
Pop Goes The Weasel

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Good morning.

That nursery rhyme was all about struggling and  getting by in life to little purpose. When that was written to ‘pop’ was to pawn, ‘weasel and stoat’ referred to a coat. The sentiment seems all too apt this morning.

So now we supporters enter into a period of relative awfulness as the transfer window rattles and creaks as the knackered putty of threat and rumour falls out all over the shop.

We pawned any tangible achievement this season for the vanity and reptilian ambition of our manager. And that’s not up for debate. 

The laughable ‘argument’ from this clown’s apologists isn’t an argument. It’s the just the utterly desperate clucking those seeking to make themselves look more considered than the angry mob. 

‘But look at his record before all this England business!’ will come the cry. Well I agree. It was all rather jolly up until then.

But how do you want it? This is like saying that your son or daughter was operated on by the world’s greatest surgeon. He saved their life with a heart transplant. Then he carried out the most incomprehensibly difficult neurosurgery. The man had given hope and a future to that thing most precious.

But then one afternoon he accidentally amputated your child’s head because he was trying to get a high score playing Angry Birds.

Let me be clear. I would have fired Arry even if Bayern had won. Ideally I would have had Danny Baker do it in a Daz doorstep challenge style live on TV. It is not remotely rational to argue that Fabio getting the bullet and Arry flushing a 10 or was it in fact a 12 point lead was somehow, merely coincidental. It’s like suggesting the FA were to blame. In fact, it’s wishing. That’s what all that is. Wishing.

He spent the entire period honeymooning like it was a done deal. No other manager, no other pundit or journalist even devoted as much of their time to the England situation as Arry. The oaf was convinced he’d got it. Virtually every day he was on the phone to talkSPORT or waxing lyrical to some other poor bar stewards of the press.

And while the cat was away the mice did play. 

The indulgence of Bale’s vision to become the Welsh Ronaldo cost us plenty also. No manager worth their salt would put up with something that so unrelentingly doesn’t work. 

The responsibility for this fiasco lies squarely on the shoulders of Henry James Redschnapps. But Levy & Co. aren’t as daft as this cockney shyster would perhaps like to think and his inability to stay even vaguely on message will have been noted. 

Will Modric flee, who knows? What is for certain is that Arry isn’t fit to hold the job and cannot possibly be relied upon to act in the best interests of the club. 

Who would I bring in? Difficult to see Ian Dowie making as bigger fist of it if I’m honest. It needs to be someone with a CV. Martinez doesn’t have a CV. He’s a favourite colour. This week’s must have handbag.  Brendan Rodgers I respected, but him turning down even the ‘opportunity’ to talk to Liverpool upgraded him from respect to admiration.

Leaving aside the Lollypop Land suggestions of managers that would require budgets we do not have and Champions League credentials that we do not have, the obvious choice is Capello.  His big faults allegedly were that he didn’t have a rapport with the press and that his English was poor. His CV says that he speaks football fluently and if we could hire someone that didn’t turn into a tame monkey every time someone pointed a microphone at him, I’d be delighted. 

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  • Bruxie says:

    Part 1

    Where to start..?
    I went to the semi-final and didn’t feel as bad as I do today.
    You can recover from FA Cup elimination rather quickly – especially when there is all to play for in the league.
    Last night really tore into the club in a big way. The repercussions will last more than I care to think. Two, possibly three or four years to put something right that we should have put to bed last March.
    We’ve all got lists of the individual reasons for our exclusion from the UCL, but I think that you can group a few together and find the culprit for all but one.
    The first group of reasons must be attributed to ‘Arry.
    It was he who subjected the club to the uncertainty of his future by “being naive” financially. His dalliance with HMRC and the CPS was a handbrake on our season. A reason, or one of them, that we failed to buy properly in January to compensate for the loss of Dawson and Huddlestone and to inject a little vigour into the squad. Levy will not give a manager money without the knowledge that he will be around for a while.
    ‘Arry’s heart also played a part. The stress and the turmoil of his personal life must have been dreadful and, indirectly, we were compromised by a cruel turn of events affecting ‘Arry’s health and the consequent re-assessment of his priorities. No blame on ‘Arry here, then. We’d all change down a gear faced with the type of scare he had.
    ‘Arry’s “rabbit in the headlights” syndrome which followed the defeat at the Emirates was a symptom that none of us could have foreseen. Indeed, some supporters were afflicted by the same condition. We entered a state of shock. There was no back up in crucial positions and we started playing different tactics. Substitutions were made later and later and some were irrational and downright mystifying. Rotation? What’s rotation? TV pundit’s extolled the virtues of our “bench”. Looking back, we had cover for all but the most important positions.
    Bale and his “free role” contributed to the dip, nay dive, into a period of games which equated to relegation form. Bale was allowed to continue unabated – even though evidence suggested that Spurs had had an excellent spell in the first half of the season with him playing wide on the left. Man management is all about facilitating individuals to make the best of themselves. This tactic was not good man management and cost us games that we could have been expected to win.
    Ledley King. He came back. We sang for him. He played well at first but then became a liability. No decent back up as Gallas was injured. We hadn’t bought in January, remember.
    January also brought about a crucial loan. Pienaar. We gave away a player who could have revitalised us during those awful early spring games. Who’s decision was that?
    Pav & Corluka. Enough said, really. We sell or loan to reduce wages and overheads and replace them with whom, exactly?

  • Epic24 says:

    Harry apologists piss me off. “we overachieved” they say. Really? If you’re the sixth favourite in the grand national and two of the more fancied horses fall, resulting in a 4th place have you overachieved or just benefited from the misfortune of others?
    We finished 4th because Liverpool and more importantly, Chelsea were so abysmal in the league. Redknapp didn’t earn 4th, he got it by default. Newcastle finishing 5th says it all.

    He sacrificed the league cup and Europa league for a top 4 finish(when top 4 meant CL)
    He sacrificed Tottenham for England
    Finally, once the FA fucked him over, against Villa he sacrificed 3rd for 4th and hoped for a favour.

    • jim says:

      jesus, with fans like you no wonder we’re screwed. As for the article, CAPELLO ???? i understand we are all hurting but seriously? If we sack HR ( which we wont by the way and nor should we after 4th, 5th, 4th finishes ) it can only be Moyes. Everyone else either isnt ready or isnt realistic.

    • billyboycoys says:

      i agree with your views on twitchy & the chop should be sooner than later. but there comes the rub,how do we get rid of him without a large chunk of spurs money going with him in compensation. knowing our levy he would not like that & nor would i, anyone got any ideas how we could save a few bob for tottenham fc.

      • Moshe says:

        Actually, he’s in his last year of contract – would only be one year to pay off – not that much really

  • BrizzleSpur says:

    People are weak, there are no exceptions. Redknapp made a mistake, an opportunity to learn from that mistake is crucial for both him and us. I fear that both the manager and the club are tied to one another for the for-see able future. We have a manager who has nothing left to live for other than his current post. I too am angry but to pin it all on one man is absurd.

  • Bruxie says:

    Part 2

    The second group of reason’s can only be attributed to the club’s hierarchy.
    Levy asking too much for deadwood which means we cannot free up wages and the transfer kitty. The January balls up is down to Levy. Even if ‘Arry was breaking his door down – and I bet he wasn’t – Levy should have know that here was a period of ‘Spurs season that needed to be consolidated. Doing things on the cheap is for losers and we became losers last January. Ready to be plucked and cooked by our deepest darkest enemies.
    And where exactly does Joe Louis fit into all of this? He appears in the Sunday Times Rich List as the owner of Tottenham Hotspur. He is supposedly a fan. Being self sufficient is great. But watching us implode due to lack investment is not what I would call sensible.
    And finally. The third group. The FA and its Officials.
    Yes…let the press run and run with the ‘Arry for England garbage and let ‘Spurs season die in mediocrity because we are the FA. We will not pay compensation – because we blew it all employing and getting rid of Capello. We will however keep quiet until we have taken our own sweet time to think about and then talk to a cheaper alternative to ‘Arry.
    There is one reason for this chain of events. His name is Terry. He was sacked as England Captain and Capello felt slighted at not being consulted, by the FA; he created behind the scenes and was sacked.
    Jeffrey Archer may not have written a better plot. And it continues…
    Trevor Brooking, the only footballing member of the selection committee, must have loved the situation. Redknapp had irked him whist at West Ham. Now it was payback time. And, as a West Ham man, Spurs into the bargain! Brooking looked jubilant yesterday.
    Officialdom always plays its part in deciding the fate of championships, relegations and quite a lot besides. But am I alone in thinking that this was one of the more controversial seasons for refereeing and Assistant Refereeing mistakes?
    How many crucial mistakes were made where Spurs were the victims?
    One point. One measly, measly point. A disallowed goal. An inept Assistant Referee. That’s what this season has come down to.
    I can forgive and forget our missed chances and our naive defending. I cannot forgive injustice. Thankfully there was no controversy last night to really drive to violence…
    In conclusion, I am writing to assuage my anger, frustration and impotence (yes, I feel powerless) at a sequence of events outwith my control that have conspired to derail my hopes and expectations for a glorious near-future for Tottenham.
    I am ready for the people who say we have had the best season since the ‘70s or ‘80s and “we should be grateful. I used to get annoyed at people as a trades union rep who used to say “think yourself lucky that you have job”. It’s the same type of passionless, defeatist and self deprecating nonsense that only comes from the mouths of LOSERS.

  • Jimbotheyid says:

    He needs to go and to go asap. Will Levy do it though, that’s the question. We threw away a place in the top 3 when it was essential for our long term future and instead had to hope for a result that we could not influence. When destiny was in our hands our exalted Redkrapp thought only of himself and not the club, the players and its fans. Yet another summer of transition not building and that is all down to the saggy chopped cretin. HARRY OUT before we are fucked up even more. Never felt so much vitriol toward another person in all my life. Sort it out Levy please and sort it out NOW

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