
Platini, You Tart

Image for Platini, You Tart

Good afternoon.

Enjoying the Euros? Rarely are the first games of any tournament much to write home about.

What is for certain is whatever Officer Dibble over there is in charge of the gendarmes, they need to pull there finger out and sharpish. The footage on YouTube of a steward being used as a stress ball by bovver boys has been viewed by close to 100,000 people.

In Lodz,  a gang of about 50 masked Polish thugs targeted English and Russian accented fans in a violent burst of punches and kicks.

Report in the Irish Examiner this morning about more violence where 14 were arrested in Poznan. The suggestion being that Irish and Croatian fans were swooped on by Polish fans as they sat peacefully on the pavement terrace of the Sami Swoj pub.

What’s as chilling a prospect is a planned march by Russians this coming Tuesday (when Russia and Poland play each other) to mark Russia Day. The best bit of this insanity is that when this idea was broached last week a Polish ‘All Union’ mob asked for permission to ‘counter march’.

As ever in football it’s only punters like you and I that can see the difference between thoroughly good ideas and thoroughly bad ones. As far as racism goes, it’s not even a specter.

It’s been confirmed as present at training matches and tournament games alike. The Dutch had to listen to ‘monkey chants’ while they trained in Krakow. UEFA’s response was surreal. They said it had no plans to launch an investigation into the alleged racism, saying it believed the abusive chanting was in protest against Krakow not being chosen as one of the Euro 2012 host cities.

You cannot help but feel that Platini and the rest of the corpulent leeches that are responsible for awarding these things to those that whore and bribe themselves the best are living in another world. They cruise from one extravagant lunch to another with the air of the most pious of popes, not for  a nano second considering that their decisions might carry consequences to real people.

At this rate people will be selling bits of Poland and the Ukraine like they did of the Berlin Wall.

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  • Simon says:

    I don’t remember us all condemning the shocking abuse Sol received at WHL in the same way.

    • Bruxie says:

      Get off the blog, Simon.
      There were numerous debates on here about the Judas chants.
      If you haven’t got anything to say other than you don’t like us, then do one.

      • Simon says:

        On the contrary, Bruxie. Why do you interpret what I wrote as meaning I don’t like you? I admit that I don’t agree with everything HH writes. I’m very pro Harry. But I’ll give this site this – it’s an opportunity to engage in healthy discussion. That discussion is less healthy though when you start telling people to do one. It’s the first step of intolerance towards others that leads to worse things…

        • now you are getting holier than thou Simon.
          There is no doubt you are right but its a given that there are not too many racists on here even though some despise Campbell.
          Lets get back to the point.
          What was it again?

        • Bruxie says:

          You used the “us” in your previous entry. I wonder if you really have an affinty with this blog. That’s not a question by the way…so I don’t require an answer.
          You haven’t commented on the essence of the introduction to this blog and I can inly come to the conclusion that you are spoiling for a fight about ‘Arry.
          Telling you to “do one” is merely a recommendation!

        • melcyid says:

          do one wot?

        • melcyid says:

          do yourself a favour simon and let arry go hes not pro you.

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          Leads to worse things?

          what are you threatening to do, my hair? Bend off out of it you child :-p

          You never wanted healthy debate, you wanted to wind someone up. Attempt #1 was a flop, attempt #2 and you were made as a wind up merchant.

          Here’s a tip, you toddle off and get back into bed with your sister and none of us’ll say another word on the matter.

      • crespur says:

        Touched a nerve???

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Then you obviously haven’t read my comments on here condemning the abuse at him and at Adebayor before we signed him.

      That said, you do come across as someone who’s looking to have a dig at anyone who might take you up on the offer on here.

    • Simple Simon met a pieman going to the fair

      said Simple Simon to the Pieman what have you got there?

      “Its a fucking pie” the Pieman said

      and Simple Simon simply went back to Ashbourne Grove
      never to veer out again

  • Harry's Longface says:

    It’s about time the big guns England, Germany, Spain, France and Italy formed their own organisation and kicked Pratini & Blabberface into touch. I’m sure with some thought (for which I’ve not really considered) they could run their own European Championship. There would be no FIFA or UEFA if there where no top teams participating in these crooked & racist events. If you can’t make head or tail in what I’ve written, I’ve just been done for being drunk in charge of a laptop.

  • tony says:

    I could not agree more,however isn’t Italy full of scandals @ the moment again !!

    • kenny powers says:

      wasnt that exact scandal what drove them on last time.
      early doors i know but they have looked good so far v spain

  • Aside from the aside.Watching the latino game.Brilliant. The Italians so far are edging the Spaniards with more muscle. Good game though.

  • Simon says:

    Ronnie, yes I got the essence of the post. And I apologize for my comment at the beginning which I realize probably comes across as flippant.

    Believe me, racism such as this makes me sick to the core of my being. I’ve worked in Africa or with Africans for 15 years and some of my very best friends are Kenyan, Tanzanian, Ugandan.

    I find it simply incomprehensible that anybody can be prejudiced against another person because of the colour of their skin.

    • I agree. But no good in preaching to the believers.
      Not too many racists here…not sure if you watched this but its sickening…

      • Simon says:

        Yes, I watched it and it is sickening. But Spain and Italy can be just as bad, and probably other places too.

        • Dont worry Im on the same page and although the ‘Judas’ chants were bad.Everyone here I think would agree. So lets move on.

          Problem with us as Spurs fans is that we are rife with left and right wingers but too few centrists.

    • Will says:

      Racism is TREATING someone as an inferior because of their race and race alone. It doesn’t mrean that you have to like very c**t of a different colour just like you don’t have to like every white FFS

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