
If We Don’t Qualify For The CL, Should Arry Go? Vote Now…

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I was diagnosed in a full an fair debate earlier in the season as the type of supporter that ought to be behind glass in a museum. I was brought up with our lot occasionally holding up cups. I like ’em. All shiny and nice.

But times have changed. The Europa with it’s endless games is like adding half a season to your campaign and the financial rewards a mixed bag. The domestic cups have lost their sparkle too. The Champions League is by so far ‘The Daddy’ that for many it’s even surpassed the World Cup as a the must see competition.

And now we sit poised for Champions League qualification. And I use the word poised like you would about a kid standing in the middle of a see saw, was poised. Balanced on the brink rather than ready to pounce if you see my distinction.

So a simple poll. If we fail to secure a Champions League qualifying spot, should Arry go? By fail, I mean just that. The manner is irrelevant. If  the Blue Racists deny us by beating by beating Bayern or we achieve 5th or worse, it’s all the same.

How deep is you love?

[poll id=”57″]

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  • Jay says:

    Yes because this will be the 2nd season in a row redknapps tactics and transfer dealings have failed us near the end of the season. Also the season we did qualify we did so because liverpool were poor and man city hadn’t finished the spending spree to the top yet. This season we are only there because chelsea and arsenal were poor at times. We haven’t actually moved or or pushed on in terms of ability and playing staff in about 3/4 seasons. An I wouldn’t trust redknapp with money and we need a huge overhaul in the summer!!

  • nick_the _greek says:

    Dump the chump

  • Jay says:

    Yes because this will be the 2nd season in a row redknapps tactics and transfer dealings have failed us near the end of the season. Also the season we did qualify we did so because liverpool were poor and man city hadn’t finished the spending spree to the top yet. This season we are only there because chelsea and arsenal were poor at times. We haven’t actually moved or or pushed on in terms of ability and playing staff in about 3/4 seasons. An I wouldn’t trust redknapp with money and we need a huge overhaul in the summer.

  • Lee says:

    WE WERE IN 3RD WITH 10PTS CLEAR! LOST AGAINST NORWICH QPR EVERTON AND THE gooners! We were 10pts clear! Sold Pav and got Saha! Lennon plays as sub and we show some flair up front then does not start the next game. Bale is nominated by uefa as one of the best left midfielders and he decides to be given a free role. List seems to be never ending. Only champion s league would save him for me!

  • Discospurs says:

    As I said on the previous blog, I want to know where the Harry huggers were when we were losing to Norwich.

    I’m utterly, utterly confused, because the tide on here for weeks has been in concerted agreement about Harry’s end.

    Do us all a favour – if you’re so convinced those of us who want to see the back of him are wrong, have the balls to come and say so when we lose to the next relegation fodder, and remind us of our iniquities. Thank you!

    • ziege says:

      when we lose to the next relegation fodder

      That could be in, what, 48 hours? Bolton away hasn’t been kind to us in the league: two losses and two draws over the last four seasons–and they weren’t fighting for survival then.

    • Phil McAvity says:

      Some of us have been here all along Disco, swimming against the bitter tide!

      • Spurstacus says:

        I’ve not been a HR lover or hater but…. I find it hard to resist the logic of the HR outers. I think he blew it when the England gig came up. He lost focus, had his head turned, believed his own hype and we are all paying for it now. A few years ago Ferguson announced that he would retire at the end of that season. His team went off the boil and they lost the title. HR unsettled the players and undermined their confidence. Most would say that he should be sacked for that and I would find it hard to argue against that. However a properly focused HR with a settled, confident squad, with a few additions and a media ban on HR and we could do really well.
        The real HR haters on here, (and the list is long and growing), should make themselves comfortable because the most likely scenario is that HR is with us again next year.

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