
Bill Shears’ Letter To André Villas Boas

Image for Bill Shears’ Letter To André Villas Boas

Good afternoon.

This from long time HH reader Bill and well worth publishing. 

Dear Sir,

We wake the other morning to the news that for us, Tottenham Hotspur, the Premiership Title is no-longer a just a fanciful dream or the domain of those with the budget to take seriously.  This should now become our target and with increased commitment and resources winning it will soon become our main objective.

It’s difficult to judge this news, as it has been reported from half of those on the outside looking in that we are in hell at the moment.  We had the sh*t kicked out of us at the end of last season by anyone with a properly prepared team.  We lost our place in the Champions League and we finished with a squad of players who barely the resembled the same team that were put out six months earlier. 

There is no momentum to ride off from the tail end of the campaign.  So if you are going to lead us back into the light, then you need to do so from a standing start. This has got to happen on the training field, in the dressing room and in the minds of the players.  

I believe that it can be done and from what I have seen and heard so far I believe that you can do it.  But now you have to convince the players.

Train them or trade them.  Now is the time.  Do not flinch from doing what it takes.

Unlike the other lot; we want you to weed out the individual who puts their own ambition above that of the club.  We encourage you change the mind set. We understand the merits of a new approach.  And we are prepared to see this thing through.

AVB this is our club.  We give it you in good faith – return it to us as Champions.

Good luck, you’ll need it.

Kind Regards,

Bill Shears

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  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Not sure if someone on here has already posted this, but it did the rounds on the Chelsea boards last season. It’s said to be AVB’s report when he was in charge of opposition scouting for Mourinho.

    Chelsea won the game 3-0.

    Pretty thorough.

    • 39 39 39 says:

      Thanks for that MS, interesting…
      The fishy twerp would never be able to get that deep. It’s great to have this new found feeling.

      :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    • TMWNN says:

      It’s worlds away from the former illiterate.

    • munso says:

      i have seen ‘Arrys scouting report from the same fixture:

      Neuccastle away – they play in black ‘n white tops (remember to get sandra to wash the light blue tops)
      Great little cafe just down the road, full english wiv tea £4. top top day out

      • TMWNN says:


        • Alspur says:

          You still think modern managers work on the basis that players will “move like water moves wherever the gaps are…”?

          That might work down the park, but top-flight football is much more scientific than that, these days… players are “managed” to play in formations, to react to situations with new positioning, etc…

          Have you seen Moneyball?

    • BrizzleSpur says:

      Great post, enjoyed reading that.

  • PeterTheStoreyTeller says:

    I propose twitchy to light the Olympic Flame :finn:

  • JimmyT says:

    Saw that Oscar was essentially a done deal to Chelscum according to this morning (mentioned in a Spurs article) so I thought to check his Wikipedia page. That site makes me laugh. It has him down as a Tottenham player at the moment. Now which one of you scallywags have done this to wind up those horrible blue boys?! Whoever it was, keep doing it – even when he’s signed for them officially.

  • guspur says:

    SSN reporting the fee for Ade has been agreed with City!! Another deal nearly done COYS

  • Razspur says:

    Why is it that Hacks like James Lawton always miss the bleeding obvious ?
    Abramovich brought AVB in to rejuvenate a Dinosaur.
    He wanted to win the European Cup.
    But most of all he wanted the team playing Sexy Football.
    Now we all watched their semi final v Barcelona where Barca played SF and their Final v Bayern where Bayern played SF.
    Give it up Roman, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear. Either buy Barcelona or Tottenham if you really want a touch of class.

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