
More Corners Than A Müller Light Factory

Image for More Corners Than A Müller Light Factory

Good afternoon.

Where to begin? Well Aston Villa are yet another side we’ve encountered this season who aren’t exceptional at playing football, but they are blatantly better managed than us since Arry, ‘went wrong’ on us.

The away support was as ever, so excellent and the Villans might want to stop a while and ponder just who they need to direct their angst at. I get the frustration; but had we played you before the, ‘England’ fiasco we would’ve probably thumped you.

Bale is giving everyone a migraine. He returns a pass then pings off centrally for the next slice of the action. Which 99% of the time never ensues. 

Kyle Walker needs managing. These Forest Gump runs are producing little and defensively he’s looking like a part timer.

Danny Rose’s red wasn’t only deserved, I glad it happened as even someone as blinkered as Arry can’t deny he’s actually thicker than Baldrick.

The icing on the time expired cake of course was the Cagney death scene of Arry working out what to do substitute wise. He had Defoe ready to come on. Then Ade scored the pen and so he then hesitated further before swapping Rafa for …Parker.

Which only serves to show how genuinely clueless the man is. We’re well beyond, ‘a point would be alright’ territory. Well beyond. But that’s what that sub meant.

I lost count of the corners we won. We scored from a penalty. Go figure. Coaching?

Player ratings etc in the am.

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  • Buut says:

    We lacked the clinical touch once again. Yet our most clinical player didn’t even get a chance to play. Defoe can score something out of nothing, is always a nuisance to the last defender and knows where the goal is. But hey we still have a shot. WBA won’t go down without a fight especially seeing how it’s Woy’s last game.

  • ot says:

    Missed the game today had to take my little girl to a party hoped I’d come back to some good news but alas it’s as expected we get a chance of 3rd place and mess it up again…

  • JOHN ADAM says:

    What a great chance we have squandered. It is true we were unlucky about that deflected goal but apart from the penalty, why could we not score??..We had very few shots in goal eventhough we dominated. Since we needed goals, I could not understand why Harry did not bring in Defoe. His substituting VDV for Parker was tactically wrong.

    • itsallaboutme says:

      Because it’s football! Its actually not easy to score goals otherwise it would be 5-5 every game. Have some perspective, we are a good side and attack the hell out of most teams, imagine once we get a 20+ goal a season striker or worse imagine supporting Villa and all that lot. Good effort put in today boys, still think we can get third but still proud anyway.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Unlucky? Any deflected goal is certainly no blessing, but there was absolutely no excuse for Friedel to stand rigidly there watching the ball arc it’s way into the net when he should have been bothered to make an attempt to save it.

      Good chance we wouldn’t have been talking about it if he had.

  • smog says:

    for me, even if we get third, it will feel hollow. Of course i’ll be delighted, but after everything that has gone on, and the way our manager conducts himself, both in the dugout and in the media room, it will have a sour edge.

    • Simon says:

      I just don’t get that attitude. Really, I just don’t get it. Guaranteed Champions League football. Coming above Arsenal. That would feel hollow ?? Really ??

    • itsallaboutme says:

      utter bollocks that comment

      • smog says:

        perhaps it came out a bit wrong, what i am getting at is the underlying problems that so clearly exist are not just going to go away if we get third. They will be back next season and that has to be a worry

  • Discospurs says:

    Meh, look, I agree pretty much with everything here. I’m not feeling quite as blue as others, mainly because I’m back in ‘used to being disappointed’ mode.

    But christ on a bike. Everytime HH brings on Defoe and it doesn’t work, he gets slated. This time he tries something different and doesn’t bring on Defoe and…he gets slated.

    Like I said, there are lots of reasons why Parker might have come on. Perhaps Redknapp thought his best goal scorers were on the pitch and he needed to free them up.

    Just…ya know…a thought. Don’t hate me.

    • LLL says:

      Eh? Free them up?

      Besides which – isn’t VDV one of our ‘best goal scorers’?

      Nice try, can you come up with another theory?

      • Discospurs says:

        Yeah, but not when he’s knackered.

        I’m playing devil’s advocate here, but can you imagine a smart manager bringing on a defensive midfielder to say, allow Sandro or Bale to push up and eliminate the fear of a last minute counter?

        Ok, so Harry’s not smart. All I’m saying is it’s not necessarily the stupid decision it seems. Though that requires giving him the benefit of the doubt.

        In any case, it was too late by time the sub was made.

    • Top Tottys says:

      …..dont ask not to be hated…………or we will hate you! #:)

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