
Felix Magath

Image for Felix Magath

Good morning.

The Felix Magath story on the front of Kicker magazine linking him with the Spurs job looks at first glance to make for a welcome distraction.

Magath is the Vfl Wolfsburg manager. And the tale is an inspired punt. Alas, the assertion is merely conjecture at this stage. Felix has hit that point in the show where his contract needs renegotiating as it is due to expire in 2013. 

Magath has apparently expressed an interest in managing abroad in the past but the article quotes him as saying,

“I want to work here long term, such is agreed with my supervisory boards. I have a contract until 2013 and am still here, fulfilling it.”

The Kicker piece concludes that they think his contract would be extended to 2015.

To be frank, aside from the quote it looks every bit like they’re making it up as they go along.

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  • nipper says:


    And your point is????

  • krakauer says:

    Hitler in Spurs! After the first month will be the riot.

  • jim says:

    no thanks. New manager must have premier league experience. Shame Ancellotti couldn’t hold on but the exceptional candidate is Moyes. Martinez/Rodgers too soon. Deschamps/Blanc?? Please god no. dreadful.

    • Essexian76 says:

      Same applies to Lambert, let’s see how 2nd season syndrome kicks in before lauding some of those mentioned? Moyes is the only stand out candidate who’d hit the ground running without having to change the back room staff too much-although would he leave Everton or us?

      • Essexian76 says:

        for us?

      • Phil McAvity says:

        Agree regarding Lambert. I don’t know what it is but I’m just really struggling to get enthusiastic about the prospect of Moyes being our next manager?

        • Essexian76 says:

          Me neither, but there’s a dearth of quality out there, but why Capello, whose league record is second to none has never been mentioned, is beyond me-personally I wouldn’t mind Martinez given a go, bit risky, but you never know?

        • Phil McAvity says:

          The trouble with Capello is that he has been quoted as saying he would like to manage in England but only for 2 years. I would like someone who is going to stick around longer than that, so that’s Maureen out too (although he was never in to be fair!!)

    • abe says:

      Uh, What wrong with Deschamps?

  • touching cloth says:

    Id take anyone over Rednap

  • Catcher says:

    Think Martinez has been outstanding this last few months, but could he make the step up to a big club, ditto Rodgers and Moyes, it is a tough call for Daniel Levy but one he must get 100% correct.

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