
First Cahill, Now Vertonghen…

Image for First Cahill, Now Vertonghen…

Good morning.

I guess the start point here is when was there a time that weren’t concerned, borderline terrified even, about our transfer strategy? 

The popular debate seems permanently to be about landing that ever elusive ‘Hollywood’ striker. As thrilling as that prospect is, the home truth that few wish to face is getting the whole team tactically set up to effectively support whoever the front man or men might be. 

With Modric, Rafa, Bale and Azza across the middle there ought to be enough creativity to service anyone and everyone.

For the umpteenth time, you build a team from the back and it’s an area we’ve been mending and making do with for far too long. Injuries don’t help, but as mentioned in relation to the madness of us loaning out all our back up boys, it has to be understood that whilst no one can predict injuries; it’s fair to say they will be more likely to happen than not. This after all Association Football, not Tiddly Winks.

King ist kaput. Dawson and Eunice appear to be in some revolving door sketch where they seem only to bump into each other going in and out of the physio room. Gallas is martyr to gout.

Gary Cahill was a player we were, ‘linked’ with. I recall Arry issuing the old, ‘top top player’ spiel. Now Jan Vertonghen. 

Vertonghen’s agent has spoken of ‘approaches’ by a number of clubs, us included.  No offers and Arry’s comments back that up. With just a year left on the lad’s contract there’s bound to be more than a little light whoring going on. So why aren’t we more proactive? 

Jan would probably cost anywhere up to €12m his wages would fall into our range. Let’s get stuck in and spend shrewdly. 

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  • Jay says:

    Won’t happen, he is 1- Not based in the premier league 2- not over 30 and surplus to requirements and 3- redknapp doesn’t sign players from abroad! Prove me wrong redknapp!! I’m waiting.

  • Jay says:

    Won’t happen, he is 1- Not based in the premier league 2- not over 30 and surplus to requirements and 3- redknapp doesn’t sign players from abroad! Prove me wrong redknapp!! I’m waiting

  • Chirpy says:

    Cheeky bid for Skrtel?

  • Sabine Cox says:

    Guys, you`re missing the point…as `Arry said if we`d bought in Jan where would we have played our new aquisitions ? Everyone was playing well, we were 3rd and challenging for the title, 10 points above Arsenal, Chelsea and Newcastle trailed in our wake, we had cover in all areas, why on earth spend 25-50m ?
    We are Tottenham, we lack Ambition, same syory for 2 seasons in a row, players flogged within an inch of their lives, no rotation, no management….so now at best we hang on to 4th, Chelsea win the European Cup with Lampard scoring the important deciding penalty in the shoot-out and we miss out again, doomed to Thursday/Sunday football again. Am i sick…..we all are FFS.

  • crespur says:

    According to HR Dan L is Stateside at the Mo, I sincerely hope he has his cap in hand, as no doubt he will be knocking on Joe Ls door sometime.

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