
Get Your Middle Class ITK Here

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What news from yonder window breaks? Well not too much. Sufficient for the day thereof as they say… 

I’ve always loved the idea of a middle class ITK. Not for any pretentious value I swear; rather for someone to rock the ITK mic who spoke didn’t spew out riddles and other self indulgent algorithms.  

The current relationship between Levy & Co. and the Spazmeister General that is our current manager has then today been described as, ‘perfunctory‘. 

… This female source tells me, “Oh by all means, let them know I’m a bird, Harry!”  that the exchanges between the two have become hard work largely as Arry is taking every contact as a potential threat.

There are of course exchanges but at best they can be described as perfunctory. Harry feels and doesn’t hesitate to say …that he’s due a break after a successful season and others are shall we say… doing very well indeed to remain speechless. 

Arry knows that he’s screwed up and whilst the press might enjoy his company… THFC are all too well aware they have been left high and dry both in financial terms and indeed in the transfer market arena by the repercussions of Arry being ‘distracted’ by the England job that he was never ever actually in the running for.

Those still whining on about our best season witnessed by anyone under the age of 97 might want to consider if their footballing priority is Tottenham or something more sinister they may might to share with the group.

4th sounded great at the beginning of the season, but now amounts to being worth less than nothing.  Lets hope that the situation deteriorates further and the Board can ship in a professional. 

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  • Jol 5:5 says:

    Sits in his car at 5.30am
    – commutes on icy roads in the dark / M25
    – enjoyable working relationship with the board
    – loyalty of the players who went out on loan
    Jenas, Bently, Corluka, Defoe, Pienaar
    – anger of the players denied CL
    VDV, Modric, Bale, BAE
    – Europa trips to back end of Romania, Turkey
    – Never did get to win in Old Trafford

    – Could be worse for you ‘Arry
    – Stayed out of nick
    – Look at Mooro – poor sod – misdiagnosed

    Do I really need this aggravation?

    • Would Harry rather visit the villages of Romania,Turkey or maybe he would prefer the Norf Poll?????
      Look he could have been a contendah,he couldve been somebody HE COULD BE GOING TO GDANSK

    • Jol 5:5 says:

      Lam-bert for Tott’nham

    • Murdoch says:

      The journalist has as much credibility as HR on this blog.

    • kojac says:

      blimey chelsea and the pool both linked with redknapp recently,be interesting to hear harrys reaction to this one

      • LosLorenzo says:

        “They’re both top, top clubs and anyone would be flattered. But I have a great contract at Tottenham and they have been good to me. They finished fourth this year and the fans should be proud. Normally they would be in the Champions League next year with that finish. I’m sure the Chairman will be calling me in shortly to offer an improved and extended contract. I’m very happy at Tottenham and they’re a top club. But yeah, it’s a difficult one. Any manager would have to consider an offer from top, top clubs like Chelsea and Liverpool. But I’m happy at Tottenham.”

        • kojac says:

          haha,you have it right because i don’t know what the answer is,

          isn’t it strange that redknapp only has a year left and no word from anybody about it,unless i have missed something,it doesn’t seem like a good state to be in from the boards point of view

        • LosLorenzo says:

          “And congratulations to both clubs for their brilliant cup wins this season. It really proves that they’re top, top clubs with top, top players. If they could add one or two more key additions, I honestly think they could really give it a go at winning the league.”

        • Chrispurs says:

          Are you working Harry, with your foot?

    • nobby nobbs says:

      He’d be the first cockerney to steal off the scousers.

    • LLL says:

      Chelsea would be my number one choice to parachute in our illustrious leader but Liverpool would be an amusing option too. I really really do hope that there is an ounce of truth here, but fear not.

      Although, Harry hasn’t said anything to the press in nearly 72 hours so something really seriously major must be up.

      • DesertSpur says:

        He’s prob on Abramovich’s boat with Fwank – I imagine a CL after party can go on a while when you’ve got a few billion to burn. Maybe one of the local teams here has come in with an obscene offer (like a few years back at Al Ahli) and he’s sunning himself up. Otherwise whilst stroking his cat, Levy is keeping him locked in a room……

  • Eyeball Paul says:

    The Eyeballer actually thinks a trek up Norf to Scouceland would be a great job for Redknapp – he will ‘get the playing again’ and they may / or may not break the Top 4 (in 4th position, of course)….

    All swell until Hodgson is sacked…

    • phil McCrackin says:

      Danny Boy waiting for cheatski/bindipper jobs to be filled before bouncing troutchops,don’t want to miss out on some compo.

  • Arsenal fan here says:

    Have to say this. Spurs deserved Champions League football. Chelsea basically hijacked your place by playing deplorable football and getting extremely lucky. Football is broken.

    PS: Robben is a choking cad.

  • Lesley King says:

    Another very average blog. Calling, once again, for the head of our leader suggests to me that your one dimensional scriblings (with good artwork)should take the summer off. You have dried up!

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