
André Villas-Boas Doubles The Lad’s Training

Image for André Villas-Boas Doubles The Lad’s Training

Good evening.

I saw this on Spurs Community and thought it well worth sharing given the dichotomy shall we call it on here given the last bloke in charge.

On area that was questioned under the last regime was training. 

Insinnuendos in relation to training and tactics dogged Arry’s tenure. It was rumoured that the wipe board was never used and that he picked a first eleven, got ’em to run about a bit and then it was time for him to lean out his car window and address the world’s media. The rest of the players were the left overs and they were left in the cold. 

I think we all recall Krankie coming on that time after we hadn’t seem him for a dogs age and the bloke sweated up like a racehorse after only ten minutes. Shocking.

André Villas Boas strikes me as bloke who has a spreadsheet for most things in his life including his pyjamas. 

He’s got them at it, according to Matspur17…

First bit of ITK not very exciting but avb definitely isn’t messing around.

My friend plays a bit of tennis with David Bentley, at times.

He said for their preseason they do two footy sessions 9-12am and 5-8pm and fitness 1.30-3pm.

With Harry they only trained 9-12am even for preseason! (might explain how unfit we looked at beginning of season). He does have Banter though!

Everyone has been given a fresh start a few guys you thought would leave might stay now.

Luka however is not one of those.


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  • Brentwoodspur says:

    A spreadsheet for most things in his say it like that’s a good thing? Don’t think Brian Clough ever used a spreadsheet…

    • no but he excelled at everything

      • MarseilleYid says:


      • Harry Hotspur says:

        Personally I’ve a spreadsheet phobia.

        But the chap is what the motorway signs call ‘A Welcome Break’.

        Cloughie had about him what 99% of football managers lie awake hoping for…

        • Today the world is more than often churning out uber people out of conveyor belts and less characters.Harry as a character was great but as a manager was less than stellar…Clough was a character but also a great manager. he had the edge and new what to do with it.
          I remember when he was playing for I think it was Sunderland in the second division him scoring a ridiculous amount of goals in a season and then went on to manage fantastic….too few of that type…..
          Seeing the biz you are in its the total opposite to spreadsheet. The people you do business with prob tell their people to think outside the box and you just laugh your head off

    • what do Arsenal,Arshavin,Arsene all do?

      answer: Spreadsheet

  • Sir Jamesalot says:

    Bet Tommy Huddles-stone’s not gonna like this..

  • Jimbobspur says:

    Good on you av get them boys doing a full shift, the fitter the better, modric not due back till wednesday i believe? get him on a double shift when he does, no like chicken badge or not your going to train and train hard !

  • Jay says:

    This should be the norm, I am a personal trainer and footballers should be hitting every muscle group in strength training for an hour per session plus 5 days cardio so after hitting calves, quads, hams, pecs, back, arms, abs and shoulders thats 8 sessions plus cardio equalling 13 sessions then ball work which should be done every day.

    If I was a trainer there your looking at 20 sessions minimum looking at 40 hours of exercise including warm ups and cooldowns, how did they do everything needed with 3 hours a day….answer they didnt.

    Andre has the right idea, extra time must be for tactics, set plays and massage

  • Dublin Yid says:

    Proper order they get paid more than enough for doing something they love. A fitter squad is better focused squad for the full 90 minutes. Great to hear that first HH. It’s all relevant.

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