
The Gareth Bale Venn Diagram

Image for The Gareth Bale Venn Diagram

Good morning.

Bloody minded people tend to fall into two catagories.  The ones you can reason with and the ones that are so impervious to rational thought that even if their intentions and assertions made a scrap of sense  you just know that they are going to screw up anyway.

“We haven’t a natural wide-right player apart from Aaron Lennon but Gareth can play there.

“People who moan don’t understand the game. People switch wingers now.

“Lots of left-sided, left-footed wingers play on the opposite side. It happens all the time.

“Bale likes playing there. He plays there for Wales and Gary Speed played him there all the time. He played wide right — he didn’t play left.

“He did all right against Everton. He did better than he has done on the left in the last few weeks — it’s not a problem.”

Arry Redschnapps speaking to the Sun

Faced with this level on intellectual analysis it is difficult to think of much to add that might be constructive.  Oh well, it was very nice while it lasted.

That’s what she said.

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