
Sits Vacant: Non Moron Required

Image for Sits Vacant: Non Moron Required

Good afternoon.

No, me neither. I’m not quite sure was the most futile investment of my time today. Having to stand in the same room as a property agent who thought she was having a conversation with me as she was talking or sit and watch our lot wander about aimlessly for the bulk of 93 minutes.

Old man Steptoe’s line in Live Now, P.A.Y.E. Later, ‘We was lions …led by donkeys’ when describing the gruesomeness of trench warfare to a tax inspector sprang to mind. About 50 times…

Yes, Chris Foy was irritating. But in this pre video technological age in which we live it’s about as useful as saying rain is a bit wet. But to to review this game as a homage to Martin O’Neil would be ridiculous.

Bale fannying about everywhere apart from where he should have been was insufferable. I’m sick of him being indulged. The consequences of this ego driven clown is we get A&E as our left winger. A wonderful character, but a man employed to be a bloody defender.

On the right, Field Marshall Redschnapps also supports the insane notion that Walker is fit to be our right winger. Again, another man in, ‘beyond pay grade territory.’ 

Or do you see every player in the Lilywhite as a potential ‘Hollywood’ player? I’d be fascinated to hear that argument.  Jesus wept.

The sooner the man that buried Portsmouth, did his best to wreck West Ham and is now making a concerted effort to scupper us is gone the better.

‘Oh but he’s been a revelation! You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about!’ 

The revelation is that this squad would have achieved more this season with Ian Dowie in charge. Dowie’s a man as thick as congealed paint but even he would would have told Bale to naff of with the Ronaldo impressions that don’t work, will never work. And are wasting everyone’s time.

The charge against Arry is failing to manage. He’s been found guilty, yet again.

The England job? Yes please. He’s so lost in the Lollypop Land fantasy of it all he genuinely thinks Bobby Moore’s waiting for him in some secret mahogany lined room at the FA with a half of Watney’s Red Barrel and a wink and smile for him.

Redschnapp’s substitutions stank to high heaven of inadequacy.  They were too late…

Spurs might, just might muddle through to a Champions League spot. If they do, Arry will win only 2nd Prize In A Beauty Contest as Kenny Dalglish scored 1st prize for the magnificent, no historic Carling Cup win against Cardiff.

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  • jfdit says:

    cheatski seem to be getting rather favourable decisions in their games


    maybe some lino’s are getting their houses done up russian stylee in the summer?

    let’s hope they’ve run out of luck by next weekend

    if ‘arry is for the england gig, we need a top top manager not some clowns who aren’t wanted by any other clubs

    ancelotti is my 1st choice

    • Tony says:

      Ancelotti WAS your first choice! People STOP DREAMING! He has a job now you know.

      • jfdit says:

        all decent managers will be in a job, all the unemployed managers are unemployed generally for good reasosns

        PSG will do feck all, mickey mouse league even with arab owners

        if we offered him our gig I’m pretty sure he’d be tempted to go back to London

  • BdaSpur says:

    Bale needs to get the f*** out of Modric’s way.

    • Vinnysamways says:

      Maybe if Modric cared to break a sweat, Bale and VDV wouldn’t feel the need to pick up the ball in center mid. What does he do with all his “possession”? I don’t understand this love-in most of you seem to have with modric. He irritates me the way Bale irritates HH.

  • Hartley says:

    A blind coconut could do a better job than this twitchy, diahorea spilling, gormless, braindead pikey C*NT…..
    Bale on the left…..
    B-A-L-E ON THE L – E – F – T !

    • Milky Bar Yid says:

      Oh could it? Could Martin Jol? Ramos? Santini? Hoddle? Francis? Graham? Gross? Ardiles? Do you remember those days Hartley? Do you remember the constant drivel served up? Do you remember the last manager that had us in 3rd place going into the final month of the season? Do you Hartley? Yes Harry isn’t perfect but he is a damn sight better than what we have had to contend with over the years, certainly since the Premier League started 20 years ago.
      Now stop the nonsense talk silly boy

      • Hartley says:

        I do, I also remember the days of Burkinshaw and Sir Bill and this is not what I signed up for all those years ago. Ramos and Graham won trophies with lesser squads, the rest had limited funds and a mixed bunch. This twat has the second best squad in the country, therefore 3rd is underachieving…..and you’ll win fuck all with 1 in 30 Redschnapps……

        • Phil McAvity says:

          That same old bollocks keeps getting rolled out by some on here! We have not got the 2nd best squad in the country, not by a mile.

        • Essexian76 says:

          Harts, please, Ramos and Graham?, yeah they won a cup, but did they get us into the CL?, did they beat the Goons and humiliate Liverpool, did they play decent football, and did they manage to allow kids wearing a Spurs shirt to adorn it with a little pride and self respect for the first time in a very, very long time? Did they fuck as like!

        • Hartley says:

          CL or trophies?……’s your choice E, I’m proud of the fact that since the 50’s there are only 2 teams in England that have won at least one major trophy every decade, Yanited is one and we is the other, we are now in 2012 so have 8 years left and as long as we have this self proclaimed fantastic football manager in charge we will not win another….his record suggest this….Dare and Do my friend, Dare and Do!

      • Vinnysamways says:

        Your love of mediocrity makes me wonder if you’re not a villa fan in disguise. Maybe?

      • Essexian76 says:

        To quote Glenn Hoddle “I’m scratchin’ my head over that one!”

  • Phil McAvity says:

    Oh come on FFS!! ‘Arry put out a good team and we were all over them, but when a team parks the bus and plays for draw at home then what can you do?

    The fact that we looked like the home team and them the away team says it all.

    • Tony says:

      Thank you. A common sense comment.

    • Vinnysamways says:

      We were all over them? What game were you watching? Not because Harry says so that it’s true… Try trusting your own judgment

      • Phil McAvity says:

        How do I know what ‘Arry has said? I saw the game thanks and we were all over them.

        That is my own judgement.

        Cheer up, it might never happen.

      • CptCaveman says:

        I only got a D in maths so correct me if im wrong but wasn’t possession 75%-25% in our favour first half??…im pretty sure the 2nd half was much the same…
        Now I dont know what qualifies as ‘all over them’ but thats gotta be pretty bloody close!

        • Vinnysamways says:

          Most of the possession was in our own half, passing it sideways and backwards. We had ONE shot on target. Stats are raw data – you then use your judgment to interpret them.

  • GringoSpur says:

    0-0 away. 3rd in the league. FA semi finals.
    What’s the point?

    • Milky Bar Yid says:

      You get some fucking retards on here. Yes we should have won but don’t these pricks remember a few years ago when we were mid-table and utter shit? These same people are probably the same idiots who will benefit from the clubs loyalty point restructure….only taking the last 4 years into consideration. So my endless trips to northern outposts under Christian Gross and similar clueless areholes now means nothing to the people who run the club. Pathetic

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