
He’s Actually Retarded

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Good evening viewers.

It’s that man again. So what fit of vitriol has the slack jawed imbecile induced now, I hear you ask? Well, I’m going to be relatively brief and I sincerely pray that Levy & Co. adopt a similar strategy when dealing with this two bob schmuck.

I was insistent that Redschnapps perjured himself by telling the Court that the was a fantastic football manager, but it now emerges he’s also guilty of failing to disclose all about his academic limitations. “I write like a two-year-old and I can’t spell,” was  the line you’ll recall.

He ought to have admitted that he doesn’t have an altogether wonderful grasp of understanding, ‘how numbers work’ either.

“I think it’s overrated what people say about Champions League football and whatever” 

Let me be the first perhaps to explain to Arry why this is conclusion of a complete  and utter retard and not someone we ought to have anywhere near our football club.

Perhaps there are those reading to understand the complete ins and outs of THFC. I do not profess to be an expert. But, what I do get every year is a rather nice email that’s terribly easy to read from the good and wise people at Deloitte. In fact the most recent arrived I think last Friday.

The beauty of this information is that it is presented in manner …well as if they knew that a twit like me – a financial layperson if you will – would need to be able to understand it.

I will attach some hyperlinks to documents that give you the guts, but in a very broad brush stroke, the difference participation in the Champions League tournament makes to a football club’s books is millions.

In 2008/09 our total revenues were £132.7m.

In 2009/10 our total revenues were £146.3m

In 2010/11 our total revenues were £181m.

Deloitte believe that the most recent UEFA distribution monies were worth £28.1m. But this isn’t the whole story, there is a cumulative thing that tales place here. You sell more regular match-day seats, you shift more merchandise as a result of the feel good factor. People get happy at many different tills as direct result.

You want to debate or perhaps don’t understand any of this, Arry? Well last week, the club’s online shop was outing Champions League mugs at a nicker a piece that were previously retailing a £5.99 each. Financial repercussions made easy. Even for thick chancers like you, Arry.

Here’s the latest Deloitte info graphic, I’d embed it but the blog is too small so I link to it here

In a nutshell, whatever allegations may have been hurled at him, this is staggering quote from his own lips is surely the last nail. We’ve had the ‘they’re punching above their weight’ garbage. Which was greeted by anyone witha shred of self respect with complete contempt.

He didn’t give a flying flip flop about Tottenham or his wretched contract when he thought the Engerlund job was nailed on. And now we get this is embarrassing piffle.

Can you imagine any football chairman in the world reading, “I think it’s overrated what people say about Champions League football and whatever”  without laughing? Nobody in their right mind…

Please, let’s get this pilchard out and make next season one to remember for all the right reasons. Jesus wept.

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  • Gee_sus says:

    Chaps, I’ll set my stall out here as a pro-Harry man. Would like to ask you this: would you risk destabilizing the club, and potentially losing three to four key members of the side, by sacking Redknapp now? Bearing in mind, that Rafa has today called for him to be given a new contract and for stability? And bearing in mind the newspaper stories that Bale is waiting to see if Harry stays (which could well be a load of tosh admittedly)? And also bearing in mind that Spurs have had their best league finish points-wise since 1987, and currently have their best performing manager of the Premier League era in situ? I say to you that your Redknapp-out campaign is blinded by your own pretensions. You don’t want what’s best for Spurs, you want what’s best for you: THFC to get rid of a manager you despise.

    • Johnny says:

      Yes I would risk a season when a new manager is learning how the squad works and what his players are capable of. Even do that does not have to be the case but I would still risk it.
      Yes I would risk losing Rafa who only “love” Harry because he is allowed to pretty much do as he want seeing as both think tactics are overrated.
      I am not afraid of losing Bale or Modric if Harry leaves. Think actually a new manager could turn Modrics focus to Spurs again seeing as he is a player who care about tactics and want to develop as a footballer.

      • Gee_sus says:

        So just to be clear – you’d lose three, four, more players plus Harry, after we finished fourth in the league? And, got to the FA Cup semi, got to the last eight in the Champions League the year before, and finished as close to Arsenal as we’ve ever done in Prem League times? Madness! Why?

        • Johnny says:

          Don’t think we would lose any player if we where to replace Harry with a new manager. But you are correct, I would risk it.

          I want what is best for THFC and I want a manager who is devoted to every aspect of the club, who have a long term future, who is not a quote machine who amuse the press, who are serious about tactics, who rotate the squad and only sign first team players he plan to use.

        • melcyid says:


        • Chrispurs says:

          First half of season 42 points. Second half of season 27 points. I feel, with a committed top class manager will turn 4th into 3rd. That’s why.

        • sheikh352 says:

          If we got Slaven Bilic, for argument’s sake (a man who has publicly stated he WANTS to be Tottenham manager), we’d have little problem in keeping Modric motivated and getting Kranjcar playing like a superstar.

          Ideally, we’d keep Harry until January, then, just before the inevitable slump, we’d appoint Roberto Martinez, who is always shit in the first half of the season but sensational at the end of it.

          Title in our pockets, for sure!

      • SimYid says:

        And the name of this mystery new manager iiiiiiisssssssssss………………………….??

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      What a load of Bollocks.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I say to you that your Redknapp-out campaign is blinded by your own pretensions.

      No, it’s driven purely by what he says and does.

      Your reference to the Bale cobblers doesn’t do you any favours either :ermm:

      Be a dull world if we were all the same, I guess.

      • Gee_sus says:

        True, true. Harry. Have read your blog for a long time. Usually a good read. Plus I follow you on Twitter – despite the constant t-shirt promotion… And yep, everyone’s entitled to their tuppence, natch. Just wonder, if you’d have been saying the same should Spurs have scored one more goal and finished third? If we’d have got Champs League, would you have still campaigned vociferously against Redders’?

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          You make it sound as if we came really close. We didn’t. Arry flushed a 12 point lead whilst whoring himself in the press for a job that he was never ever in contention for. Tough pill to swallow, but once you do, you’ll feel better. I promise.

          Do you want to buy a tee shirt?

        • Gee_sus says:

          Nah, they’re all naff. Just my opinion. :)

          And I say to you, that it was close. With one more goal we’d have finished above Arsenal. You neglected to answer the question, old boy: if we’d have finished third would you have still called for his head?

          I agree with much of your argument on Redknapp. He talks cobblers, often makes tactical mistakes, was happy to leave us for England, but the facts (league positions and results – see: speak for themselves. He’s just one place below the great Bill Nicholas in winning percentages, and spent f### all in the last two seasons.

          Strip out the emotion, look at things statistically and we have our most successful manager since Bill Nic. Be ridiculous to get rid of him because his PR is so bad. That’s the pill to swallow, HH.

        • Astromesmo says:

          Gee, just for fairness, HH has been following the same line with Harry for a lot longer than the end of this season and no, 1 point and 1 place wouldn’t have swayed him… the same way that 1 cup didn’t fool the Liverpool board that Dalgleish was the man to bring glory and pride back to Liverpool.

          I’ve stood up for Harry repeatedly but I feel incredibly let down by what happened at the end of last season, and even more annoyed that he’s trying every blag imaginable to deflect from what happened.

          As for the ‘If we’d finished 3rd’ argument, well, if the linesman hadn’t been a Russian bloke with a ‘tash England might not have won the World Cup, but that’s the way it fell. The record books won’t say 4th, nearly 3rd – They’ll say 4th with a little asterisk next to it saying *Chelsea awarded Champions League place. That little * should have been next to Arsenal, but our manager was too busy picking England teams in his weekly newspaper column.

          I want stability. It’s been the thing I’ve called for for years but what if Chelsea decide they wanted Redknapp in 6 months time and offer him £30m to go – Do you honestly, hand on heart think he’d stay? Do you think the man bleeds Tottenham the way Fergie bleeds Utd?

    • cookiebun says:

      Your right Gee. I hate the smarmy git. For anything good he has done he has done more bad turns to the fans, Dan Levy and the Club. He’s a self centered selfish traitor and I would prefer to have a David Moyes or Martinez than him running our club. Anyway he’s useless at tactics, he blew a 10 point lead and the big sin was; he didn’t give a fuck.

      • Gee_sus says:

        So because we blew a 10-point gap over Arsenal (a team that spends much more money than us on players – wages wise – and has benefited from 15 years continuously in the Champs League and much more stability), we should sack him? What about Fergie? He blew an 8-point lead to enable Man City to win the title; should Man Utd sack him too? Plus, he lost a 11-point lead in 1998 – get rid, yeah? Stability = success.

        • crespur says:

          Mate I’m in the pro HR camp, you are right SAF and Mancini blew big points this season as well. I’m also very happy that HR talks to the press like his cockney humour and his send ups of the media, I take from his interviews exactly what i want and the rest is just taking the Piss from all the gullible souls. He may be unable to read/write but he’s as sharp as a tack.

        • Astromesmo says:

          So sharp he was outwitted by Mick McCarthy on several occasions.

  • melcyid says:

    do you really think that trout chops is capable of doing a bacon face?

  • Misanthrope74 says:

    Your blog and opinions would get a lot more credit if you showed a bit of respect.

    Everyone’s entitled to their opinion but the lack of dignity with which you make your argument make me genuinely happy that you won’t get your way.

    You may not like Redknapp but he has acheived something in life. You have acheived this blog.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Respect in earned. It doesn’t come with the job.

      Dignity? Dignity is an easy bedfellow of stupidity and so Arry has spent any he was owed.

      I’ll ignore your sorry attempt at ‘bringing me down a peg or two’ and suggest you also, try making an actual point.

      • Anon says:

        You make a point. You barely ever back up any of your nonsense with actual statements. They are just your opinions. Often based on utter falsehood. So here’s your chance to prove a point you and your moronic lap-dogs make over and over. Give examples of Harry “whoring” himself to the media over the England job.

        Go on.


    • koko61 says:

      That is what sites like these are for. For us fans to voice our frustration at what is going wrong.Not everyone is privelaged in life my fellow Spurs. I must admit I was happy with Harry when we brought him in from Portsmouth and was singing his praises, but these 2 last seasons he has blown it in the last 3rd, when we had enough quality to finish in 4th and 3rd (for this season). You cannot deny that we blew it big time the last 2 seasons.

    • A_Felching says:

      Come back when he has won something with Spurs, the is the lowest form of sewage

      • crespur says:

        The Holy grail “CL” most were saying (and would take it) it’s better than FA cup, league cup wins..what? has it diminished by finishing 4th this season.

    • Spurstacus says:

      I wouldn’t have said that the blog has been achieved yet.

  • melcyid says:

    has our great venerable most honourable leader shown spurs fans respect despite pocketing 3 mill per year and regularly putting us through the mangle.?

  • Yid4life says:

    Harry I’m no massive Arry fan like yourself, and wouldnt mind if he went, but I’d like to know who you would like to replace him?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Capello. Or someone else with a genuine CV.

      • Yid4life says:

        Capello, really?

        I thought you would of come up with someone better than that. He’d cost too much money, and isn’t exactly getting any younger.

        I think we may regret not moving for Rodgers sooner, but in all honesty we have a problem as I don’t think there is a realistic target better than what we have, and that pains me!

        Levy should of offered him the contract in feb, on a take it now or leave it basis, as now as usual us being spurs, were stuck with the fool as we can’t let his contract run down through the season as our weak minded players will use it as an excuse for failure and I don’t want to see martinez the great escape aritist or anyone else like that!

        As I’ve been writing for so long I’ve thought of a credible candidate with a strong CV, Rafa Benitez?

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          Brendan bloody Rodgers? Please?!

          But I worry that he might actually be quite mad.

      • crespur says:

        HH how many places did Capello move England up in the World rankings, and what did he achieve with the cream of England? None of the so called Elite managers have ever taken a 2nd/3rd tier team in their leagues to the pinnacle and stayed there their egos and lack of financial backing would not be contemplated..

      • crespur says:

        Ok HH how many games did England win at wembley under the Capfellow. Italy doesn’t count no Engleesh playing there.

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