
Fans Trial Their Semi Final Outfits At Maple Leafs Game

Image for Fans Trial Their Semi Final Outfits At Maple Leafs Game

Good morning.

Having relentlessly shredded our manager like he was going into a Hannibal Lecter type coleslaw …we have an FA Cup semi final looming.

Your Cheatski has no regard for human life, not even of his own. For this reason men, I want to impress upon you the need for extreme watchfulness. The enemy may come individually, or in strength. He may even appear in the form of Fernando Torres. But however we must stop him.

apologies to Gen. Jack D Ripper

Cheatski will be looking at Spurs and licking their lips at the very thought. And it’s difficult to oppose the optimism. Since di Matteo took over, the natural order at Second Hand Fridge has been restored. Nephew Fwank is going through the gears and the boy Torres is slowly but surely coming out of shell.

To add to the feel good factor, whoever wins this game faces either a hit and miss Everton or a dysfunctional Liverpool. I submit that who wins our game will win the Cup.

So will we lose? King being utterly knackered at a time when Dawson is out is nothing shy of disasterous. This leaves the way clear for Half Nelsen who I know some of you haven’t written off, but I’, genuinely struggling to see the good in. We looked like the Keystone Kops back there at the weekend.

Pathe News Boy ought to be rested and hopefully sitting out the Norwich game will have given Sandro an opportunity to refocus his mind. 

In the midfield, it’s fingers crossed. Will Modric sit centrally? Will Bale and Azza get told to play to their strengths or …not?

Up front it’s equally a lottery. Defoe as an impact sub is undoubtedly the way forward. Now I am convinced the Midget Gem would shake his head at the sound of this, but he needs to rethink that response. Let’s be brutally frank. He only scores goals. He invariably contributes bugger all to general game-play. In effect, he’s an assassin. In – kill – out. What would he rather do, ponce about for 90 minutes occasionally *ahem* getting caught offside, or zip on late and score?

Adebayor and Saha played well together once I know they did. I didn’t dream it, …did I? So they need the same class of supply at they got that day – all of the time. And less of this, ‘they don’t track back’ cobblers.

All the assets are there. It’s down to how they are managed on the day. Let me leave you with that chilling thought. And this corker of a picture highlighted by @SerfCity

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  • Real Hotaspurs says:

    ‘E must go, ‘e’s a blowed a 14 points anda ee’s a bottled eet asa you Englasis always a say..Maureen-ho-ho OUT!! Geta bak to England-Baquereo!

  • melcyid says:

    time to get out and dust down the old butchers coat fer
    I like the chavs v us at wemberlee.Whole new ball game do or die for martha reeves says ,Nowhere to run,nowhere to hide.

    • Alspur says:

      I have a cunning plan…

      On Sunday, as the players shake hands, each of ours says “good luck against Barca” to each of theirs…

      They’ll have been told to put all thoughts of the CL and tired legs out of their minds, so we might as well slap those thoughts right back in there…

      Cunningly cunning, eh? :D

      • melcyid says:

        mind games should be taught to our thicko stars.IF I was coach thats one stroke I would definite :daumen: ly pull on the chavs.

    • Essexian76 says:

      You were a butchers coat boy, suede,shorn or cropped?

  • seattlespursguy says:

    The messiah made flesh in the form of Brendan Rodgers is taking a beating again.

    • Alspur says:

      Paul Lambert is the real messiah… mark my words: he’s one for the future…

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Last I looked Rodgers was a short price to be next Spurs manager, and Lambert was out with the stragglers.

        I’d like to think there’s a coup going on and Lambert’s price is going to shorten as fast as Rodgers’ price drifts.

        Failing that, just Rodgers’ price drifts. Ex-Chelsea scum :freu

  • nobby nobbs says:

    Youve gotta love Wigan if only the Caino was still there.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    the caino was good the Casino was better.

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