
He’s Actually Retarded

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Good evening viewers.

It’s that man again. So what fit of vitriol has the slack jawed imbecile induced now, I hear you ask? Well, I’m going to be relatively brief and I sincerely pray that Levy & Co. adopt a similar strategy when dealing with this two bob schmuck.

I was insistent that Redschnapps perjured himself by telling the Court that the was a fantastic football manager, but it now emerges he’s also guilty of failing to disclose all about his academic limitations. “I write like a two-year-old and I can’t spell,” was  the line you’ll recall.

He ought to have admitted that he doesn’t have an altogether wonderful grasp of understanding, ‘how numbers work’ either.

“I think it’s overrated what people say about Champions League football and whatever” 

Let me be the first perhaps to explain to Arry why this is conclusion of a complete  and utter retard and not someone we ought to have anywhere near our football club.

Perhaps there are those reading to understand the complete ins and outs of THFC. I do not profess to be an expert. But, what I do get every year is a rather nice email that’s terribly easy to read from the good and wise people at Deloitte. In fact the most recent arrived I think last Friday.

The beauty of this information is that it is presented in manner …well as if they knew that a twit like me – a financial layperson if you will – would need to be able to understand it.

I will attach some hyperlinks to documents that give you the guts, but in a very broad brush stroke, the difference participation in the Champions League tournament makes to a football club’s books is millions.

In 2008/09 our total revenues were £132.7m.

In 2009/10 our total revenues were £146.3m

In 2010/11 our total revenues were £181m.

Deloitte believe that the most recent UEFA distribution monies were worth £28.1m. But this isn’t the whole story, there is a cumulative thing that tales place here. You sell more regular match-day seats, you shift more merchandise as a result of the feel good factor. People get happy at many different tills as direct result.

You want to debate or perhaps don’t understand any of this, Arry? Well last week, the club’s online shop was outing Champions League mugs at a nicker a piece that were previously retailing a £5.99 each. Financial repercussions made easy. Even for thick chancers like you, Arry.

Here’s the latest Deloitte info graphic, I’d embed it but the blog is too small so I link to it here

In a nutshell, whatever allegations may have been hurled at him, this is staggering quote from his own lips is surely the last nail. We’ve had the ‘they’re punching above their weight’ garbage. Which was greeted by anyone witha shred of self respect with complete contempt.

He didn’t give a flying flip flop about Tottenham or his wretched contract when he thought the Engerlund job was nailed on. And now we get this is embarrassing piffle.

Can you imagine any football chairman in the world reading, “I think it’s overrated what people say about Champions League football and whatever”  without laughing? Nobody in their right mind…

Please, let’s get this pilchard out and make next season one to remember for all the right reasons. Jesus wept.

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  • Lilwhite London says:

    Nothing wrong with what Harry has said. Only those
    who clearly dislike the bloke have a problem with it and are intent on smearing him at any available moment anyway.

    If Levy does get rid of him, it will be on a par with sacking Jol and getting the great Ramos in, a huge backward step and will take several years of re-organizing to recover from.

    Why is there such a widely held view by a section of Spurs fans that Harry isn’t good enough for us and that he should beg and scrape for every ounce of praise or backing he gets from either us or the board?? I just don’t get it, look where we were when he took over and that he has overseen qualification and very respectable participation in the Champions League. He’s got top 4 again but the Chavs just did the impossible and won it, somehow… What with the level of distraction around him and our season, top 4 was a great season. When you consider WE HAVE NEVER FINISHED AS HIGH UNDER ANY OTHER MANAGER IN THE PREM BEFORE, i think the way some fans talk about him is pretty disgusting and i’m totaly embarrased by it. Some people have very, very short memories, that’s all know!!

    I won’t be rude about H.H, cos he took my last two comments down cos i wasn’t very nice about him…. I don’t expect to see this one either, go on call me bluff son!!

    • astromesmo says:

      I don’t think he’s not good enough for us, on the contrary, I think he’s proven he’s very capable. The problem is, he’s so busy selling ‘brand Redknapp’ he’s lost track of how well he was actually doing.

      I don’t doubt for a minute that Harry would be off if a better opportunity came along. I want better than that – Either for him to commit, unreservedly, no caveats, no ‘I could have done this before but I didn’t have the money’, no ‘This is as good as it gets, I’m off on holiday’.

      I want the guy in the office, sleeves rolled up, working out where it went wrong… Because it did. Just because we’ve not been here for a while doesn’t mean we should have to take whatever is spoon-fed us. This is THFC, not Norwich.

    • essexian76 says:

      @Lillywhite-you didn’t see anything wrong? What was right then?.Harry was playing golf,and a guy with a camera happened to be there! Then he sets out to put his own case for a new contract before all and sundry,but overlooking and avoiding his own failings in why we surrendered a massive lead. He apportions no blame to himself, yet it was he who said clearly said we didn’t need any players to see us through to May. The club and vast majority of supporters gave him a huge vote of confidence and in return were given a single digit response when the England job became available-that’s Levy’s dilemma as we are a crossbar way from moving on with him- but without him yet another period of transition awaits us, and don’t forget the compensation of all the backroom staff will need to be addressed as a new guy will want his own people alongside-all money that cannot be used for players-tough, tough call

    • Chris C says:

      It’s all hotair here anyway generated by the same disaffected bunch that was here last year and the year before that. HH’s position on Harry has always been one of faint praise and venomous criticism. HH is doing simply feeding the sharks as they think they can smell blood in the water, but they’ve confused it with there own bullshit.Fortunately Levy is a bit smarter than most of the Harry haters here and I’ll bet money that new contract for Harry is in the pipeline and I fully expect it to be confirmed before the end of the month. Until then we’ll have to suffer the same old mugs saying the same old things. Be glad when it’s done and dusted because then this blog can go back to entertaining us instead of just trying to increase impressions to generate some money.

      • essexian76 says:

        I’m not as certain as perhaps you are Chris. If I were Levy I’d be pretty pissed with HR’s attitude and soundbites, but even more so because his ambition allowed him to neglect the duties the club pay him handsomely to do. My own backside has a coating of creosote and an array of splinters over the matter, but if it’s in the best interests of team, then another year I could live with.

      • astromesmo says:

        Chris – Don’t you regard missing out on the CL after being 10 points ahead in third as a bit of a flop, rather than a resounding success?

        Do you think the England job had something to do with that flop?

        Don’t you think Redknapp could have dealt with the press/club situation better?

        If the answer to even one of these is yes then you’re entitled to at least hold him to account for what happened at the end of last season – Rather than just pat him on the back, say ‘well done son’ in an Andy Gray voice and hand him a blank cheque. For a start, if we back him, I want guarantees that he’s not going to bugger off at the first opportunity. Loyalty is a two-way street.

      • Harry Hotspur says:

        Wow. Chris used the word ‘impressions’ – he surely has me sussed.

        On no, busted!

        Or maybe he’s just an insecure child incapable of making a cogent point without sniping as to why this blog is here.

      • Lilwhite London says:

        Well said Chris, it seems the circus that is the media and the 24 hour thirst for conroversy and scandal or in fact any old nonsense to draw people to sites or still pay for tabloid rags has worked it’s way in to the behaviour of the general public, of which our fans are just a part.

        A quote is taken, generally out of context and other ‘facts’ are added to make a whole new talking point or topic about whatever, yawn, yawn etc etc…

        Anyway, all public figures have a cartoon profile created by the media and ‘Arry is old dodgey Arry from the East End, gobby and never to be trusted’… A slightly more comedic version of our old gaffa Venables really. That’s not ‘Arry’s’ fault is it? I think he says it like it is and he likes to ‘rabbit’ (that’s ‘rabbit and pork – talk’ for those of you from Surrey) but the increasingly sanitised middle-class world of football reporting and supporting, struggles to understand that dynamic.

        Most of these people would never come into contact with someone from ‘Arry’s’ background but football puts people like ‘Arry’ in a world of sly headline seekers ready to pounce on anything they can. I say this is less about ‘Arry’s’ ‘slack-jaw’ and more about the same sensationalism for which many of us have become suckers. I stand by what i’ve said before, i don’t think there is anything at all wrong with what he’s said. Only to those who don’t like him… End of for me.

        • Astromesmo says:

          “Most of these people would never come into contact with someone from ‘Arry’s’ background”

          Why is it everyone on here defending Harry’s right to do as he please seem to assume they know everything about everyone? Are you the Daily Mail silent majority or do you own a crystal ball?

          How the hell do you know anything about me or where I’m from? And what the hell does it have to do with anything?

          A lot of us have been putting forward reasoned arguments and all you can back with is lame stereotyping while putting your fingers in your ears and shouting ‘La La La La’.

        • essexian76 says:

          Oh,I give up-La-La-La-mind, this old fence is wobbling somewhat

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      You weren’t deleted and there are no comments pending moderation.
      So any issues are your end.

  • spur1950 says:

    To all those who think we have to be “CAREFUL WHAT WE WISH FOR” or ar morons,idiots[redcrapps words] we seem to have 3camps us that cant stand arry are the above and more “dont know our football” and “dont play it” as well as other things like not coached or run a team ,anything else ,thoese that luv im and the inbetweeners!!!!
    REmember 13pts clear and all he talks about was bloody everyone else having a good team
    First i am a TOTTENHAM supporter not an arry lover i go to as many games as possible over last 3 seasons 120 or more dispite redcrapp went before and will go after ,and i dont believe this crap we we have over-achieved rubbish we have UNDER-ACHIEVED this team is 1 of the best i have watched since gazza and better all round and could be as good as the Hoddle era, but has 1 NOTHING since when is 4th or 5th success ,its good but jol with a OVER-ACHIEVING TEAM in tanio,malbranque,chimmbonda,lee,got 5th twice with teams like the chavs and liverpool far better than now ,but u lot wont wear that .Jol was a new un-tried manager nobody had heard of HARRY knows everything about the game ,so he says been in it 30yrs, 30 BLOODY YEARS AND 1 FA CUP
    DO any of u arry brigade know your history, if u do please spell out what our GREATEST MANAGERS WORDS MEANT AND EXPLAIN TO ME !
    exactly wat arry does,to bring such belief in his double speak and spiel that comes out like “this is as good as it gets” morons,and u “dont know what u are talking about ” scum “this team is overachieving”anything else people can think of
    LOTS of other teams have been near the bottom didnt reading last season, dont hear their manager harping on about it or newcastles overachieving he says how well the players did and supporters
    At christmas time levy had hazard set up and asked redcrapp to meet him .his words were “why should i ,i wont be here at the end of the season ,he didnt care 1 bit about us !
    2 seasons ago he got offered about 5-6 forewards IN his words “couldnt make up his mind who he wanted” ,wat quality has harry brought in remember ,he wanted to get rid of moddders and wanted to sell bale but LEVY said no,who brought vdv,sandro,modders,bale,lennon,walker,benny .Harry inherited a good side WHO didnt want to play for ramos and didnt like anything about him like the chav manager.
    HE has inherited a very good side that have matured and just improved with that maturity
    THIS is a man that bottled it completly at AVILLA got 5players on the halfway line when we had something like 15 corners in the last 20mins was u one of those harry lovers with 3500 going mad when he brought on parker or was u at SUNDERLAND OR EVERTON
    doubt it when he got the hump with the supporters.,he doesnt have a plan B,C or D in his own words he lets them play ,but they do need help semi-final the biggest one that still hurts and the scum we made wallcott look a world beater [how no bloody tatics]
    Season before last after christmas results relagation fodder or dont u remember that ,he run the players into the ground
    All u people reel out is 4,5,4 and so we should if u have an ounce of a football brain with that team ,because of his obsession with enger-land the last 2 yrs we have not added signifantly to our squad because of this in fighting
    Danial Levy doesnt let him near the purse strings ,i dont bloody blame him!!when a manger has to ask his son about VDV ,then asks for Sandro to be sent back “because he is crap” not realising we had signed him permanent[thank god]he is blinkered
    at the start wanted to buy average joes and less CAMPBALL,NEVELLE,JAMES spring to mind ,but has still managed to get some through SANCHEZ,CHIMBONDA,He is happy with premier league players and below he knows ,doesnt know europe
    SO PEOPLE WHEN YOU READ SIR BILLS AND DANNY WORDS [which u should not have to ] u will put that into the context of our manager now ,no other manager we have had has banged on about himself so much ,dont forgot the proper ganda wagon luv him talksport,sky and the tabliods[ his own column there are lots more i could go on about but will leave it at that for the time being

  • davyspurstillidie says:

    Harry is and always will be for himself.Through everything that has happened this year it was always what was best for him not the club.He got away with the court thing and although the club stood by him he was very quick to forget this when the England job came up.Had Harry have said sorry not interested then we would have finished third.Of that i am certain.Levy would have backed him in January in the transfer market and we would have bought a couple of players to help out better than what we did.If you ask any fan of previous clubs what they think of Harry they will most likely all say the same thing.
    On the CL thing i think Harry is at it again.He is trying to play down the importance of CL because he knows that although we got fourth it should have and would have been better but for the England job.CL is something every club wants and most top players want.Harry has done a good job in his time at Spurs but for the most he has been backed by Levy with cash.Harry will always try to persuade you it was not his fault.He will in his own way blame other things just look at interviews and the subs he made over the season and make up your own mind.
    A lot of people on here have hammered HH for what he has said however i feel for the most he is right.Harry is a wheeler dealer and when caught will always look to slip way and make you feel that maybe he was right or maybe we should stick by him.If Harry was or is as good as he has you believe do you really think the best chairman in the PL would let him walk away.Levy had his eyes opened over the England job and now its payback.Had Harry done the decent thing at the time and signed a new contract we would not be having this debate.CL is vital in every way to any club wanting to be the best as the players it can bring do not play for nothing.

  • Doc says:

    It’s called trying to soften a blow, nothing more nothing less. It appears you want us to start again, new manager, new ideas, dismantle this side and start again because that is what will happen with a change of manager. We will finish between 6th and 8th and struggle to get back up to where we are now. But heh you are just interested in saving face after the debacle of a protest last season, we understand.

    Club supporters support, followers winge.

    Court cases and the England speculation coincided with our dip in form, the players failed to play, we don’t have those distractions next season. In a couple of years when Roy “McClaren MkII” Hodgson gets the chop maybe.

  • Chubby Funster. says:

    8th, 4th, 5th, 4th. Champions League QF’s, FA Cup Semis and the players seem to love him.

    Let’s stick with our most sucessful manager in donkeys years.

    Or is i thick?

    • No, you’re not thick but I do think you are missing a lot of very relevant stuff.

      Firstly, I’d argue that Spurs has been the worst run and managed first division club for probably twenty or more years now. With all due respect to other sides, Spurs have never been a struggling or average team, our core supporter base shows that, and therefore, in highlighting the improvements you’ve referred to, I’d say it’s the least we should expect and achieve. Thus Harry’s so-called improvements in our position reflect far more how poorly we have been managed, rather than how well he’s done.

      The real trouble, though, with the present situation in terms of Harry, is that he has, in my opinion, backed himself into a corner, because of his comments and responses to the England vacancy.

      He can’t have it both ways. On the one hand, he really did make it clear that if England came knocking, he’d have accepted the job, so since they didn’t, he can’t then demand an improved contract from Spurs.

      He’s on dangerous ground now, and I’d certainly call into question your last point about the players seeming to love him. His much heralded man-mangement skills certainly went walkabout almost as soon as Capello resigned.

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