
From Inside The Lane

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Good afternoon.

I’ve just had a very interesting chat with a charming woman who appears very much in the loop in relation to our current situation. 

First up Arry’s alleged post tin tack comments about an element of the club’s board being an ‘orrible lot appear to be well founded. If of course your definition of ‘orrible is that some simply did not care for every waking thought of the team’s manager to become a soundbite on talkSPORT.

If your definition of ‘orrible was feeling shortchanged that a man paid unrelentingly vast amounts of cold hard cash was so seemingly unfocused on the most basic elements of his job description (Hello set pieces, we mean you!).

Then came the (almost) incomprehensible insensitivity of Arry’s timing. Running to the press making a case for his continued employment in a company whilst the chairman of that company was coping with a death in the family… well… Classy.

The killer bow however was, I am told the involvement of Arry’s ‘representatives’ in the meeting. Basically, he spived himself out the building. What a shocker. 

Who’s the new manager? I don’t know, but I’d hold back on the whole, ‘let’s lump on Moyes’ option at this stage.

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  • Bukkake-breath says:

    Ian Dowies blue n white army!!!

    • Jay says:

      I have always thought that people who comment just to laugh weird but now I understand why, scrolling down I spat my coffee out in laughter at the Ian Dowie comment LMFAO of all the people to jokingly suggest …….

      Its Pep 100%

  • CyprusYid says:

    Ok, Harry has gone! I don’t like the idea of David Moyes taking over. Sorry, but, I think we need a Big name coach, someone to attract the big players to come. On possibly a perverse sort of way, I think AVB might be the radical choice. He got slung out of Chelsea because of the old players, getting the hump with him wanting to bring in a younger squad. Let him come and play with our squad! Most are well below 30, and I’m sure that the few that are over 30 will be due for replacement very soon!

  • Darren says:

    Inside the Lane lol

    The only thing you know about Harry Hotpsur, is the inside of your own arse, as that’s where your heads stuck.

    You’ve got your wish with Harry going now watch us slip back into mid table oblivion.

    • AmdamSpur says:

      If all these doommongers are so sure that we’re going to be midtable fodder next season, why haven’t they been sagely predicting the fall of Redknapp? Why the shock all of a sudden? Surely that was more predictable than, say, dropping a comfortable 13 point advantage over your nearest rivals or spending nearly 2 months courting yourself to the FA?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Darren can I ask you; are you as fat in real life as you sound online?

    • Stubarney says:

      Ok, I’ll say this really S L O W for you Dazza, this blog and any other blog will not influence the powers that be at Spurs. We are just expressing opinions, and also having a laugh.

      Just because this website has Hotspur in its name does not make it directly related.

      Try reading the Sun if you are missing him.

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    News says that Harry wants a new “challenge”.

  • Ifonly says:

    Let’s imagine that Martinez, AVB or Capello for instance take the job and in the first season we finish outside the top four, is that seen as a backward step?

    Not only will the gap between ourselves and the three above increased, but those below will have caught up and probably passed us.

    Harry may have had his faults, but at least we were going in an upwards direction and playing attractive football!

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