
Careful What You Wish For™

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Good morning.

The end of an era. The most successful manager in the history of history has been savagely hounded out of office by a vicious mob of know nothing armchair fans. The club is on the brink of disaster; confused and disheartened players are likely to leave. The achievement of three fantastic seasons glossed over by a hate campaign that quite frankly smacked of…

Yeah anyway 3-2-1 …and we’re back in the room. 

The Careful What You Wish For™ brigade were cluttering up the Internet last night, patronising their little wet socks off with all the profound wisdom of a defective Magic 8 Ball.

Audere est facere is a phrase that wouldn’t have survived the close inspection of some modern day supporters if they tried to launch it now. Does anyone know what the latin for, ‘Let’s not be too hasty, now’ is?

“Harry has done a great job. But the success of a club can never be down to one individual, whether it be a player, director, manager or money.

It’s a combination of factors that all come together and, as ever, there will always be an element of luck.”

Daniel Levy

Words of wisdom from after the Werder Bremen game.

The truth of the matter is that we have incredible resources at the Club. A few of the best players in the league and a board that are without doubt a refreshing, alternative to the plethora of second hand car dealers, porn barons and assorted costermongers out there running other clubs.

What does the future hold? Who knows, but what is ‘for sure’ is that the next man will be under illusions that we’re looking for a manager and a tactician.

We don’t need a rent a quote machine or self publicist. We don’t need someone so bloody gormless they think Champions League football is overrated. We don’t need someone who’s paid millions of pounds, I said millions of pounds to do a job but distracted from doing it by an incoming call from talkSPORT.

We deserved better and better is what we’ll strive for. 


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  • Gilzeanwasgod says:

    Just goes to show that if you play both ends against the middle it is a good idea to first check that there is a middle…

  • cavity cavity says:

    ‘I said millions of pounds to do a job but distracted from doing it by an incoming call from talkSPORT’ Ahh TalkSport a refreshing media outlet that insists managers have to use them so we know whats going on. What ever happened to confidentiality between chairman and manager?

    Brilliant that Levy pulls the trigger when Chelsea put the pasta man to contract!

  • lilywhitemike says:

    The George Graham days are coming back!

  • StuB40 says:

    I would love Klinsmann to take the job

  • Vic says:

    If only Harry had consulted a fortune teller when the England job seemed up for grabs. They would have told him that “A man who is vewy diffewent fwom you will become king – you must stay as ruler of the top top land called Tottenham”.
    Harry would then have accepted the very lucrative 4 year deal from Levy, the fans would adore him and we would have finished 3rd.

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