
Rafa Source Says Jan Vertonghen’s In London Today

Image for Rafa Source Says Jan Vertonghen’s In London Today

Good morning fight fans.

Mark van den Heuvel is Rafa’s biographer, which for me would place him as a man who might well have more than half a clue as to what’s happening in Tulip Town.

Van den Heuvel’s tweeted Tom Collomosse a cricket correspondent and Spurs specialist at the London Evening Standard that Jan is over, in London today.

Is this for a medical? Well, he’s traveled ahead of his Belgium teammates who play Engerlund on Saturday… 

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  • Big Chud says:

    No doubt ‘I Know’ will be on here soon with all his witchcraft and soucery, to rumble up a big fat smoke cloud to spell out the words “I told you so”.

    Or maybe not.

  • Exchange & Mart says:

    For sale: Gents Penny Farthing £15

  • why is their always intrigue with us.

    The others just go over with a chequebook and they wrap the player up and they bring him home on the ferry

  • The Tottinghams says:

    The Rafa to Germany story has unsettled me slightly, especially with regard to this story. There is clearly an Ajax link between Rafa and Vertonghen so I hope there are no vibes to unsettle the deal

    • The hypothesis that if you take an unsubstantiated story and add that to a rumour and understand that commonly under 2% of the information gets actually realized…what are you left with?
      I think its another old age pensioner on loan.

    • Jay says:

      Remember Vertonghen is belgian, he has Eden Hazard, Thomas Vermealan , Courtios and Moussa Dembele all in London playing for clubs so he is hardly going to be lonely if Rafa goes, which I doubt he will

      • LosLorenzo says:

        Hazard, Courtois and Dembele all speak French I believe, so he wouldn’t actually be able to commuinicate with them any better than with English teammates. And Vermaelen is gooner scum, so I presume someone will have a word and let him know that beddying up with him wouldn’t be cricket.

        • Jay says:

          Your knowledge on Belgian players is amazing, I thought all Belgians spoke Belgian…

          Mad but we have the same thing in england with the cockneys who don’t understand the scousers

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Nope. French and Flemish.

          Fun fact:
          The two groups get along so well, in fact, that Belgium went a staggering 541 days without being able to form a government. The political deadlock stemmed from disagreements over the distribudion of voting rights between Flemish and French voters. By the time they finally formed a government in December last year they had long since destroyed the previous modern day record for “country going longest without a government”. Belgium beat the former holders of that dubious honor, Cambodia, by six months.

    • DaveYid says:


      Rafa ain’t going anywhere. If Sylvie’s TV job was a concern, they would’ve moved to Schalke in 2010, not Tottenham. It’s more media rubbish just to annoy us…as per usual.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    I agree about the conservatism. It’s an unrelentingly cruel mistress. If you’re lucky, you get a Berbatov or a Rafa. Usually though you get a Ricardo Rocha or some such other self harming catalyst.

    • this is a retro post of three minutes ago

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      My wife can’t figure out the “In Bruges” shirt, so I’m going to sit around in my 1948 Spurs away shirt until the philosophy of it all is figured out.

      • Harry Hotspur says:

        No refunds, re-admissions or re-admittance.

        Always thought that shirt had a touch of the old Errol Flynn about it. I am mostly wearing my Escape To Victory away shirt today. Occasionally calling a houseplant ‘Colby’ and telling it that I don’t need it’s team.

        • Surely The Great Escape was the finest film about football that never happened.Thats where Harry played by Harry eyes the White Cliffs of England but never gets there.His players all die in the a shipwreck at a Villa in the midlands and everyone it seems lives happily ever after

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          The ironic thing about Flynn was when he fought Basil Rathbone he was out of his depth. Rathbone was a master swordsman who could have out fenced Flynn anytime. A bit like us. We’re not allowed ever to win, even though we are the best side in the league.

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