
So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

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Good morning.

Luka Modric is on his way to Manchester United. No he is. For less money than the failed Chelsea bid last year. No he is. The £25M doesn’t include add-ons of another £5M. He’s going to be paid £125,000 pwk. No he is.

The Sun article just doesn’t make any sense at all. Modric has what, five years to run on his contract with us and didn’t the chairman kick into touch the ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ fantasy?

There is a part of me that wants to segue seamlessly into a Arry bashing para or two. How it’s all his fault, how failing to secure Champions League has left us exposed to these crappy poaching expeditions for the rest of the summer …but I really can’t be bothered. 

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  • A Brian Surgeon says:

    So, if Dan’s dumping the cockaknee oik, who the ‘presumably already set up’ new man?

  • Gandalf says:

    So Pav scores a goal when the game is already won, against a shocking defense. Yay. Re sign him, he was misunderstood the 4 years he spent at Spurs.

    • But that was 4.2 goals ever 4.5 minutes.

      We dumped him and brought in Saha. who sat with Defoe and languished….on the bench…until the game agaonst Fulham (no Peter the Czech here either) when he scored.

      The truth is you will never know how good he is.

  • Gandalf says:

    We dumped him and bought in Adebayor.

  • Alspur says:

    Nice to see a journo actually putting Spurs’ side of the story (rather than just kissing SrAlix’s arse…)

  • sackthesaggycoont says:

    I wake every morning with one thing on my mind.

    “Has that saggy c*nt been f*ckin sacked yet”

    I check my phone first …while I slurp my morning coffee …… newsnow/bbc/spurs website.

    I then spend the rest of the day feeling down because the gobby blaggard is still getting paid from money ‘I’ helped raise.

    F*ck off away from our club you fake chancer, I would rather be 10th & struggling again than put up with your mug jutting out of your poxy range rover trying to blag your way into a role that you are just not good enough for.

    Daniel Levy’s Mum dies and on the same day they are lowering her body into the ground your gobbing off about your f*cking contract you mug… a subject that at the best of times should be kept 100% a private matter….. but to blab your mouth off about it when our legendary chairman is watching his nearest & dearest laid to rest is the worst c**ting behaviour possible you amateur tw*t.

    Fit for f*ck all in football after that & I hope the twitchy f*ckwit gets embarressed good and proper when his eventual time is up ….fingers crossed that wont be long now.

    The man disgusts me.

    • Hart says Spurs, Benny says LOL says:

      I agree….in fact he’s a fucking cunt!
      There I’ve said it, yes I know I’ve said it before, yes I know I say it every day about him, yes I know it will be moderated and turned into cnut…..He’s still a fucking cunt, yes I know I’m a grandpa and should be setting an example……Yes I know I’m a vicar by trade…….BIOYFC!

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