
Adebayor (Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love An Ex Gooner)

Image for Adebayor (Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love An Ex Gooner)

Guten Abend, meine Lieblinge.

If ever there was a modern day footballer tale worth turning into a movie then it’s that of Adebayor. How so? A plot that includes playing and scoring goals at the very highest level domestically, internationally and even on one occasion under machine gun fire. Moving from Arsenal to City, ‘that’ slide and now these quotes.

He came to us certainly not for the money and definitely not for the frills. Why he came I do not know. Maybe he likes playing Yahtzee with Benny on the bus to away games. Maybe he enjoys practicing bad dance moves with Gareth the whitey.

What I do know is his unselfishness and his goals overall contributions  have been nothing but a breath of fresh air. We haven’t had a striker who offers so much in a dog’s age. We really haven’t.

This club needs men in the Lilywhite who actually want to be in that shirt of ours. As per the Dalglish piece earlier, emotional investment is a key element when you’re following a football club.

Is he the Messiah? Who knows or cares, but if we can land the very lovable lunatic at the right money then I couldn’t be happier. And more to the point it’s my belief that his current team mates would be equally delighted.

Levy & Co. are far from daft and I’m confident they will make the right choice.

‘I don’t know yet whether I’ll be here or not next year but my first choice now would be to stay at Tottenham. I am not going to go on my knees and beg anyone this is for others to sort out.’

“I am a huge fan of Tottenham now and I love the club. If I am not at the club in the future, I will be following their games and wishing them luck. I played at Arsenal for three years but today I keep Tottenham in my heart more than Arsenal, even though I haven’t played here for as long.”

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  • I'ma tottenhamsupporteryaknow says:

    He’s an emotional fellow, so all the ”I love Spurs/City/Arse/Real/Togo/Mars bars/Unicorns” should be taken as what they are. Instinctive outbursts, probably quite genuine, but no more than a narration of his current situation.

    The gooner has a point, unless he’s willing to go abroad, we’re as good as he’s going to get in terms of prestige versus likely game time, so again, while I believe he has ‘Spurs in his heart’ (getting game time and having a laugh rehearsing goal celebrations) at the moment, the comments are relatively self-serving. If for example, QPR offered him 200k a week, a guaranteed start, and a fee was agreed with Man City, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear similar noises being made about them. And had he, for example, hit 30 goals this season, and a few others were publicly flirting with his agent, i’m sure the tone of the comments might be more ‘I love Spurs BUT there’s no agreement so let’s see what happens’.

    His contribution is the only thing that should matter, and this season, the good has outweighed the bad, so if the fee and wages are right, let’s keep him… but he’s not perfect, and the powers that be may feel we could do better. We may only be able to justify one big pay packet for a front man and while there is the possibility of us getting better, the ‘sign ‘im up ‘arry’ camp will be in for a long wait as Levy will play the waiting game.

    Ade’s not been SO good that Levy’s hand is being forced, he has a good argument that he’s not been consistently brilliant, so you can bet your life he’ll be using it in whatever negotiations take place. He thrives on it.

  • wiltshirespur says:

    lol at the gooners trying to make out hes a horrible person when they have rapists, paedophiles and sczesney in their team! :D

  • cyril says:

    i think that people were unduly harsh to rob above, including you harry
    yes he overstated it but there have been games where his touch has been appalling, and there have been quite a few scuffed shots and some he has scored have bobbled in of his shin. against newcastle at the lane he was simply unplayable, just fantastic. but he has disappeared in other games and he has a consistent record of dropping his standard significantly in the second season, as someone noted above. if he tells city that he will be there for preseason and is going nowhere other than on a free in a year they might let him go now to save the wages, after michael bridges mancini might believe it. then we cd pay a sign on fee to him, but for goodness sake let us spread it out because if we give him that bonus all on day one the decline in his performances will be all the more likely. if he had the drive and commitment and detrmination to play to his best in every game in the wa gallas does (just the attitude and mental part is what i am talking about, not skill as a football player) he would be worth breaking the bank

  • Jack says:

    Owen is leaving Manure. This is firmly in ‘Arry territory……..Beware!

  • Cheeky Bill says:

    We were told by the cynics that after a good start Ade would fade out. But he actually put a good shift in for the whole season.

    He is a genuine and proven talent who actually wants to play for us and no one else. An alpha male who will lead and not whinge and someone who the whole team can look up to.

    I can’t see what the confusion is.

    • Spurstacus says:

      I would say that the whole team does look up to him. With the exceptions of Brad and Gomex.

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