

Image for Harrumph

Good morning.

Boy this week has dragged on – like of those interminable B movies, one of those westerns that still occasionally turn up in the schedules starring nobody you’ve ever heard of bar Ronald Reagan when he was fourteen. 

Lots of dialogue gets exchanged. Lots. The plot line is pretty straightforward. Everything starts of calmly. Then there’s an incident. This is triggers a shake up and the cast harrumph backwards and forwards, mostly on horse back (this is usually accompanied by very urgent music) until they confront evil and vanquish it a bit.

I think I’ve actually reached a state of transcendental inertia. I’m not even harrumphed out. There’s been nothing to insanely purse in days. Barring something seismic occurring the world and his wife are now saying that Villas Boas is a done deal, Sigurdsson not far behind him and Vertonghen plugging away in third place.

However, seismic may just be the word.

Maybe it’s just been a sinister ITK time killing device but the talk of the club being sold has resurfaced with gusto. Perhaps all my ranting and raving about how much money failing to reach the Champions League was accurate after all. 

Those whining on and on about patience last season don’t live in the real world. Time isn’t your friend in a results driven business and it would make perfect sense for the owners to take matters into their own hands and do something dramatic.

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  • TMWNN says:

    Too true, the ‘Fergie was given time’ spiel when wanting stability has become null and void these days.

    People wanted to keep Redknapp on in the name of stability, whilst his big mouth was completely destabilising any chance of a working relationship with his boss.

    If things turn sour for AVB, he’ll face the music too. Gone are the days whereby you stick with a manager if the ship looks destined to go down a level. He’ll get a season’s grace (as long as we’re top half), but there’ll be expectations the season after.

  • AVB'z shoe polisher says:

    Arry lost spurs about 30 – 40 mil. 3rd ta 4th. And happy about it. SMUG CNUT! Levy to blow everyone out the water in the cumin weeks, he’s Tottenham thru an thru an I can’t fuckin wait. AVB YID ARMY. X

  • DaveK says:

    Loved the clip from Blazing Saddles….but the camp fire scene would have given you more opportunity for “Harrumphing” and maybe more accurately reflect the bowel conditions of the Tottenham Boardroom at this time.

  • Andyspur says:

    Can anybody tell me what was the final UEFA plans for home-grown players and when does it kick off is it season 13/14 cheers

    • LosLorentzen says:

      I think it’s already in place as of last season/the season before that. Each team can name a 25 man squad. Of these a certain number of players (4?) must be “homegrown” by the club, and a larger number (10?) must be “homegrown” in England. The definition of “homegrown” is having trained for a number of years (3?) before their 21st birthday with their club or in their country (respectively).

      Players under 21 don’t need to be named in the squad list to be able to play so if you want, you can have one-hundred 16-year-old malaysian orphans in the clubs books, and they would all be eligible to play without being in the named PL squad.

      If you don’t have enough “homegrown” players (of either category) then you lose those places in the squad. So, for example, if you only have 3 players homegrown by the club, then you would only be able to name 24 players in your squad.

      Of course, I could be very wrong, especially with the specific numbers. This info is about 75% gleaned from FM (but I’m pretty sure I’ve read articles that confirm the accuracy of this).

  • Paddyspurs says:

    What a load of shite talk or you the PR MAN for mr levy how can you expect to get champions lge 6.5 mil spent in two years yeah ambition were did the money go from players moving out ! So less off the crap talk time for action and blow the dust of your wallet mr levy or Lewis cause either put up or shut up !

    • LosLorentzen says:

      Yeah! Right on! Who needs a new stadium anyway?

      In fact, who needs a future? Lets just do a Greece. Pawn our future to the hilt and lump it all on winning the league, just once, by buying Messi and Ronaldo.

      Then the administrators can sort out the mess in 2014.

    • Devonshirespur says:

      I think Levy has been a need for a long term manager for a while now. What with Harry’s court case and expected Eng job offer, together with his shorttermism approach to managing, I think DL has always had in mind a change of manager this summer.

      With the training / academy coming on stream there is a chance to build something special, over time and Harry did not fit that plan. To that end the squad was trimmed (it had to be anyway) but the money not given to HR because he was not trusted or expected to be around for long in DL’s eyes.

      If you look at our squad, the core is superb BUT in terms of numbers we are light. 1 forward, 2 full backs, no cover on the wings. The only area we are flush is in CM and CB (if only they ever stayed fit).

      We don’t just need to buy to improve, we need to buy to have a squad of 25.

      Overall, at this watershed moment, the money not spent on Harry will be handed to the new man to build us into a long term contender. With an emphasis on younger players (we already have a lot) we can grow and improve over time without having to spend massive during the tough years of the new stadium build.

      I doubt very much DL is squirreling away the transfer kitty for the stadium…we will always need players and right now we are several short of a complete sqaud

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