
Chomical Arry

Image for Chomical Arry

Good morning.

A man’s got a heart, hasn’t he?
Joking apart — hasn’t he?
And though I’d be the first one to say that I wasn’t a saint
I’m finding it hard to be really as black as they paint…

If you’re worried about the health of your heart then one pointedly obvious precaution is not to play football with and then swap shirts with Faroe Islands goalkeeper Poul Thomas Dam.

This player – it has been alleged on Twitter this morning – has only swapped shirts with two players in his career. Fabrice Muamba and Piermario Morosini.

Mr Muamba has been busy thanking his made up friend for the miracle of life. Just for one second try to embrace the mind numbing arrogance of such a wild assertion that God declines to prevent a tsunami that slaughters several hundred thousand; yet pops down from on high to save one random footballer. 

The Bolton player claims to have seen two Scotty Parkers as he collapsed at White Hart Lane. That’s nothing. By the end of the Norwich and QPR games I was seeing all sorts of near fantastic, blurry and multicoloured visions before I collapsed. And the day after each game I was praying for divine intervention or at the very least a restorative cup of char.  

Talking of people who are aren’t really there, our tight lipped supremo hasn’t ventured into the limelight for several days now. One can only presume he’s wandering his mock tudor Sandbanks lawns having morphed into a hybrid of one time Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf and George III. 

“Chelsea, for sure they’ve won all the medals. They haven’t got my FA Cup winning medal ‘cos I give that to Sandra, they won’t be ‘aving that one, ooh no. The run in? I don’t know, the chairman’s dealing wiv all that.  I don’t know what people are complaining about. You didn’t hear Mooro complaining that the World Cup was too heavy when he was lifting it up, did you? You can’t talk to most of ’em these days. Your average Croatian thinks pie & liquor is brass house. People say to me …you’re a fantastic manager…”

*walks into ornamental pond of coy carp*

Chomical Arry. We salute you.

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  • Dorset Spurs says:

    Harry doesn’t live in a mock tudor thingy, his house is an uber designed modern take of the adams family house. Certainly the type of house you stay away from.

  • LosLorenzo says:

    If you think ‘Arry’s “lost the plot” or “hasn’t got a clue” you’re wrong. Things are going exactly to plan. He knows that the number 1 thing that might scupper his England dream is Levy’s hardball with the FA. By losing these games, and skillfully making it look like fatigue or tactical naivete, he’s helping himself out bigtime. He might get himself fired outright, solving his problem. Alternately, he certainly is making Levy eager to get rid of him (even if he’s not quite willing to pass up the FA payday), increasing the chances that a lesser offer might be accepted by the FA.

    If we had gome on to cement 3rd and actually challenge the Macs all the way, securing CL and making us look attractive to top starts, Levy would have demanded blood money to let him go (and we, the fans, would have been right there with him).

    Conspiracy theories aside (I don’t think he’s actually this smart/dumb, and there’s obviously a huge risk of a plan like this backfiriing and him ending up unemployed), there’s no doubt that Levy would accept less money to release the manager now than he would have the day after Capello quit.

    • Essexian76 says:

      I’m finding it difficult to get my head around this fatigue issue. We played in Europe for sure, but never used most of the regular first teamers. We played 1 Carling cup game only and have played in 6.5 FA cup games, of which many of the first team were rested or played in part of the matches, so it averages out one game a week!

      • ziege says:

        There is also the matter of conditioning/training. Given the disregard of tactics, have to wonder to what extent modern conditioning techniques and appropriate, whisper the word, diets are also being ignored.

        If it’s a shambles on game day, probably a mess in the training center as well.

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Maybe, maybe not. If there’s one thing we know Ramos did right, it was the fitness regime. If that wasn’t a “shambles on game day” (at least towards the end), then I don’t know what.

          That’s not to say I have faith in our coaches. I don’t. Just sayin’ theres a helluva lot more to performing well than just training well.

        • ziege says:

          “whisper the word” was in reference to Ramos overdoing the diet aspect. A well conditioned, well nourished team is no guarantee of succes but a team in poor condition is going to show it as the season goes on.

          Ramos had also lost the dressing room, if indeed he ever really had it beyond the honeymoon period that led up to the CC win.

          My point was that late season fatigue can come from a number of sources besides number of games played, poor training, bad diet, playing with/being rushed back from injuries, etc. It would be interesting to see what high tempo and/or limited roster teams like Norwich, Everton did this season in the way of training and diet.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    I was trying to solve the ‘mystery’ of the results yesterday with HRH ODM.

    I can only believe that he’s 100% got the England job and there’s an embargo on announcing it until Levy & Co. are able to confirm they have replacement sorted.

    In the interim he’s bored to tears with us and the players being weak willed woofters have lost their mojo as a result.

    I could be wrong.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      Doesn’t have to be 100% to explain this crap, imo. It just has to be NOT 100% that he’s staying. He needed to come out and say, in no uncertain terms, that he was absolutely not leaving Tottenham. He never did, and now we’ve got what we’ve got. Maybe his conscience got the better of him, and he decided he couldn’t tell a lie? Wouldn’t that be ironic?

      Confidence is golden in this sport, and most of these players are complete nancyboy airheads. If they’re even casually thinking about the big cuddly confidence-giver (they apparently have no self belief [or spine, as we used to call it]these days) they’re likely to be using 50 % of their processing power quivering in self-doubt, not leaving enough of their peabrains to support the kicking of a ball properly.

      • LosLorenzo says:

        *confidence-giver LEAVING

      • Essexian76 says:

        On a similar note, I found it strange when the top pundits are saying that the current Chelsea team were not playing for the AVB but are now fully behind DeMatteo-So in essence, the fans aren’t worth a consideration then?

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Fans… Who needs fans…? Just a bunch of spoiled, thankless drunkards… Oh wait, that’s the players. I’m confused. :blink:

      • hoofing says:

        Confidence is indeed golden…..HR gave Bent loads of confidence refering to his mother. Coaching method’s are questionable at the lodge. The team rearly score’s from corner’s and free-kicks but is very good at conceding from corner’s and free kicks. Levy need’s to issue some P45’s and kick some arse at the lodge.

        Devine intervention happens to me all the time when I visit Amsterdam.

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Bah! Baron Dent is a little sissy. Sure, in hindsight it was mismanaged by the gaffer. But a person with any sort of insight and balls would have replied:

          “Yeah it was a terrible miss, and you’d expect anyone to score. I’m disappointed, but these things happen in football.”

          In stead we got:

          *bawling like little girl*
          “wwwwaaeeeeehhhhmmuuuummmyyy!!!! The bad man has been mean to meeeemuuuummmyyyybwaawaeaeaeae!!!”
          *throws toy out of pram*

          That sort of psyche is not the sort of player who tackles the pressure of big games at the highest level. I still say we did well to get rid of that waster – and Levy even managed to get decent wodge for him.

        • hoofing says:

          I concur with the Bent Bah Boo stuff….

        • Essexian76 says:

          I wish Levy would sell my house and car, anyone who can get a return on Pav, Crouch and Bent, then he’s the salesman of the decade in my eyes-just a pity he’s not quite as up there in the purchasing stakes

    • melcyid says:

      Sensible assumption,especially at the complete nonactivity and no comments on anything Tottenham from Goldfinger given our dire circumstances and with his track record of booting out Ramos and installing the chump who was the right man for the job needed at the time.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    ‘Chelsea made eight changes to play Arsenal and still looked good. I only had one striker and two centre halves — Ledley King and William Gallas — and if one of those got injured I was bang in trouble and would have had to use Bongani Khumalo, who has been on loan at Reading this season and didn’t get in their side. We were desperate. I had five central defenders and now I have only two. I have lost Dawson, Kaboul and Nelsen.’

    Arry Redschnapps

    “I’m sowwy, Mr. Wabbit. I hope I didn’t hurt you too much when I killed you.”

    Elmer Fudd

  • Hartley says:

    I Love Elmer Fudd and Elmer Fudd loves me…..

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