

Image for Misery


Misery is alive, Misery is alive! Oh, This whole house is going to be full of romance, Oooh, I am going to put on my Liberace records! 

There are of course some who believe me to be some twisted firestarter that revels in this gloom. I wish. Well I don’t; but you know what I mean. 

And so now another one bites the dust as Benny is thought out for the season with a discombobulated hairbrush. 

The issue here is that whilst you can never predict injuries, you can at least acknowledge that they are more likely to happen than not. It isn’t yet a non contact sport.

We appeared to have loaned everybody out. Does anyone know how a loan deal operates? Surely we can just recall who we want, when we want? Certainly Sluralix demanded the instant return of his youth players from Preston when his son was binned. 

We don’t have much choice in the matter and the likes of Caulker, Pienaar, Charlie and Bassong might be a mixed bag, but they are on the books.

Arry has emerged from his ornamental koi carp pond to declare that the race for fourth, possibly even third is definitely on. Wacky Races more like. 

“It’s down to the players.” He says. Well, yeah but no but. The players as was suggested here aren’t HP. And er… that’s over charges leveled at er …you, Arry.

A source talking to seems to reinforce the gist of what I writted here that a cabal of players have complained via their agents and personal shoppers directly to Levy & Co. over the quality of training and coaching.  

If this source has any voracity or not is irrelevant. Cabal is great word and it’s always a pleasure to see it used. Unless the THFC board are trapped somewhere with no media access they can see all of these things for themselves. 

So time to recall all the troops and try to galvanize something out of what has become a rather shabby affair.

Oh forgive me for prattling away and making everything all oogy. 

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