
Levy’s Called Arry’s Bluff: Mourinho Recommends …AVB?

Image for Levy’s Called Arry’s Bluff: Mourinho Recommends …AVB?

Good morning.

This would be nice. You know, if your definition of nice was when one of the Scandinavian air hostesses you were handcuffed to whispered in your ear, ‘I want more jelly and ice cream.’

Yesterday there was some muttering doing the rounds that the Arry camp was so deluded that they were planning a few leaked bits and pieces about him being in demand (Chelsea etc) to nudge THFC along into Arry getting his existing contract extended.  

This morning it appears that the thunder has well and truly been stolen as the suggestion is made that The Special One has advised Levy & Co. to look to Andre Villas Boas to solve our, ‘we don’t know what we’re doing tactically’ problem.

Boas has a CV featuring somewhat more than, ‘avoided relegation three times on the bounce’ and I’d welcome him in. 

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  • el says:

    AVB’s record with a big club in the prem is not as good as Arry’s and AVB had a stronger squad to work with. Arry is by no means perfect and short of a top 3 place next season I wouldn’t want his contract extended but I’ll take a pass, thanks, on the inevitable risk that comes with a new manager for next season.

    I’ve read and heard on a number of occasions about how good the atmosphere is at the club and how spirited the squad is at the moment. I find it hard to believe that Arry plays no or little part in that so I’ve no problem with him working his final contractual year.

    Go on the remy.

  • kojac says:

    whatever is happening,do people really think guardiola will turn up at the lane you could see avb as he wants to prove something,he could pay us with the compo he got form roman

  • Finn says:

    ‘arry would be perfect for Cheatski, he’d freeze out the dog and make fat fwank captain and then assemble all their mates back into the squad along with Judas to stand in for the dog and maybe even Ledders on standby.

    He’d have them bottom half within a year! Maybe we could waive the compo….

    Interesting to me is the link between Jose and DL; I’d bet that DL has been in his ear for a while, especially with the very real prospect of ‘arry doing a bcklight job.

    One of the ITKs suggested he was lined up if ‘arry went and if we reached the CL and I’ve said before I think he likes the ‘feel’ of the club and where the Chairman wants to take it….. if only!

  • nobby nobbs says:

    Ledley King £70,000 a week and a free mobility scooter, new 1 year deal. FFS what is going on ?

    • LLL says:

      Where’d you hear that? Previously I thought he had more than earned his right to a new contract, if he can sit on the bench and be occasional back up. However I don’t really want him anywhere near AVB’s high-line high-jinx.

      • LLL says:

        Fooking clown I am, I’ve somehow travelled back in time and commenting on three week old information!

  • davspurs says:

    I would sooner have the frog in Vllas throat than have him he is a media nightmare. Our Harry is tactically inept but a media darling and Kenny showed us all what happens when you take on Murdocs hacks

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