
New Manager In 48hrs

Image for New Manager In 48hrs

Good morning.

I am reliably informed from UK based source that Andres Villas Boas is to be unveiled on Monday. And Jan Vertonghen by Wednesday.  If it doesn’t happen, then I must remind passengers that refunds can only be issued upon production of a valid receipt. 

As per yesterday’s piece the Italian press cited were pretty ‘robust’ in their claim, not suggesting rather reporting that the deal for the ex Chelsea boss was a done deal.

What I find ‘amusing’ for want of better word …is that’s the disgruntled pro Arry mob who are talking in such unforgiving terms about Villas Boas before he’s even installed. The irony.  

All I want from any new manager is for the team, its coaching and its tactics to be the focus. Not the ‘personality’ in charge. THFC are on the cusp of something here and I don’t mean the usual ‘fingers crossed’ business. I mean the NPD and the endless thorny issue of it’s funding. 

My contempt for Arry was mistaken by some as a personal hate campaign, again ironically by people who speak about him as if he were a relative. My issue was always with the damage being done to THFC. Was I alone in this? If I was I did some job convincing Levy & Co to sack him. Derren Brown you’re toast, son.

Imagine WHL with one of those church funds signs stuck on the outside it. You know, one of those big arrow things showing how close the money raised to the target is. 

Right, now whatever figure you think we’re at… minus £30m. Because that’s why knuckle head was fired. 

You can harp on about finishing fourth as long as you like. Nobody with half a brain cares. This is serious now and the pretty sexy resources we have need managing. 

If the next man in does his best and doesn’t do anything glaringly stupid he’ll have my support. I think that’s reasonable, no?

I expect some common sense, some enterprise and some consistency. I don’t expect to see him looking brain damaged, chimping out of a car window waving a mobile phone like a banana.

I don’t expect him to make me cringe everytime he opens his mouth, I don’t expect him to tell me that a tournament that has probably surpassed the World Cup for many football fans is ‘overrated.’

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  • David Sneddon says:


  • Spuds says:

    I can’t wait to see the tiny tots get relegated next season. The day redknapp got sacked was the beginning of the end for your sorry lot. AVB doesn’t care about you lot, he just wants the money.

    • AmdamSpur says:

      and ‘Arry was a saint in the financial department :angel:

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Hmmm…it’s a pity you aren’t man enough to identify which team you support. I find that people who troll other teams blogs are incapable of rational argument and just sink into a mire of insults, conclusions based on Sun editorials and a stupidity factor which goes off the scale.

  • LLL says:

    More proof, should it be required, that the man is a buffoon. England’s ‘scary’ attack better than Spains?!? He wouldn’t swap England’s front 6 for Spain’s? Right. So who comes in for Iniesta? Milner? Walcott? :silly:

    And just think how much scarier the attack would have been with Harry in charge – with Crouchy giving us something different up there.

    • Chirpy says:

      Did not care for his ramblings to the press when he was our manager and even less now; let’s move on, please!

  • Spurstacus says:

    New Castle away first game then.

  • Chirpy says:

    I am/was not ‘pro Harry’ (nor are/were most supporters who did not call for his removal) , but I am pro results and for that reason (i.e. final league positions during his tenure) I did not believe HR should’ve been dismissed. Having said that, the position he adopted whilst the England role was ‘up for grabs’ and the respective impact it seemed to have on our season meant I would also not have offered him the three year extension he was reportedly seeking.

    It seems to me that it is in fact the respective contractual positions that brought about his departure.

    Anyway, I think it is entirely consistent from a ‘pro results’ perspective to therefore not be entirely in favour of AVB’s possible arrival.

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