
On The Defensive

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Good morning viewers. 

Transfer rumour wise there is nothing out there at all. Well, once you discount the recycled Edna Hazard stuff of course. But if we learnt anything from the weekend other than the pitfalls of assembling large numbers of Chelsea fans in a public place then it was the desperate need for at least two decent defenders. 

Very few games left until the close of the season and I’d be far more interested in hearing suggestions for two new defensive recruits than more tiring fantasy chatter in favour of landing some Hollywood striker.

King has had it and the kindest words I can muster on that front are that it seems highly improble that there is any way back for the old girl. Gallas was chewed out for a ropy performance on Sunday, but beyond that one game he’s 34 and we might, might just get one more season out of him. 

Dawson could fulfill his potential, but that simply will not happen if the cycle of mend and make do continues. Walker has potential too but as I end up saying every week I don’t believe he’s being coached effectively. The thrill of his pace if all he ever achieves with it is the odd throw in or corner isn’t enough. Especially given we rarely appear to gain any discernible advantage from any set pieces.

This era of chancing our arm defensively has to be closed, Spurs have got to bite the bullet and quit the practice of buying cheap, buying twice. It’s a no brainer that the demands of the Barclays Premier League are such that the days of shipping in some bright prospect and developing him are virtually gone. So stop it and target a pair that have already got their boy scout Defender badges.

I’m unconvinced we’ll secure Champions League football this season. But then Spurs have become a dog chasing a car. What would we do with it if we caught it? 

A goalkeeper isn’t a priority, one bad game doesn’t make Carlo a clown. Deployed right (if they don’t all bail) we have a magnificent midfield. Ade, Rafa, Saha and the Midget Gem can all score if and when properly serviced.

The urgent issue is the back line. Oh yes, that and someone professional to bring it all together, of course.

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  • Finn says:

    It may have alreday been mentioned, but we do face another situation: that of England looking elsewhere (after the recent shocking dip in performance) leaving us with a manager that the players and fans alike know was all but ready to up sticks as soon as the FA got on the phone.

    I find it difficult to accept that any manager can ask players to put their hearts and commitment into the club when they themselves so clearly do not. Nonetheless we may end the season with chirpy chicken (not a cockerel you’ll note) still in charge and with Daniel Levy probably feeling relieved and happy that he’s kept his man.

    My view is that yes we should the maintain status quo until the end of the season (the toothpaste is after all, already out of the tube), but in the meanwhile search for another option and if we can find one, turf ‘arry and his barrow out on to Tottingham High Street.

    Given the high risk of losing players, and lets face it Redknapp was hardly a help to DL in keeping Modric with his big mouth comments every day in the press, I think DL should consider really splashing the cash on the manager and getting a real top flighter: is paying a shitload to get someone like a Jose more of a risk that paying a shitload for a Bentley or some of the other crap we’ve shittpped in over the years?

    We’ve a good base, we are not broke, we have a stadium in the offing and we have a few of the best players around, they and a good name manager would get more too! It’s not a bad proposition.

    My fear right now is that Redknapp still in charge, no Bale or Modders, no decent replacements (at least not till the last minute of the window), no forward threat, two centre backs who can only stand up because they’ve been propped against each other: we literally start the season without a leg to stand on.

    We are not at the precepice but hell, I can see it from here!

    • LLL says:

      I seriously can’t believe that anyone can entertain the thought that Mourinho would come to Spurs. There is no way on earth. Lambert, Rodgers, Moyes if we are lucky.

      • Finn says:

        How sad to have an inability to believe and such limits on your imagination, whilst also having such insight into what JM may or may not want to challenge himself with next…..bit like not believing in Santa because the Tooth Fairy told you he didn’t exist!

        Apart from reading some words but not all the ones surrounding them (I’d try this), JM or “someone like him” is not an impossible dream at all. Maybe he wants to move back to London, maybe he wants to coach Bale, maybe DL makes him an offer he can’t refuse.

        I’ll accept that it’s not likely, but impossible? Aspire for the ‘impossible’ and there’s a lot less competition around you.

        • LLL says:

          I would argue that it is you whose imagination is limited. I too can imagine Levy making enquiries about Mourinho. However, you don’t seem to have followed through to the part where he tells us to shove it.

          Like I say, I don’t doubt that Levy would make some enquiries, just as we were supposedly throwing 35m at Aguero. But on that occasion, Aguero ended up at City, which will be the same place Jose would go if he decided to come back to the PL this Summer. Or Chelsea. One of those two, not Spurs. Why on earth would he come to Spurs?

  • punchandjudyshow says:

    Lets hope HH can serve up a piece we can all moan about today on. As for Dogdreff, well he is the modern day footballer…. diving, play acting and scoring the occasional good goal…teeth clenched! (As did Young against Villa). Betting syndicates Asia control football, it is corrupt..hence no goal line shit. They all live in one bubble and we another.

    What a week….. and then there’s QPR away……Oh No!

    • nipper says:

      …agree 100% on the Asia betting syndicates thing, the game is definitely corrupt, lots of bets on Spurs when we 3rd and oops!

  • TMWNN says:

    Is football now a waste of time?

  • rich g says:

    Whats this ecl? is there some other competition other than the champions league that chavski can win?, and what other league competition other than the prem are we playing in? the epl? , what?, were in the english ? league? really?

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    Says in the Mirror this morning that vdv wants to go back to Holland? So much for Spurs through and through.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      Meh. I read those quotes more like “I’ll go back there when I’m not really good enough for PL anymore”. Almost every Norwegian who’s ever played abroad has come back to extend their career for one or two seasons in the domestic league (notable exceptions are Ole Gunnar Solskjær and Henning Berg).

      The Norwegians, at least, seem to do it mosty for fun, and for the undoubted fan adoration when they return to their mother club. Don’t really see this utterance as making him any more or less loyal to us. He still loves the club that trained him from a whelp, Ajax, and that makes him seem less of a mercenary than many others out there – at least in my opinion.

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