
I Have Been Sent A Copy Of Luka Modric’s Latest Transfer Request

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  • Habib says:

    To think if Harry had not taken his eye off the ball we’d be watching Arsenal have all these issues. God I hate Terry and him right about now. Luka comes far down that list. Gave us some sublime times. It’s time for us to part ways.

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Fulop is thereabouts.

      • Will says:

        I will bet that his ego or his wallet are much larger now than before WBA vs Arse was played. A cheat? Honestly i just had a bad day. Too bad it was THFC that suffered as a resulkt hahahahahaha!

  • chivers says:

    I left a job I loved for more money once, worst decision I ever made, you only do it once, there is more to life.

    He’ll be sorry, especially when we knock RM out of the cup in a couple of years time, and he wont even be on their bench.

    • Will says:

      The idiots will tell that you aree wrong but we both know that no amount of money substitutes for a happy job and after >40 yrs of working I can tell you that with certainty.
      If you have to fellate to get more money then let them do it who do it best.

      BTW Felcher that is one disgusting name( a retired hooker told me what it meant & I dry retched)

      • mynameisluka(pending) says:

        Ah! Will,…
        Come over here, I’d like you to meet a few people- on your left is Mr. A felching, and on your right, is Mr.Bukaki Breath, and this last chap is is Mr. TonguesTooshortTo felchwithGod…
        Is Horny Helen here Today?… No?
        Allright then, I’ll leave you here with the crew, and they will show you around the blog and introduce you to the others…

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          And :sideways: Boris Johnson uses an alias on here, btw

        • Will says:

          *spews* And i wasn’t kidding: an exhooker told me what it was as I had never heard of it…thank god!!…nice old bird.. rough as guts but honest…I was curious about earning a living like Lil Abner(he tested mattresses) and her reply was:”It would have been a lot better if there had been a TV screen in the ceiling”. I was busting to ask about prices etc but then I looked at her and thought…too much inflation since then as she was about 45+ and showed a lot of mileage (she was an exheroin addict)

    • Habib says:

      I hear you brother. Been there.

  • Will says:

    Here is BLATANT HYPOCRISY in action:
    Headline(express) RM WILL cooperate if we will.
    So they slap a 30mill price tag on a 19yo with potential(rodriguez) but offer us 27 mill for the asupposed world class 26 yo Modric.

    THIS is how the two hookers(ie money is everyhting) run la Liga. Ever since they pushed through de Stefano’s & Puskas’s nationality change( it did help them win 7 Cls in a row) RM have CHEATED. Subsidised first by the Franco government then the Royals in Spain, with minimal player taxation (and therefore huge wages) this is how teh ****s have ruined football.
    Don’t blame Chelski or MC or MU(although the sh*t still sticks to them), blame RM, the THREE Italian sl*ts(Inter, ACM & Juve) and….Liverpool who bought every good player they could get but (I admit) never chucked anywhere near as much money as did RM.

    Money and hypocrisy RULES!!!!

    Somneone should sell RM toilet paper.

  • Tel says:

    I honestly believe we missed the boat with Marko Marin – he would have been a perfect replacement for Modric and much, much cheaper than the possibly over-hyped Moutinho.

    Chelsea made two seriously good signings with Marin and Hazard…

    Does anyone think Siggurdson can play the Modric role? I don’t remember much about him from last season so can’t really comment. Could/will he replace Modric?

  • Will says:

    No Marin fellated chelski from the word go. We wanted him in january but he held out for the greater glor….ooops cash.

    The Russian **** is determined to screw up almost every transfer we try to achieve. I don’t think that he uses his scouts he just has someone tapping the phones of our scouts.

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