
U Turn

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Good afternoon.

I was having a ponder, trying to work out who in the long term might replace Chomical Arry and his coaching staff. My mind just couldn’t keep a straight face. The only applications that could might come close would be from The Three Stooges or indeed just about any assortment of black and white slapstick stars.

“I’ll be rooting for Chelsea I want to see an English team win it anyway and I think they can do it.”

Arry Redschnapps April 21st 2012

“I’d be a liar if I said I want Chelsea to win the Champions League. I want Bayern to win it, and I hope they do, for all Spurs fans.”

Arry Redschnapps April 27th 2012

Accusations of the Tottenham supremo’s mind being muddled since the departure of Fabio from the England helm have been poo pooed by his supporters. This u-turn only serves to underline the fact he’s completely lost the plot.

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  • DAVSPURS says:

    There is only one person Levey should talk to Pep he would make sure his Pep Talks would inspire us to beat bottom three teams He would Pep us to a higher work rate and make our bench modern and classy with his suit and jumper. (Get Pepsi Levey)

  • Finn says:



  • melcyid says:

    I see Mrs Doubtfire is to retire as the goons no2
    the granny that sits next to auntie wenger.

  • SaoPaulo Spurs says:

    I just read an article in the Indy where Redknapp “reveals” how he tried to sign Tevez. What a scoop! This is typical Redknapp deflection. He knows he made bad signings in January and Pardew’s success has put pressure on him to react.

    “I said to the chairman ‘Can you get me Carlos Tevez’. It wasn’t possible, but that was my dream, ‘Can we get Tevez’. We would have loved Tevez, but it wasn’t doable because his wages are whatever they are – £200,000 a week, it’s not possible at Tottenham to buy him.

    “It was me thinking, ‘He’s not in the team, he’s fallen out with [Roberto] Mancini’. You don’t know do you, unless you ask. It was just a little try.”

    This is such bullshit! As if Levy is gonna sanction the signing of Tevez. There are only 3 maybe 4 teams in the whole, wide, world who could sign Tevez and Spurs are not one of them.


    “Ah yeah, it’s not my fault Spurs are rubbish now, blame the chairman. I told hime to sign Tevez, he didn’t, now he can see what happens if you don’t listen to me”

    He also blamed the players lack of effort. “I told them to run about and they haven’t. That’s what happens when you don’t listen to me”.

    I can’t wait for the FA to take this fool, far, far, away from our club….

    • TMWNN says:

      What a complete berk he is!

      In the press conference, he’s blamed everyone but himself. It’s “Tottenham”s fault for not signing Tevez and the players aren’t tired, they’re just making excuses.

      If they’re not physically tired, they must be mentally exhausted having to listen to this fraud every day.

      It’s like watching a car crash over a number of months.

  • kosta14 says:

    Roberto Martinez…he’s a tactical genius you know. To be honest I don’t think we could attract the calibre of a capello, hiddinik van gaal. Next best would be dechamps, but me thinks he might be on Chelsea’s radar if they don’t land pep.

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