
U Turn

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Good afternoon.

I was having a ponder, trying to work out who in the long term might replace Chomical Arry and his coaching staff. My mind just couldn’t keep a straight face. The only applications that could might come close would be from The Three Stooges or indeed just about any assortment of black and white slapstick stars.

“I’ll be rooting for Chelsea I want to see an English team win it anyway and I think they can do it.”

Arry Redschnapps April 21st 2012

“I’d be a liar if I said I want Chelsea to win the Champions League. I want Bayern to win it, and I hope they do, for all Spurs fans.”

Arry Redschnapps April 27th 2012

Accusations of the Tottenham supremo’s mind being muddled since the departure of Fabio from the England helm have been poo pooed by his supporters. This u-turn only serves to underline the fact he’s completely lost the plot.

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  • Cockney Geezer says:

    I’m glad you took the time to write this article as it is something that I also noticed. I am slowly coming to the conclusion that Mr Redknapp is suffering from dementia. It would explain his contradictions over the season particularly “why would i weaken the team” in january to then loaning out all of our accomplished squad players by the end of the month.
    I used to love the man but he has disappointed me and everyone else. I also cannot fathom why he is still placing blame on the players, particularly when he comes out after every game saying we have been playing well.
    Loved you ‘Arry but it’s time to go, there’s an FA branded national express bus outside for you Mr Bond, Mr Jordan and the man who makes your jellied eels at the lodge.
    Blackburn await, hope the boys have formed some sort of underground training regime without Redknapp so that they can actually prepare a game plan. COYS!!!!!

  • Ado fla says:

    what about Martinez? was he not the instigator of things at Swansea?

  • AFelching says:

    Help needed shifting Redknapp

  • dixta says:

    what a mucking fuddle arry has got himself into. he is a 1-off old arry that’s for sure. not really what you need at the helm of a club trying to “push on” into the elite.
    Llorente, Hazard, Dimaio, Cavani..not looking forward to these players + others noncing us off in the summer.

  • johnhalloween says:

    Redknapp is a spoofer and all spoofers cover over the cracks with comments that suit at the appropriate moment in time. I have tired of his contradictions months ago. I wouldn’t question his sanity, I would see it as a man whose antiquated one dimensional tactics have been found out gud ahn pwoper you fackin slaaaggs

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