
The 11 O’Clocker : The Vicarious Grief Souvenir Special

Image for The 11 O’Clocker : The Vicarious Grief Souvenir Special

Good evening.

I’ve been weighing up the pros and cons of being more direct on this whole Muamba business for a day or two but the player’s recovery seems a near platinum clad juncture to actively lose even more readers.

Come on, you can’t have it both ways.  A self confessed hit whore [hello fans :winke:] driving his publicity vehicle into a brick wall won’t come as easy to some. A dream come true. And on a school night, I tell you! 

Unquestionably brilliant news from numerous accredited sources aplenty is that Fabrice Muamba is not only alive but he’s also doing well, but he’s beginning to laugh and joke and chatting away in several languages.

But how will this undeniably extremely brilliant news be embraced by the bleeding hearts and ‘rent-a-weep’ gang? 

My guess is the reaction to this superb news will be stifled. Nigh on non existent.Why? Bad news always travels 27 times faster than good. This is a fact that can be supported by anyone who ever waited for a rejection letter after a job interview.  But it’s not the stuff that gets even the dumbest pray mongerers in a chatty frame frame of mind.

Am I wrong? Where’s the #MedicallyQualifiedPeopleSavedHim hashtag? In fact, where is the #WePrayedHimWell hashtag? 

The time for the unthinking, pack mentality, plastic grieving of the emotionally vulnerable is over. Well, until they latch on to the next one, of course…


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  • Bobbles says:

    Know what you mean H. I have to say that my feelings are that whilst I feel for the boy, life goes on. He wasn’t the only person in the country to have a heart attack Saturday afternoon – just the only one to do it live on TV.

    I feel like a tosser for thinking this way, but there you go. Can we all just get on with it now please?

    • Essexian76 says:

      I’d say you were being honest but perhaps not PC,but then again being honest and PC are hardly great bedfellows.

      • melcyid says:

        this is true

      • Billy Legit says:

        ‘People’ don’t want honesty, they want drama, intensified ten-fold by a hypocritical blood thirsty corporate media who know full well that ‘bad news’ sells very well (as well as a ‘back from the brink’ special).

        It’s got nothing to do with being PC or not (whatever the exact definition of that is), it’s about getting simpering morons to jump onto a cause because they live sad, pathetic lonely lives and need to be a ‘part’ of ‘something’, regardless of the fact that it will have no direct impact or bearing on their personal lives whatsoever!

        A comfort blanket to be applied and removed when instructed to do so by media vultures!

        Here endeth my fakin rant!!!! (c’mon lads, it has been a while).

  • Spurstacus says:

    HH if you were my dad’s son I’d love you like a brother. However I’m sure I can hear the sound of iron on whetsone now. I thought most of the hombres on here agreed with you didn’t they? I just wish we could go back to the good old days when spursman18 and jerard s_a fought it out trying to pick the least likely lineups on a match day. Ah innocent times.

    • notsohotspurs says:

      Amen to that.

      This blog used to carry a comedic value that was a must read and almost made the Spurs chat an aside.

      Always seems to be sniping and points scoring lately.


      • cpr_6162 says:

        Funny, i’d been thinking the same thing. I’ve been a follower for the past few years and it does seem the humour has gone missing lately.

        Indeed – wheredidallthefungo?????

        Hope the mood lightens, starting with some revenge against Stoke tomorrow morning ( for me anyway, I’m in Oz so an early start is in line ).

    • melcyid says:

      thought that is was ITK wars.

  • Hartley says:

    One good thing that may come from this whole sad (and now joyous) occurrence is that when the likes of Drogba, Suarez, Bale etc. etc. play dead after an incidental challenge the whole crowd to a man, sing Muamba’s name….. It could change the game for the better?

  • Essexian76 says:

    The thing that bothers me most is the media saturation. Like Diana as some have mentioned, it was initially mind numbing and shocking, but then it all goes manic and then gets to point where I become almost homogenized by the whole thing. I wish Muamba a speedy recovery and hope to see him make it back on the field if that’s ever possible, but do I know him personally? No,of course not.

  • I’d like to add that, as someone who had a heart attack at the tender age of 45, and whose mother died last year from cardiac arrest as a result of eating problems caused by stomach cancer, that I can only be disgusted by the pathetic response shown by large numbers of our brain-free (sports) society.
    Putting aside obviously generic comments from those wishing to publicly express the “right attitude”, I find little more than proof about how thick the average sports personality is in their over-reactive comments and concerns.
    What a bunch of weak-minded namby pamby types! Too bloody traumatised to play? Fuck that! Try living on seventy odd pounds a week on what used to be disability allowance rather than your ill-earned £70,000 a week (yes, a thousand times more for being able to kick a round object with a degree of accuracy).
    Footballers: no perspective, no brains, no respect from anyone with an ounce of intelligence. Don’t you just love ‘em?

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