
AVB, Vertonghen & Huntelaar All On The Way?!

Image for AVB, Vertonghen & Huntelaar All On The Way?!


This, if true is extraordinary. From a chap on Facebook in this Tottenham group you can view here. Fingers and everything else crossed, eh?

  • Tim Sherwood will be appointed as Director of Football at White Hart Lane next week. This is a promotion from the position of academy director- This evolution has been on the cards for 18 months.
  • Levy decided to bite the bullet last week, sticking to his original plan which had been drawn up in expectation of HR leaving to take on England and make the change largely in light of Sherwood’s outstanding work with the youths.
  • Andre Villas Boas will join on a 2 year contract worth less than 1m euro per year with another 2.5m payable per season in bonuses. This information is direct from the inside WHL.
  • Sherwood has known AVD for 5 years having met the Portuguese when both were enrolled on a course aimed at furnishing them with their UEFA Licenses, they have a similar philosophy and the duo will be charged with promoting youth ahead of experience, much like Roman Abramovich tasked AVB with at Chelsea last season. 
  • AVB was hung out to dry by Chelsea last season, he was under instruction to dispense with the old boys at the bridge and he was given no support in doing this, it was his opinion that such drastic changes would necessitate acceptance of a short period without any remarkable success and a season of aclimatisation would be required. 
  • Abramovich at first accepted this but was pressured by the media to get rid and he buckled. Bare in mind that CFC paid 12m for AVB and at the time he was considered the continent’s finest young coach. We are getting a great deal here, I am fully committed to Levy’s vision. 
  • Levy flies back in to the UK on Monday after spending Sunday in Holland where I imagine he is trying to tie up the deals for Vertonghen and also investigate the procedures that will follow on from any possible transfer of Klass Jan Huntelaar. 
  • Ajax retain a stake in the striker despite the fact that his move to Schalke was his third full term contract and third club since leaving Amsterdam, the Dutch side are due 20% of any future transfers that Huntelaar is involved with and Levy will be sure to try and use this in negotiations for Vertonghen. 
  • As I said, done deal not News International bullshit.

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  • nobby nobbs says:

    That reads well i just hope it comes to fruition.

    • Brian says:

      I have a list of managers that in no way shape or form would I ever want to see at WHL and AVB tops that list.I think he is somebody that is NOT a man manager,and does not belong in the English game.Please don;’t tell me he’s learned fromhis time at Chelsea.He was there for 10 minutes and only gone for about the same amount of time.I don’t know 1 single Chelsea supporter who would give him higher than 3 on a scale of 1-10.
      Levy sacks a man had the best winning record in nearly 50 years,and is about to bring in one of if not the worst managers that Chelsea ever had???
      Insane and sickening if true

      • LLL says:

        Plus he went for interviews with Roma and Liverpool and was summarily rejected for both jobs.

        I hope for the best, but really do think the balance of probability and all the facts lean to the very worst if AVB is appointed (which according to the bookies, this afternoon, is more or less nailed on).

      • notimagain says:

        It’s an opinion but several ex-Spurs players,all top guys have said that they would support the choice of AVB but hey what the hell do they know. Have nine Chelsea supporting friends I’v spoken to who are split 7 saying AVB would have succeeded aginst 2 who say he wouldn’t. So how many Chelsea fans have you actually raised this subject with? We all encounter fans of other clubs with differing views but you seem to be unique in finding total agreement and unanimity. Must be a first. Strikes me that Brian is not an expert but just a very naughty boy!!

        • Brian says:

          No,Not a liar ..or naughty boy as you implied. I live on a road with 4 Chelsea supporters,3 of whom have been going to Stamford Bridge for over 2o years. I work alongside and with in one capacity or another,7 addition I have 2 family members who are lifelong Chelsea.TO A MAN,and one woman, not one rates AVB,and they all think it’s a joke that Spurs might sign this guy.You think what you like and your mates can have the same opinion or differ.He’s the wrong man for the job.He’s too young for a start,and thats the least of his problems.Sheer stupidity if they hire him and it pains me to say this as a lifelong Spurs supporter but Levy will get what he deserves.

      • Carlos says:

        Spot on. Levy taking us back 10 years in 1 stupid decision.

      • Beano111 says:

        If you believe in Redknapp, you’re living on another planet

        • Carlos says:

          I did. Results prove it. If you think bringing AVB, so are you!

        • Brian says:

          Of course.How can anyone be so stupid as to believe in Redknapp? I mean,we finished 4th after being in 3rd,and then dropping down to 5th.OH the disgrace of it all.I won’t even mention that he had the best winning record in nearly 50 years.Who cares about that? I mean when you want rid of somebody ,it makes no difference what they’ve achieved.I mean Harry took Spurs from being a mediocre mid table side,to serious challengers.Whats all that about? Well worries.If the rumours are to be believed ,you can rest easy.We’ll be back in mid table before you can say Harry Redknapp.

        • dannyspur says:

          Best winning record in 50 years? not that difficult with the best squad of players ever! with a bit of tactical skill, an understanding of squad rotation and substitutions, and a plan B if a side parks the bus – we could and should be celebrating winning the premiership.

        • NN says:

          Lets see where the genius Redknapp next turns up. Given that he is such a first class manager, I expect him to be at one of our rivals before the start of the season. With such a rich pedigree available for hire, I bet Manchini is shitting himself…..

      • jeff says:

        why are all these failed managers being linked with spurs avb failed at chelsea martinez failed wigan were at the bottom of prem all year got lucky in last 5 games, redknapp at least improved us the last 4 years amid his problems, now i just see us going downhill

        • DaveYid says:

          AVB was practically driven out by primadonna players who were unhappy that it was Mourinho’s sidekick rather than Mourinho himself.

          The players had a strong hand in kicking AVB out before he really got started. Can’t say someone’s failed if they weren’t giving enough time or support. I say we sign AVB and he’ll relish proving doubters wrong and what better club to prove them wrong than with us…at least there’ll be no International England manager job he’d have to worry about! >.<

      • George says:

        Well said Brian.

      • Dominic says:

        if your not going to support our team or the decisions made, which you as a supporter have no say in, then dont be a spurs fan. i believe that levy has a good plan in his head and i look forward to the forthcoming seasons.

    • jim says:

      RIP Tottenham Hotspur, died the day they appointed AVB. Good news is that they took all the dellueded spurs fan, who somehow think AVB was a good appointment, with them.

      Honestly, ths bloke was a clown at chelsea and you lot want him at spurs???? Hope you all remember who you are when we sack him next summer afer finishing 10th again.
      Well done eveybody !!! RIP.

      • DaveYid says:

        Well Jim, I invite you to go find us an alternative who is either available or wants to leave their current post just to manage US.

        Jurgen Klinsmann? Just as he’s settled down in the USA? Moyes who has had no contact from Spurs and wouldn’t leave anyway?

        Roberto Martinez who you probably want but with respect really is no better than AVB?

        AVB was treated like shit at Chelsea.

        You probably wanted Harry gone from here didn’t you…when will you ever be happy? At least those who want AVB will be content more easily…

  • cyril says:

    we could relax for the rest of the summer. the commitment bale is looking for and the basis to just tell anyone who asks to leave “no”

  • MarseilleYid says:

    That’s a bold prediction for sure.

  • lioto says:

    sounds like total speculation really. “Sherwood has known AVD for 5 years having met the Portuguese when both were enrolled on a course aimed at furnishing them with their UEFA Licenses” is the usual tripe spur’s notoriously shite ITK’s come up with.

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