
Chomical Arry

Image for Chomical Arry

Good morning.

A man’s got a heart, hasn’t he?
Joking apart — hasn’t he?
And though I’d be the first one to say that I wasn’t a saint
I’m finding it hard to be really as black as they paint…

If you’re worried about the health of your heart then one pointedly obvious precaution is not to play football with and then swap shirts with Faroe Islands goalkeeper Poul Thomas Dam.

This player – it has been alleged on Twitter this morning – has only swapped shirts with two players in his career. Fabrice Muamba and Piermario Morosini.

Mr Muamba has been busy thanking his made up friend for the miracle of life. Just for one second try to embrace the mind numbing arrogance of such a wild assertion that God declines to prevent a tsunami that slaughters several hundred thousand; yet pops down from on high to save one random footballer. 

The Bolton player claims to have seen two Scotty Parkers as he collapsed at White Hart Lane. That’s nothing. By the end of the Norwich and QPR games I was seeing all sorts of near fantastic, blurry and multicoloured visions before I collapsed. And the day after each game I was praying for divine intervention or at the very least a restorative cup of char.  

Talking of people who are aren’t really there, our tight lipped supremo hasn’t ventured into the limelight for several days now. One can only presume he’s wandering his mock tudor Sandbanks lawns having morphed into a hybrid of one time Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf and George III. 

“Chelsea, for sure they’ve won all the medals. They haven’t got my FA Cup winning medal ‘cos I give that to Sandra, they won’t be ‘aving that one, ooh no. The run in? I don’t know, the chairman’s dealing wiv all that.  I don’t know what people are complaining about. You didn’t hear Mooro complaining that the World Cup was too heavy when he was lifting it up, did you? You can’t talk to most of ’em these days. Your average Croatian thinks pie & liquor is brass house. People say to me …you’re a fantastic manager…”

*walks into ornamental pond of coy carp*

Chomical Arry. We salute you.

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    • TMWNN says:

      That would explain a lot.

      Redknapp is a very lazy manager. Preparing a dossier on upcoming opponents is not exactly rent-a-gob’s M.O.

  • New Signing says:

    “It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we of Spurs have set our sights very high, so high in fact that even failure will have in it an echo of glory.”
    – Bill Nicholson

    Harry has failed at this. He aimed for fourth when we should of been aiming for 1st. In doing so, failure will not have in it an echo of glory of CL, it will be Europa. He needs to go.

    • Anthony says:

      He had obviously taken us as far as he could at the end of last season. At that time we found ourselves in exactly the same place as we are now, a season that just faded out with less spark than a we

      • Anthony says:

        He had obviously taken us as far as he could at the end of last season. At that time we found ourselves in exactly the same position as we are now, a season which faded out with less spark than a wet firework and the dreaded Europa League awaiting. Just wonder if the FA will still be ready to offer him the job and if it does no doubt the money on offer for us will be hugely reduced. Either way we will have been the losers in all this whatever happens.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    LLL Great little article. I hope its true but wish it had happened earlier. Somewhere HR has money on thfc and it isnt to finish in the Top 4.
    Sabotage and manipulation…is levy still in Florida.

  • Deano says:

    Just been asked by a football hating colleague why are you singing under your breath “He plays on the left”…….
    I think I might be going mad.

  • Anthony says:

    It now emerges that Kaboom and AnE are likely to miss the rest of the season (according to report on Sky Sports ) . Just what is going at WHL ? Will we actually be able to field a team on Sunday ? Utter shambles .

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