
To All The Brain Surgeons Happy Finishing Fourth

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I keep reading comments from awfully well meaning types this morning saying that at the beginning of the season they would have taken fourth.

Wow. How noble. But more to the point, what a really odd thing to say.

In isolation, finishing fourth is a good thing – no; an excellent thing. Champions League football and peck on the cheek from the Prom Queen. So what if another team outside the top four wins the Champions League and nudges us out? What are the odds?! You can’t legislate for crazy, madcap things like that happening. Can you? 

Well you can.

Because this finish wasn’t in isolation to anything. To assert otherwise is insane. Not optimistic, not naive but just common or garden bonkers. 

Given that Spurs weren’t struck down with any season wrecking injuries or suddenly faced teams that revolutionised football the flushing of the 10+ point advantage is why we’re all now nervously making pro Bayern noises. 

Some of you can’t cope with the reality of the situation. You’re the same lemmings that haven’t noticed that since he’s run out of exit doors that Arry has started calling us, ‘us’ again and not referring to us in the third person.

What happened to this Club this season is nothing shy of scandalous. 

And now we have the rogue playing the health card as many do when they’ve run of legitimate reasons why people should bother paying them any attention.  He’s saying he might not got to the Euros with the BBC because of his trials and tribulations. Ooh my heart, ooh me tax case. Ooh naff off you chancer. 

“I want Bayern to beat Chelsea, whether Frank plays or not.

 “He knows there’s no love lost. My allegiance is Tottenham only. I want Tottenham in the Champions League next year.


“I’ll be rooting for Chelsea I want to see an English team win it anyway and I think they can do it.”

Arry Redschnapps April 21st 2012

  “If people get carried away with what Tottenham should achieve, they need a reality check.”

Arry, the only reality check people want is the THFC Board to replace you with one of those orange Keepon things off the EDF advert …or something equally competent. 

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  • calebray says:

    at the beginning of the season, finishing fourth was the bare minimum with a good cup run, preferably in europe.
    So – spurs have achieved the bare minimum – but only just.

    “It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we of Spurs have set our sights very high, so high in fact that even failure will have in it an echo of glory.”
    Sir Bill Nicholson.

    Still disappointed with the season? too fucking right you are – COYS

  • jfdit says:

    had time to stew on our achievements this season – scores on the doors as I see it

    Players – 7.5/10 – could do better, 1 win in 11 suggests they don’t have the minerals to challenge for trophies

    Manager – up to January 10/10 after that 5/10 – gross dereliction of duty, 1 win in 11 suggests he doesn’t have the minerals to challenge for trophies, severe shortcomings in so many aspects of running the club such as basic coaching. I see the likes of newcastle acquire really good players for very little money and I wonder what our scouts/management team actually do for their money.

    Levy – 7/10 – doing his best to balance the books but is his master plan actually going to deliver anything tangible (i.e. a championship or european trophy) in my lifetime?

    The stadium plans all look great but unless we get new owners all I can foresee is a major debt hanging round our necks for ever and a day. We keep hearing we were in for aguero & players of that ilk but when push comes to shove we sign no hopers like nelsen & saha.

    Challenging for 4th is better than mid table but is that seriously going to be the limit of our ambitions? If it is why bother?

    • LLL says:

      Newcastle’s chief scout is one Graham Carr, father of not funny camp comic Alan Carr, and more importantly our man in charge of acquisitions until he left in 2010. :-(

  • Spurstacus says:

    I’m really surprised that there are so main brain surgeons that read this blog. I thought it was just me.

    • Spurstacus says:


      • hoofing says:

        ‘so many main stream brain surgeons’ I would of thought…..’so many heart specialists’ there seems to be a few with season tickets. In fact at the Stoke game where VDV saved the day…..a guy sitting in front of me clothed in tweed….was reading the FT throughout the game….our support is indeed expansive. My loyalty to HH and THFC is only exceeding by my loyality to the Chief of Staff currently banging out a chicken madras and preparing the troops to send the winning energy eastwards to German lands. 4th was achieved and I now move on. Whoever takes to the field of play wearing the proud symbol of a great club do so with the honour that has been forged over years of intrepidation. The manager sets the tone, the players play for glory. A leader is required now to cement a great future, be it HR or a King heir.

        As for the party down the road…. let the noise sound out….for it is but that..noise.

        Forever in my heart..THFC.

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    There is a program about the 70’s on t.v. Judging by the comments on this sight nothing changes. Instead of bitching about our league form in the pub,we now do it facelessly online. Although at the time we were preoccupied with trying to escape from the old 2nd division for one season at least.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    THFC release temporary new club motif #coys

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