
The 11 O’Clocker : The Vicarious Grief Souvenir Special

Image for The 11 O’Clocker : The Vicarious Grief Souvenir Special

Good evening.

I’ve been weighing up the pros and cons of being more direct on this whole Muamba business for a day or two but the player’s recovery seems a near platinum clad juncture to actively lose even more readers.

Come on, you can’t have it both ways.  A self confessed hit whore [hello fans :winke:] driving his publicity vehicle into a brick wall won’t come as easy to some. A dream come true. And on a school night, I tell you! 

Unquestionably brilliant news from numerous accredited sources aplenty is that Fabrice Muamba is not only alive but he’s also doing well, but he’s beginning to laugh and joke and chatting away in several languages.

But how will this undeniably extremely brilliant news be embraced by the bleeding hearts and ‘rent-a-weep’ gang? 

My guess is the reaction to this superb news will be stifled. Nigh on non existent.Why? Bad news always travels 27 times faster than good. This is a fact that can be supported by anyone who ever waited for a rejection letter after a job interview.  But it’s not the stuff that gets even the dumbest pray mongerers in a chatty frame frame of mind.

Am I wrong? Where’s the #MedicallyQualifiedPeopleSavedHim hashtag? In fact, where is the #WePrayedHimWell hashtag? 

The time for the unthinking, pack mentality, plastic grieving of the emotionally vulnerable is over. Well, until they latch on to the next one, of course…


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  • MitchellThomas says:

    At least the ‘H for England’ nonsense has gone into suspenders for the moment.

  • Rogerspurs says:

    I think we’ve all kind of missed something importatnt here – professional football, particularly the Prem ‘on the telly a lot’ type, is a very very religious occupation. All the ‘crossing’ when coming on the pitch, kisses to Him in Heaven when a goal is scored – from Caths, Prods, and Muslims alike fer cryin out loud! The only thing I haven’t seen make a return is a stream of bald orange clad bell-ringing types appearing when a goal is scored (ref: anyone who worked in and around Oxford st/Tottenham Ct Road in the 70s will understand!)
    He’s not the Messiah he’s just a very naughty boy.

    Can life go on please – we watch football, laugh /joke about it’s idiosyncracies – can we get away from the wailing wall and back to the important stuff please. Bill Shankly was right!

  • Spurlative says:

    I agree with your post HH but i didnt get a chance to put my team sheet in on the last post!

    ——-Fried eels——



    Walker–VDV–Modric———Bale(that means left)


    Parker needs a bloody rest
    We’ll need height against these mugs so if Ade is fit then he goes in front of Defoe.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      A lot of players in favoured positions, but will leave mounds of space on our flanks for them to get in crosses to the Stoke forwards-freakshow. Also, given the size of their lot I’m not sure it’s very smart to have Benny in a position where he will have to contest these crosses in the air vs. their forward line. If we ARE going to play 3 at the back, they all need to be on the large/strong side (ie. 3 out of ‘Boul, Billy G, Ledders & the Kiwi).

  • lecoqhardi says:

    H, your pithy article mirrors a full-page one written by Matthew Syed for The Times today.
    You are in danger of becoming a serious journalist, taken seriously, by serious people.
    Tut tut.

  • lecoqhardi says:

    On the PNB issue, it was him who blocked Saha’s effort v. Stevenage (first game) on the goal-line (what did he think he was doing there?), thereby leading to the replay and Les and Lennon’s injuries, leading to dropped points. So it’s all his fault.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      No, you’re wrong. It’s all the dog Terry’s fault for being a racist c*nt, getting Capello sacked, precipitating ‘Arry’s head being everywhere but where it should be.

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