
Get Your Middle Class ITK Here

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What news from yonder window breaks? Well not too much. Sufficient for the day thereof as they say… 

I’ve always loved the idea of a middle class ITK. Not for any pretentious value I swear; rather for someone to rock the ITK mic who spoke didn’t spew out riddles and other self indulgent algorithms.  

The current relationship between Levy & Co. and the Spazmeister General that is our current manager has then today been described as, ‘perfunctory‘. 

… This female source tells me, “Oh by all means, let them know I’m a bird, Harry!”  that the exchanges between the two have become hard work largely as Arry is taking every contact as a potential threat.

There are of course exchanges but at best they can be described as perfunctory. Harry feels and doesn’t hesitate to say …that he’s due a break after a successful season and others are shall we say… doing very well indeed to remain speechless. 

Arry knows that he’s screwed up and whilst the press might enjoy his company… THFC are all too well aware they have been left high and dry both in financial terms and indeed in the transfer market arena by the repercussions of Arry being ‘distracted’ by the England job that he was never ever actually in the running for.

Those still whining on about our best season witnessed by anyone under the age of 97 might want to consider if their footballing priority is Tottenham or something more sinister they may might to share with the group.

4th sounded great at the beginning of the season, but now amounts to being worth less than nothing.  Lets hope that the situation deteriorates further and the Board can ship in a professional. 

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  • Dick Scratcher says:

    I tell you brothers, it’s a diabolical liberty that Harry Ramsden is still frying fish in NW17. He ought retire and open up a fish bar in Sandbanks wearing the old lady’s aluminium truss.

    I’ll get my coat now!

  • Feenix says:

    I am not surprised that Levy doesn’t trust Redknapp with the transfer targets he goes after as they are ridiculous. Since Berbatov left us we have missed having a prolific, clever scorer. We had Robbie but he went downhill after a while. W need somebody who is sensible and knows what he is doing in the transfer market. i don’t know what our scouts do either. Today there are reports that we are sending our head scout to have a look at Dalmaio. This has been going on now for two years surely we have already looked at him. Half our problem is we dither about too much and sometimes you have to take a risk or like always happens we miss out. Still there is one good thing about Harry’s transfer targets and that is the Winter Fuel benefits they receive can go towards more players

    • Smog says:

      the scouting is a joke. Last season we sent scouts to watch Jordan Rhodes. The kid scored 5, away from home. Yet we weren’t impressed. What? Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure we should be looking for bigger fish that Rhodes, but why bother sending scouts if thats the case? What more could the kid do than score 5 away from home?

      Just a pointless exercise.

  • melcyid says:

    the stark injustice of the daylight robbery keeps surfacing in my thoughts if I dont get a grip ,so I will try and moan about something else.
    1ST seeing as HH is having a little pop at the middle classes,What was cringeworthy was seeing Dave Camerwon punching both fists in the air for the disgusting Chavs while watching the footy with Obummer and the Meercat.Glad he and his type love the kings road dwellers and sloane rangers and not us.
    2The bwitish meejiah fawning over the chavs heroic and brave win.Now if an eyetie team had won with the same parking the bus and the hacking and cheating performance to hold out for a win on penalties what would have been the reaction.

    Also not seen or heard it mention but didnt a chav give the ball a touch for the munchen goal that was given for offside :hae:

    • skankehmonkeh says:

      The ball has to have been under the defender’s control for it to be classed as not offside, a deflection doesn’t count.

  • Eyeball Paul says:

    Can the ‘Odd Couple’ please divorce before it becomes ‘The War of the Roses’…..then we might have ‘The Money Pit’ altogether…..

  • aidyj7 says:

    look at the end of the day its the 11 men on the pitch who affect results, i’m not a massive harry fan but i honestly can’t see whos available better and in our budget, we’re fucked next year if we lose harry, exodus of players, modric is off, why don’t we sell him to city get adam johnson in 40mill and get hazard instead because they won’t need him, oh fuck no champs league, yakubu it is, i’d take berbatov, i miss pav!

    • where is the other eleven?

      I guess its not that bad only having 11.Maybe goal difference wouldnt have been an issue….we would only get beaten 1-0 every game.

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