
Is Today ‘D Day’ For Deputy Dawg?

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Good morning you horrible bunch.

Not my words but those of our existing manager. Ryantegan on Spurs Community who appears to have a decent enough track record is suggesting that today is the day that Arry ‘And nuffink but the whole troof, for sure’ Redscnapps is meeting up with the man that pays his wages.

Harry is resigned to the fact that his time at Spurs is over. He believes that the people he has to work with (above him) are a horrible bunch. His words not mine!

Whatever transpires it would only be a good thing if the whole business can get ironed out so the Club can make some progress in terms of playing personnel. There’s a Modric to PSG made up, quote free piece in today’s Daily Mail. The Sun appear incapable of giving Roy a scrap of credit, running the headline, ‘Yippee! We Got A Draw!’. 

It’s my believe that if Arry is to be kept on then aside from anything else, the fool is to be strapped into a 3 year deal. He is also then to publicly distance himself from any aspirations to leave within that time.

You give him a year and we get another 365 days of the clown starting every interview with how he felt Roy did that week.

The press don’t want Roy. They want their mate installed.

THFC need to decide if Redschnapps is to be entirely focused on being our manager or a two bob TV presenter.

Nobody else behaves like this. Nobody. 

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  • Bruce Grove says:

    I wish Harry would just shut up and occasionally refuse to appear on the telly or speak to the media. if you judge him solely on results then he has done well. Just remember where we were a few years ago, struggling and playing badly. Now we are top four and not far away from being a genuinely top class team. Any new contract for Harry should include a shut up and get on with the job you are being paid to do clause.

    • cookiebun says:

      I really wish some of you would scrap the old mantra ‘a few years ago, struggling and playing badly thing’. Levy replaced Ramos for that very reason. Give the chairman a bit of credit, he cured an unacceptable situation, but the situation has got out of hand again with Harry extracting the urine. He has to go as he is a del-boy and the day of Del-boy managers is over.

    • Johnny says:

      As already been said many times, Harry hardly have crap to work with. He have some of the most highly rated players in the premier league to coach so not getting top results with them would be underachieving. So far he have failed to give us what we really need, a winning attitude and a winning culture within the club. Dont think he have it in him and I am not even sure my favorite choice Martinez have it either. But I am all for a change of leadership at the club. For good and for worse.

  • robbie says:

    a very “reliable source” told me this morning that we are dumping harry today. and as we won’t sell modric to PSG Ancelotti wants to be are next manager with a 80m warchest to build a team that can challenge for the title next season….. Happy days

  • spurstough says:

    When Alan Sugar said to Terry Venables “youre fired!” we went tits up for many a year! Now, according to various ITKs, such as your good self, Daniel Levy wants rid of ‘arry Redknapp which is interesting to me because of the similarity of all different the charaters involved and the situation (Spurs doing good therefore time to shoot foot!). So I wonder if it will lead to the same outcome? Many more years in the wilderness for The Lilleywhites!!

    • cookiebun says:

      The only difference in Venables is that he owned one third of the club alongside Sugar’s two thirds ownership. Sugar shit all over Venables and him a ‘barrow boy’ himself. Levy is a professional and Harry’s an employee. Different situation. Harry’s disposable.

      • bringontheclowns says:

        nah venerable tried to pull the wool over Sugars eyes by pretending it was his money he had put up, but it wasn’t it was all money he’d lent which is why he ended up being disqualified from being running a business for years by the courts.

  • essexian76 says:

    I thought he was ‘going’ yesterday? ;-)

    • Phil McAvity says:

      I thought he was going last week? I also thought that we were signing Vertonghen last Thursday PM or on Friday?

      Or was it the week before that, I can’t remember?

      • essexian76 says:

        True, but let’s not allow a bit of wishful thinking cloud the fact’s eh? :whistle: Just read the Standard’s take on this and again lot’s of supposition wrapped in fantasy, but not a single fact!
        We’ve even had Levy in a different country, talking out loud to himself (first sign of madness), how hes going to turn Harry into toast, but on the evidence of HR’s persona the other night, I couldn’t see a worried man, could you?

      • mynameisluka says:

        I KNOW

        I never said which Thursday or Friday…

  • Poshspur says:

    Harry will stay.
    I bet you he’ll stay.
    He’ll definitely stay.
    I know he’ll stay.
    Trust me he will stay.
    I’ve heard he’ll stay.
    A bloke I met said he’ll stay.

    Unless of course, he doesn’t.


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