincerely


    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Hit the Gravatars button – between Schmutter and Friends – on the navigation bar at the top of the page mate.

      • jim says:


      • minionas says:

        Ta for help mate. I had to change name but at least TMWNN can tell me “he told me so”.

        • Spurstacus says:

          Its a question of mental strength for me. Do we have the characters in the squad to lift the players around them from the gloom. We certainly have enough players that have known failure, but we also have Gallas Sandro Ade VDV Modders and Benny Sue(?). Parker and Dawson may not have experienced much glory but they are fantastic examples of the never say die bull dog spirit. Saha has played for winning sides too which may help. Brad is solid and old enough not to lose his head.
          Siege mentalility is whats required. We need to defend our well deserved 3rd without fear and with a sense of of ownership.
          Whatever happens with the dirt boxes tonight; 3rd is ours to lose. COYS KTF!

        • Spurstacus says:

          Shouldnt have posted there!

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