
Team Sheet & Tactics For Bolton

Image for Team Sheet & Tactics For Bolton

Good afternoon.

The excellent news is that Fabrice Muamba’s health continues to improve. Let’s just pray that nobody is injured by the slip hazard of flowers, replica shirts and cards etc outside the Reebok. Which begs the question what do the people who laid out all this gear have up their sleeve if he doesn’t continue to pull through?

Today I’ve launched a campaign against the death of Princess Diana (CADD).

The People’s Princess was taken too soon.  I had quite a lot on when she snuffed it, so see this as an ideal vehicle to combine my now freer schedule and some stunted emotional issues I need to work through. Email me for details on how to be a part of this touching initiative’s funding.

fig.1= Area Carlo should use most. fig.2=Taxi for anyone failing to beat the first man from a corner. fig=3 A balloon for Bale if he sticks to the left wing. fig.4 Emergency barber to ensure A&E wears cornrows. fig.5=Cold beer. Simply wonderful. Yellow arrows=suggested passes to some of our best players.

The FA Cup then and after the performance against Cheatski we go into the game knowing we’ve turned a corner. No two ways about it, that was a more than creditable point. Bale was more harnessed and as a result, much improved. Benny was a bit sloppy, but that was a fro malfunction I’m sure that he has learned from.

Bolton have been abysmal this season. If Wolves, Wigan and QPR hadn’t all gone out of their way to hit that button marked, ‘Do Not Press’ repeatedly with their foreheads they would take some beating in the awful stakes.

The Trotters have certainly experienced a small but noticeable boost from the sense of togetherness that the Muamba business has brought them, but Spurs mustn’t give this house room and simply go for the jugular.

Wembley and a Champions League spot are 100% back on the cards and it would be good to stick a couple past them, bring on Defoe and maybe Azza and let the lads go through the gears a little before taking on Swansea.

Prediction 4-1 to the Tottingham. BIOYBWC!

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  • kojac says:

    is it 2moro on normal telly,it must be surely,hope so,
    they owe us a cup final after bending over,spreading their cheeks & letting the goons have their fill,its going to annoy me for a very long time how they let the goons take us this season,i mean do they even know about the rivalry,just one time,just once and they couldn’t give a %#@#,pathetic

    • Bruxie says:

      Have you given up Koj?

      I hope the players haven’t.

      • kojac says:

        they already gave up i thought seeing as we lost 15 pts to the goons since whenever and lets be honest the goons are truliy terrible this year,i blame redknapp myself,

        but obviously aside from the goon debacle,i still feel we will have CL and a cup final which is the important thing,i’m just annoyed we are making such balls up right now,why can’t we score goals with a team like ours,a team with real ambition & brains would have beaten chelsea sat and we couldn’t manage it,we never can when it matters,just look at the last few weeks and know one in spurs seems to have any answers,i don’t want us to have to keep rebuilding,just a little rant we were 3 points behind the mancs not so long ago and look at us now,redknapp needs to take responsibilty and all i hear is rubbish waffle not facts and reasons why,its the goon thing really,it shouldn’t be happening,2-2 half time at the emirates and redknapp thinks its not good enough and changes it around like he is mourinho,i’m still not over it,haha,god i hope we still get third

    • Bruxie says:

      It’s on ESPN.

      You terrestial, you.

      • kojac says:

        espn,right thanks,online for me then

        • melcyid says:

          EST 2.30 pm, fox 2go,fox soccer plus,setanta sports, nice we kick off before the blue pikeys which means if any blue plastics turn up to watch their demise from europe, us yids will already be seated upfront and tuned in. No room at the inn for them. :-p

        • kojac says:

          thats good then,i thought the CL would mean you couldn’t watch the fa cup,if the bar had a choice,sounds like there could be some handbags

  • Hartley says:

    We have the ammunition to beat this lot by 2, 3 or even 4 goals…my only worry is, what with all this Muamba business are we ruthless enough? I do hope so because I would love the mighty Spurs to win the FA Cup again, it’s been far too long…

    • Tel says:

      Muamba can be wished well off the pitch. Tonight we have a job to do on it, and I’m sure the players are more than aware of that

  • Bruxie says:

    I like you team HH, but I think it encourages a narrow profile.

    Do we really need two defensive midfielders against this lot.

    Attack. Simple as.

    Set pieces? Don’t cross the ball into their penalty area. We’ll win nothing in the air from set pieces.

  • stupot says:

    Dirty Diana aka the peoples princess. rest in peace m’lady…. If we lose to Bolton then my season is over. 4th place is good for sure, but i’m very upset. very. and what about aaron lennon? I see him in my local bar (towies nu bar loughton, essex) and he was struggling to get a drink. They have a rail at the bottom of the bar, which he stands on to get served and it wasn’t there and he was struggling to reach. so funny! He’s always polite and nice to the great unwashed. keeps wearing those ghastly tops which one of those JLS boys wears, you know,cleavage for men, too much chest going on. gossip column done…. Spurs to beat bolton 2-0 and we should finish strong this year. no weak performances against struggling teams. Can’t harry just do the Euros then come back to us??????????? Cuckold..

  • Billy Legit says:

    I still can’t get over the death of our fat, bloated, shit for brains, racist new queen of hearts, the candle in the wind that was Jade Goody.

    Yeah nice, anyway why did Princess Diana cross the road?

    Because she wasn’t wearing a seat belt :ninja:

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