
Andres Villas Boas Signs 3 Year Spurs Deal Say Italian Media

Image for Andres Villas Boas Signs 3 Year Spurs Deal Say Italian Media

Me again.

Hold tight on the upper deck.

Here is what there is, this time from La Gazetta dello Sport. Their web page is here.

The former Chelsea manager, the Portuguese Andre Villas Boas will train again the Premier League yesterday found an agreement with Tottenham for three years, will take over from Redknapp. 

The Portuguese, who prematurely ended his adventure with the Blues last season, has surpassed the competition of the Wigan coach, Roberto Martinez, and will start from Spurs.

Ooh my days. 

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  • Gus says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me if Levy had the next manager sorted prior to lowering the axe on ‘Arry but it’s a bit shit not to say what you know, better not to say at all than look like a prat…

  • LLL says:

    Couple of things.

    There is no need to equate AVB-doubters with the Happy Clapping crew. If you don’t believe there is a valid argument to be made doubting AVB then you either haven’t thought about it much, aren’t too clever or are a hopeless dreamer.

    We all want him to do well. Some of us are more than a bit worried that he won’t, and there seems to be some pretty damning evidence to support that concern.

    Also, as Harry was rightly criticized for dealing in mistruths so please stop using the champions league quote out of context. He was never stating the competition was over-rated in itself, he was arguing that it wasn’t as much of a motivating factor for new signings as money is. Which is probably true.

  • LLL says:

    In other news, I see the odds on Laurent Blanc are shortening considerably… :hae:

  • Poon HY says:

    If he has not already done so, Levy should have a word with people like Hoddle and / or Maureen.

    No, not to offer them the job, but to do some reference checks on AVB. The biggest doubt about AVB is his man management skills. People like Hod and Maureen would have some inside scoop to bring Levy closer to the truth.

  • tms65 says:

    This is all just a smoke screen…….step forward Big Ron!

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