
Andres Villas Boas Signs 3 Year Spurs Deal Say Italian Media

Image for Andres Villas Boas Signs 3 Year Spurs Deal Say Italian Media

Me again.

Hold tight on the upper deck.

Here is what there is, this time from La Gazetta dello Sport. Their web page is here.

The former Chelsea manager, the Portuguese Andre Villas Boas will train again the Premier League yesterday found an agreement with Tottenham for three years, will take over from Redknapp. 

The Portuguese, who prematurely ended his adventure with the Blues last season, has surpassed the competition of the Wigan coach, Roberto Martinez, and will start from Spurs.

Ooh my days. 

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  • N17 says:

    Great for the club no doubt. We are looking at bringing in Vertonghen on the same day. Would love for this to be announced tonight and for speculation to end.

  • Will says:

    err it’s a long term thing u idiots so dont expect fireworks over night

  • `rich g says:

    the bloke is a cock

  • Ian says:

    Why all this Negativity? How can anyone do a job like his if the Chav players (we are bigger than the club) of Chelski choose not to play for him? He had the right idea’s and they didn’t like it, so as normal,they through all the toy’s out the pram and kicked and screamed until he got the sack.
    Now if this story is true let’s get behind AVB and back him! (unless your name is John or Frank that is?)COYS

  • Jimbobspur says:

    My fellow spurs mate spoke to gary mabutt this morning he seemed to think we would be in for gus hiddink, but things seemed to have moved on at pace since this morning, looking like avb is the man?

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