
More Corners Than A Müller Light Factory

Image for More Corners Than A Müller Light Factory

Good afternoon.

Where to begin? Well Aston Villa are yet another side we’ve encountered this season who aren’t exceptional at playing football, but they are blatantly better managed than us since Arry, ‘went wrong’ on us.

The away support was as ever, so excellent and the Villans might want to stop a while and ponder just who they need to direct their angst at. I get the frustration; but had we played you before the, ‘England’ fiasco we would’ve probably thumped you.

Bale is giving everyone a migraine. He returns a pass then pings off centrally for the next slice of the action. Which 99% of the time never ensues. 

Kyle Walker needs managing. These Forest Gump runs are producing little and defensively he’s looking like a part timer.

Danny Rose’s red wasn’t only deserved, I glad it happened as even someone as blinkered as Arry can’t deny he’s actually thicker than Baldrick.

The icing on the time expired cake of course was the Cagney death scene of Arry working out what to do substitute wise. He had Defoe ready to come on. Then Ade scored the pen and so he then hesitated further before swapping Rafa for …Parker.

Which only serves to show how genuinely clueless the man is. We’re well beyond, ‘a point would be alright’ territory. Well beyond. But that’s what that sub meant.

I lost count of the corners we won. We scored from a penalty. Go figure. Coaching?

Player ratings etc in the am.

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  • HR's fan. says:

    I hope PSG buy adybarndoor.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Yes, that would be a stellar idea even by your own certifiable standards.

      How dare that ex Gooner scum score yet again. How dare he!

  • LLL says:

    “Once you go down to 10, five minutes into the second half, you’ll take a point all day long.”

    He is talking quite literally there, it did take him almost all day to decide to bring Parker on.

  • trollytart says:

    Same old,same old
    20 corners – no result
    Rose – enough said already
    cutting edge – where ?
    Parker for vdv – too late
    why no Defo – we needed the win
    we are going to end up with nothing – Europa !
    Clueless mgt
    stop blaming luck or lack of it
    There must be probs within
    Maybe we are punching above our weight as far as the ownner is concerned and he is happy we are were we are
    I have a feeling things are on hold
    waiting for a sugar daddy to buy the club
    or waiting to offload to get rid of burdon but with current finacial crisis nobody wants the gamble
    no more spending with present owner only what we can generate etc
    why would we leave it this long to build bigger stadium
    pretty obvious it would generate the extra income and we would easily fill it
    It’s business these days not sport
    Guess we are stuck with it

  • Gooner says:

    As a Gooner I was glad of todays result, but in all honesty think that this season both Arsenal and Spurs have been bottlers when it’s come to sealing a CL spot.

    Squeaky bum time for both sets of fans next weekend, as (and I hate to say it) Chelski are on a good run and have the confidence to beat Bayern :(

    • LLL says:

      It is true. It will be whichever team shows the most bottle next week. On the season form in general, I’d make that Newcastle.

    • emspurs says:

      I’d really prefer if you didn’t come on here sounding so reasonable. You’re shattering my world view.


      • david says:

        Agreed, Mr Gooner is far too sensible.

        • Gooner says:

          Well, normally we’d be slating each other, but these aren’t normal circumstances.

          Safe to say, I reckon Spurs and Arsenal fans have both been put through emotional meltdown this season by our respective clubs. So I personally have forced myself into chilled mode.

          Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll be back to slating each other in no time!

        • Milky Bar Yid says:

          Gooner, go and suck your old girls tits dry you bonky eyed bellend

  • seattlespursguy says:

    So Bale at LB next week?

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