
€30M Moutinho & €18M Adrian

Image for €30M Moutinho & €18M Adrian

Good afternoon.

John Terry may have walked from Westminster Court clutching a ‘Not Guilty’, but his footsteps always tread sewage wherever he goes. I spotted this and it’s an excellent summary of what went on link

What is vital is that he is now properly dealt with by the FA and quite rightly done for bringing the game into disrepute. Something he, his father, his mother and his jackal of a brother have been doing for years. 

Moutinho has been valued at €30M by Porto so say TuttomercatoWeb this morning. Which immediately says two things. He’s not priced to sell and those suggesting we’re close to signing him must know an awful lot that you and I do not. 

ElMundodeportivo believe that the Modric to Real Madrid deal negotiations have ‘intensified’ in the last few hours. There has been a mumble that Benzema might be involved in the deal to break the burden of the big cash fee Spurs want. But I’m unconvinced about this.

For one, since I announced Benzema joining us on loan last Christmas he’s hardlt impressed. I can’t recall one memorable performance in the Lilywhite. For two, this just smacks of a journo making something up – as per the Carvalho tale. 

Spanish organ Marca are saying that we’re in for Athletico Madrid’s Adrian. He’ll only cost €18M. This must come with it’s own warning too and could in theory be a tale sparked off the back of the player reportedly halting contract negotiations with his current employers.

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  • Mug says:

    Did someone call?

  • Razspur says:

    Smokey….you will have to lay off those reefers during the day, mummy will catch on if she goes to tidy your room and then you will be grounded.
    Better to play with your Lego, go on see if you can build a Dinosaur.

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Can’t see the Moutinho thing happening. The Porto chairman is a version of Levy. Can’t see us paying what they want.

    Don’t agree with those that say Thudd can’t fit into AVB’s tactics. If the only criteria is to be fit and fast then sorry everyone we’re gonna be welcoming Jenas back into the fold.

    • UnkleKev says:

      Don’t remember Hoddle being blessed with a blistering turn of pace. Never did him any harm.

    • D Doc says:

      True but on the otherhand there’s a police investigation going on into porto transfer dealings involving Defour mangana & brasillian striker not kleber but another one who’s name evades me he’s now back on loan in brasil. It’s alleged they used letterbox funding for these deals basically companies wit addresses in UK that don’t exist were used to fund transfers according to FIFA so they asked British police to investigate, if the money didn’t come from where they said it did which is obvious as they don’t exist where did money really come from, porto are in deep shit over this & in a few yrs there could b a firesale of players.

    • Habib says:

      Yeah he is a hardball hard knuckle b*stard. I think the only way he will budge is if we send Huddlestone the other way!

  • Spurstacus says:

    What’s happened to smokey the bandit?

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