
Eunice On The Mend & Training Pitch Bust Up Caption Competiton

Image for Eunice On The Mend & Training Pitch Bust Up Caption Competiton

Good news?

Surely not?! Tom Collomosse on the Evening Standard is running with a positive piece on the recovery of Eunice Kaboom. The suggestion is that the French Goliath could be back for the Blackburn game.

Standard Sport understands the Frenchman’s knee is now responding well to treatment and that it is possible he will start working with the first-team squad again this week.

Let’s hope this is the case.  The article finishes on the note the Danny Rose would step in for the injured Benny Ekotto.

In the week that the word on the street is that we’ve had handbags on the training pitches, it might be an opportune moment to have a chuckle.

The winner of the funniest captions wins the adoration of their peers. No substitute prizes or cash alternatives available.

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  • mikey says:

    JD- I’am not playing in defence.
    CA- Come on mate it’s just something that Harry wants to “try out”
    KB- Yeah come on J it’s only for the next four games, cheer up.

  • NYSpurs says:

    Bond – Clive scored over 40 goals in one season you know.
    Allen – Yeah, I just put them in the back of the net. Why can’t you?
    Defoe – Piss off!

  • hoofing says:

    CA and JB shouting together: FFS Arry he play’s over there on the left!
    JD: Oi! You two been listening to tips from the fans again?

  • munso says:

    CA: Oi Defoe, you can’t be in the THFC motorcycle display team with that hat on!
    JB: I’ve got our helmets Clive
    JD: Oh, bollocks!

  • diamondgeezer says:

    CA: (Shouting) Oi…Jermain your in red bibs today for the subs bench on Sunday.
    KB: (Laughing) That’s Jenas Clive.
    JD: Oi! Head full of magic, Im stood in front of you, you blind twat!

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