
93rd Richest Man In The World Buying Spurs?

Image for 93rd Richest Man In The World Buying Spurs?

Good morning.

Well here’s one to blow the cobwebs off your wireless handheld device for those of you what are holding them. 

Rumour from the lesser spotted message board SIMB and member on there, nty. 

Bit of my own ITK. Listen I’m only passing it on so it comes with the usual discalimers but I’m going to pass it on anyway………………………………..
Posted on June 11, 2012 at 10:56:57 AM by NTY

The reason for our inactivity and everything else is that I’ve been told Spurs have been sold to the Kharafi Family. They are from Kuwait and they tried to buy Liverpool once before. The main man there is the 29th richest person in the world. 

Deal is not done, but its close. Should be announced next week. 

Again, i’m only passing something on I was told. The source is good but who knows with these things. 

The guy said its with lawyers which will take 1-2 weeks


Is this true? Who the hell knows. What is known to be true is this mob were certainly mentioned when Liverpool were being sold a while back and their turnover is suggested to be …in excess of $3 billion. 

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  • Will says:

    Anyone who believes that camel urine is a cure all and who sees nothing wrong with sawing off heads needs to be shot not sold to.

    • PeterTheStoreyTeller says:

      Have you got a vehicle that requires petrol? do you use public transport,planes,plastic etc etc etc?If the answer is yes,then you are a contributor to the Shieks.So in your warped(imo) thinking your hand is also on the knife.

    • SuperSpurs says:

      I’m sorry, but I would like this comment (or just the link) removed. This is blog is not the forum to share such media and has nothing to do with HH’s discussion point today.

    • PeterTheStoreyTeller says:

      To add, I did not open the link.

  • emad says:

    For years the Gulf Cup, a biennial football tournament, had been used by the sheikhs of the region as a competition amongst themselves for personal pride and prestige. Everyone in the region knows it is the sheikh’s tournament. They are raising the bar of competition and intend to use the EPL as their playing field of competition with higher stakes and dividends. The sheiks of Qatar are still targeting Manchester United while they have already totally bought PSG in France and Malaga in Spain.

  • PeterTheStoreyTeller says:

    Ahsoles star Chamberpot was not worth a s**t for Engerland

  • Will says:

    Superspurs….It is the harsh reality that is Islam, like it not or deny it. Only oil money has enabled them to escape a crackdown.

    I would love the money for the club but to see any group who can justify that action (and they can and do) in charge of our beloved club would finish me as we stand for the OPPOSITE: freedom of speech and NO violence in religion and no bulsh*t about the christain church and its crimes (FYI I am agnostic)

  • EngNor says:

    Not good enough, I want the 1st richest in the world.

    • PeterTheStoreyTeller says:

      Now that’s what i call the Strong Agnosticism :shocked2:

      • Will says:

        Don’t believe me ! Go and research Why the Jesuits were created, why the Inquisition was created and why the mostly pacifist Christian church decided to stop turning the other cheek to a conscienceless fanatical ideology. The real clue is what happened to ALL of Christian northern africa and ALL of the middle east(except Iran which was Zoroathustrian) and Spain within one hundred years. Pacifism doed not work with totalitarian ideologies which Islam is althougn it hides behind its “religion” to escape censure in the west.

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