

Image for Harrumph

Good morning.

Boy this week has dragged on – like of those interminable B movies, one of those westerns that still occasionally turn up in the schedules starring nobody you’ve ever heard of bar Ronald Reagan when he was fourteen. 

Lots of dialogue gets exchanged. Lots. The plot line is pretty straightforward. Everything starts of calmly. Then there’s an incident. This is triggers a shake up and the cast harrumph backwards and forwards, mostly on horse back (this is usually accompanied by very urgent music) until they confront evil and vanquish it a bit.

I think I’ve actually reached a state of transcendental inertia. I’m not even harrumphed out. There’s been nothing to insanely purse in days. Barring something seismic occurring the world and his wife are now saying that Villas Boas is a done deal, Sigurdsson not far behind him and Vertonghen plugging away in third place.

However, seismic may just be the word.

Maybe it’s just been a sinister ITK time killing device but the talk of the club being sold has resurfaced with gusto. Perhaps all my ranting and raving about how much money failing to reach the Champions League was accurate after all. 

Those whining on and on about patience last season don’t live in the real world. Time isn’t your friend in a results driven business and it would make perfect sense for the owners to take matters into their own hands and do something dramatic.

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  • Adam69 says:

    Chelsea strengthing, Ars*nal strengthing, Tottenham fanning around haggling over a few bagels as per usual. I’m depressed…

    If you hear a loud bang then I’ll bid you goodnight.

  • MarseilleYid says:

    HH, what’s the word on Sigurdsson? The press seem to be backing off earlier reports that he is a done deal.

    • LosLorentzen says:

      Don’t think anyone (serious) has reported the deal as done, only that a fee had been agreed between the clubs (the same fee, reportedly around EUR10m, that the Scousers also agreed with Hoffenheim). That is only half of a transfer deal.

    • 9.37 says:

      I suppose the lesson is not to count our chicken-badges till their hatched. :O(

  • Adam69 says:

    That was fannying not fanning! Even my mobile is giving me the hump!

  • Thepin says:

    Devonshirespur, he speak with un-forked tongue, but what we here folks need is a new sherrif, maybes a stranger from outatown. Ah say we round up a posse and go have ourselves a lynchin, startin with that lowdown no good varmint Lewis. He ain’t from round these parts anyhow!

    Yeee-haaaa!!!! Whiskey, and make it a large one or ah swear ta God…..

  • Vic says:

    If you want stability, you need foundations. To establish foundations you have to dig a bit first.
    This means that although instant success would be great, we may have to re-assess what level of success is achievable during the building process.
    Appoint the right bloke to oversee this (AVB hopefully is the man), give him the tools and the scope to implement his ideas and most of all, give him the time to do it. Even bearing this in mind, I still feel we could be challenging somewhere in the top 6 but I’d like to see us finishing the season stronger not tailing off as we’ve done the last two seasons. If the right man makes mostly right decisions an with the backing of the board, we should be taking a tilt at the top table the following season.

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