
U Turn

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Good afternoon.

I was having a ponder, trying to work out who in the long term might replace Chomical Arry and his coaching staff. My mind just couldn’t keep a straight face. The only applications that could might come close would be from The Three Stooges or indeed just about any assortment of black and white slapstick stars.

“I’ll be rooting for Chelsea I want to see an English team win it anyway and I think they can do it.”

Arry Redschnapps April 21st 2012

“I’d be a liar if I said I want Chelsea to win the Champions League. I want Bayern to win it, and I hope they do, for all Spurs fans.”

Arry Redschnapps April 27th 2012

Accusations of the Tottenham supremo’s mind being muddled since the departure of Fabio from the England helm have been poo pooed by his supporters. This u-turn only serves to underline the fact he’s completely lost the plot.

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  • lecoqhardi says:

    Redknapp is Toad of Toad Hall.
    Always lurching from one crazy idea to the next, never learning from his mistakes, blames others for all his misdeeds, has a very high opinion of himself, talks crap at all times. Kind of loveable to some people.
    But without friends to correct his faults.
    Manager: Badger.
    Assistant: Ratty.
    Youth Coach: Mole.

  • Carlos says:

    I know our form has been poor of late. But this Arry bashing is crazy! Show me the manager since 87 that has developed such a decent Spurs team !?
    Unless Jose or someone else comes in, there’s no better options. Simple as that. I for one can’t see an elite manager taking spurs.

    I realise I will probably receive abuse, but we can still get CL football and at the start of the season I’d have taken that!

    • Eyeball Paul says:

      All shall be revealed soon enough Carlos…

    • webby says:

      show me a manager in the past 3 years that has learnt from his same mistakes.
      there ate too many options as to who would/will manage SPURS and option 1……………. is rednob NOT to manage us

  • DAVSPURS says:

    What about Davspurs he knows how to spot tempo tampering he predicted Arsenal and Newcastle to get beat on the 7th game By the Pie eaters. He predicted our January slide he also predicted Norwich would lose games once they had 40 points we gave it to them or should i say they gave it to us. I would rotate my team because with Wigans work rate anyone in a shirt shorts and Boots will do then you will end up with 25 skeletons and in 3rd place. I would have Mutu and Toure has my coaches and conditioners Harry Hotspurs in charge of the players car park looking after there precious wheels.

  • Ado fla says:

    Further thoughts – If not Martinez, maybe Joaquín Caparrós? The guy we should have brought in instead of Ramos, & who started it all with Bilbao before Bielsa… Bilbao play some lovely football!

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